Chapter 218 Peace talks are not peace talks, it is my Daming who has the final say

Seeing Zhu Bai appear, Xu Fengnian threw up his hand and said, "Thank you His Royal Highness King Xiang." "

"North cooled."

"Oh?" Zhu Bai was a little surprised: "So fast? It's not like you~Xu Fengnian's personality. "

"Served, really served." - Xu Fengnian looked serious.

"If I hadn't seen the prosperity of Yingtian City, I wouldn't have changed so quickly."

"Daming's national strength is so strong, it is really not shocking."

"Now that Daming is willing to accept me Beiliang, I Beiliang is grateful."

Seeing Xu Fengnian's sincere expression, Zhu Bai didn't bother to test him anymore.

Zhu Bai only needed Xu Fengnian to understand a little.

That is, Daming only needs a dog, not a partner.

If Bei Liang is unwilling, then Daming will change a dog.

As for Northern Liang?


"Okay, now that the matter is done, Xu Xiao's condition is also recovering well."

"King Ben will take you back."

After speaking, the door of time and space opened again.

Zhu Bai led the two into the door of time and space.

The three returned to the land of Northern Liang again.

Looking at the scene in front of them, the two who had just seen the prosperity and wealth of Daming were a little disgusted with the land under their feet.

But neither dared to say it.

Dogs are not poor, let alone people?

At this time, Zhu Bai said to the two: "Your father and son are now my Daming's subordinates. "

"Now that Xu Xiao's condition is improving, I think the people of the royal palace also want to see you."

"You guys go back first, finish the affairs of the royal palace."

"Come back here, I'll wait for you on the warship."

"Yes, His Royal Highness King Xiang." After so many things, Xu Xiao's father and son were convinced by Zhu Bai and Daming.

Naturally, he willingly obeyed Zhu Bai's orders.

Zhu Bai returned to the warship, and at this time Xu Da came over and said respectfully: "His Royal Highness King Xiang." "

"What's next for us?"

"Wait a minute." Zhu Bai said lightly.

"The Yang Dynasty sent someone to contact, saying that they wanted peace talks?" Xu Da hesitated.

"If peace talks are not negotiated, we have the final say."

"King Ben is waiting for Xu Xiao's father and son to return, so he won't move first."

For Jubai, many whole people are worshipped.

To be precise, even the emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the current Daming Dynasty admires Zhu Bai to the ground.

If it weren't for Zhu Bai, then Daming wouldn't be able to cultivate immortals for everyone.

Just then, a dragoon soldier walked in.

"Report, His Royal Highness King Xiang, the envoy delegation from the Yang Dynasty has arrived at the garrison of our army."

"Said that he wanted to meet King Xiang."

Zhu Bai frowned, but he didn't expect the emperor of the Yang Dynasty to move quickly.

Knowing that it is not an opponent, he immediately wants to come to the peace.

This emperor is good.

"What is the name of the messenger?"

"Gu Jiantang."

It turned out to be this guy.

Gu Jiantang can be regarded as one of the most loyal people of the Zhao royal family of the Yang Dynasty.

He and Zhang Julu are the two main hearts of the Yang Dynasty.

Now the emperor of the Yang Dynasty has sent Gu Jiantang.

That's kind of interesting.

"Okay, let this Gu Jiantang in."



Gu Jiantang had just arrived in Northern Liang with the dynasty's mission.

I saw the heavenly enemies mentioned earlier.

That huge warship actually flew in the sky.

And there are also flying soldiers, flying around.

As if on patrol.

Until this moment, Gu Jiantang believed that what the person who sent the war report before was true.

There are really people who can fly in this world.

What is this not a fairy?

If the Lianyang Dynasty is really an enemy of such an immortal, then does the Lianyang Dynasty have a chance of victory?

Gu Jiantang couldn't believe it in his heart.

Such a powerful enemy is definitely not something that the Yang Dynasty can deal with.

After a while, I saw a soldier fly down.

The soldier looked at Gu Jiantang with disdain: "King Xiang let you in." "

At this moment, Gu Jiantang no longer dared to underestimate the other party's thoughts.

He himself is a martial practitioner.

For a strong opponent, he knows best in his heart. 、

With such a small soldier in front of him, his strength is already unfathomable.

Not to mention that he could actually fly in the sky.

With such strength, Gu Jiantang did not dare to provoke.

"Thank you brother, it's a little heart." After speaking, Gu Jiantang handed over a money bag.

"No thanks." The soldier waved his hand: "What kind of soldier is my Daming?" "

"I can't wait to do such pickling things, King Xiang wants to see you, you come with me."

Gu Jiantang's old face turned red, and he didn't say anything more. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Just pointed to the ship in the sky: "In the lower cultivation is low, it really can't fly..."

The soldier smiled slightly and grabbed Gu Jiantang.

At this time, many people in the embassy were shocked.

Gu Jiantang's strength is not comparable to that of a cat or a dog.

At least in the entire Lianyang Dynasty, Gu Jiantang's strength is not to say the top ten in the world.

But it is also definitely an existence that can enter the top fifty.

I didn't expect that such a master would be twisted up like a chicken by an unknown soldier.

This soldier's cultivation is terrifying.

Some of the entourage guards present did not dare to breathe.

It's not someone else's opponent!

At this time, the soldier looked at Gu Jiantang and said, "You just go with me." "

"What King Xiang asks, you will answer honestly."

"If you provoke the King of Xiang, your emperor will also die, understand?"

"Yes, yes, Gu Jiantang understands, and asks his brother to help!"

At this time, Gu Jiantang no longer dared to have any thoughts of resisting.

Even the moment he was brought up, there was already a despair in his heart.

The Yang Dynasty is over.

This is not Gu Jiantang's alarmism.

It was that he really felt the gap between the Yang Dynasty and Daming at that moment.

Such disparities are frightening and desperate.

This is also the first time that Gu Jiantang knows what it feels like for a bird to fly in the air.

He resisted the feeling of wanting to vomit.

Finally, under a burst of vertigo, he boarded Daming's warship.

Look at what is in front of you beyond all your knowledge.

Gu Jiantang stood in place in shock.

"This... This...... Could this be the instant annihilation of my hundreds of thousands of army warships from the Yang Dynasty? "

Gu Jiantang really couldn't believe everything in front of him.

Only, even if you don't believe it, what's the use?

Hundreds of thousands of people from the Yang Dynasty were all wiped out in an instant.

Even if it is a land immortal, I am afraid that I can't do it.

At this time, I saw a man with a tiger's back and a bear's waist walking over.

"You are Gu Jiantang?" The man looked Gu Jiantang up and down.

Gu Jiantang quickly wiped the sweat on his forehead and said, "Under ... Under Gu Jiantang. "

He originally wanted to bite to show the dignity of the envoy of the Yang Dynasty.

But in the end, he was scared and trembled by the scene in front of him.


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