Chapter 220 tells your emperor that the king of Yangben is destroyed

I didn't expect that this Gu Jiantang would be quite capable.

It's a pity that Daming, as the Heavens Daming, is the most powerful existence in the Heavens.

No need for a younger brother.

Now as long as the Daming is in the heavenly worlds, each side of the heavens and the earth has agents who are absolutely loyal to the daimyo.

As for what fraternal country, what years to pay tribute.

Not interested.

"Gu Jiantang." Zhu Bai slowly spoke.

"Go back and tell your emperor."

"Let him be ready to wait for death, I Daming has no interest in making some brotherly country."

"The King of Northern Liang has promised to submit to my Daming, so your emperor."

"It's not worth anything."

"Get out!"

After speaking, Zhu Bai continued to play with the small object in his hand, and did not put Gu Jiantang in his eyes.

However, for Gu Jiantang, Zhu Bai's words were tantamount to a thunderbolt on a sunny day.

They are all thousand-year-old foxes, and Gu Jiantang couldn't hear Zhu Bai's words.

This is a clear carriage and horse, and the Yang Dynasty is dead.

Daming must wipe out the Lianyang Dynasty.

Unexpectedly, the King of Northern Liang really defected to Daming and betrayed the Lianyang Dynasty.

Gu Jiantang was angry in his heart at the moment.

It was already known that the King of Northern Liang was such a person, and he should have cut the grass and removed the roots at the beginning.

Now it's a day of remorse.

"His Royal Highness King Xiang."

"My land is also vast from the Yang Dynasty, and the emperor is also deeply loved by the people."

"If you change your lord rashly, I am afraid that it will cause the people to disobey."

"If the world does not return to the heart, then..."

Facing Gu Jiantang's provocative words.

Zhu Bai's eyes were cold.

In an instant, a domineering aura rushed out from within his body.


"Ahhh... You..."

At this moment, Gu Jiantang's left arm had been completely cut off.

Under the empty left shoulder, there was one less hand.

Blood flowed.

"Gu Jiantang, didn't you understand what King Ben said?"

"What the world returns to the heart, if you disobey me."

"Then kill!"

"I, the Daming Sect, cultivate immortals from the Yang Dynasty, feed and warm them, and don't have to fear illness and death."

"Do you think the people in your mouth will be worried about the Yang Dynasty?"

"Go back and tell your emperor, die!"

After that, Zhu Bai waved his hand, and his own soldiers came out and threw Gu Jiantang out.

Such a little, Zhu Bai is not interested in taking a second look.


Since Xu Xiao and Xu Fengnian returned from Daming, the two rushed to the Northern Liang Royal Mansion non-stop.

As soon as they arrived at the gate of the mansion, Qingniao and the others were already standing at the door to greet them.

Seeing Xu Xiao's rosy face, faintly, there was a hint of rejuvenation feeling.

The blue bird was quick-witted, knowing that the King of Northern Liang was afraid of some kind of adventure.

Think of the person who came up the day before.

Could it be that he was really favored by the immortals.

"The blue bird meets the king of Northern Liang, and meets the son of the world."

Blue Bird has a special status in the Xu family, and she bows down to others, and naturally she has to bow down.

Xu Xiao recovered at this time because of his body, and he was able to cultivate immortals with Zhu Bai.

The mood is naturally good, and it can't be better.

"Okay, get up, hurry back to the house, we have to discuss important matters."

Then, under the leadership of Xu Xiao, the Northern Liang Royal Mansion closed the gate.

In the living room, except for Xu Xiao and Xu Fengnian at this moment.

There is also Xu Xiao's righteous son Chen Zibao, and Xu Fengnian's second sister Xu Xiaoxiong.

The two sat directly opposite each other.

But it can be seen that Xu Xiaoxiong seems to be very unhappy with Chen Zibao opposite him.

Although there was no murderous spirit in his eyes, he was also cold and emotionless.

Instead, Xu Fengnian took the lead in breaking the deadlock: "Second sister, this time I will come back with my father." (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"There's something important to say."

"Brother, what exactly did you and your father go through? Why does my father's body seem to be healed? "

When he mentioned this, Xu Xiao was very happy.

"We really met a noble man this time, hahaha!"

Xu Xiao is already heroic for a generation, and he is extremely confident in his laughter.

In addition, he also practiced immortal exercises such as dead wood and spring.

At this moment, Xu Xiao couldn't say that the spring breeze was proud.

"Daughter, I tell you, the guest who came up that day."

"Although it is not an immortal, it is no different from a god."

Then, Xu Xiao told what he and his son Xu Fengnian had seen and heard.

There are also the gates of time and space and the Daming behind the gate of time and space, all of them have been spoken.

Such bizarre experiences naturally stunned Xu Xiaoxiong.

Never heard such outrageous stories.

So much so that after Xu Xiao finished speaking, Xu Xiaoxiong and Chen Zibao, a pair of enemies who did not deal with each other, both said in unison:

"Father, are you sick and confused."

Xu Fengnian smiled slightly: "Second sister, Chen Zibao, do you think it is necessary for me and my father to lie to you?" "

"Nowadays, the strength of this Daming country and the strength of the strength are already a sure thing."

"I also saw it with my father in Yingtiancheng in Daming."

"My father even practiced the Daming Divine Skill, Dead Wood Fengchun, and practicing this skill can not only cure my father's disease."

"You can extend your life by 50 years, and these are real."

"This time, my father and I came back to tell you."

"We Beiliang must make a choice."

Xu Fengnian's expression was serious.

Chen Zibao and Xu Xiaoxiong naturally understood Xu Fengnian's words.

Xu Xiaoxiong was originally the daughter of the Western Chu general Ye Baikui, who Xu Xiao rescued from the battlefield.

So she doesn't have much affection for the Lianyang Dynasty.

As long as Xu Xiao said a word, then going east will definitely not go west.

"Since both the father and the younger brother have made decisions, the daughter obeys the father's decision."

Xu Xiao nodded with satisfaction: "Little bear, this matter is also for our North Liang." "

200 "If it is against Daming, then Zhu Bai, the king of Xiang, can make our Northern Liang die without a whole corpse with a snap of his fingers." "

"Father must think about everyone in Beiliang."

"In short, my father has promised to return to Daming, and when the time comes, let's..."

"No." Without waiting for Xu Xiao to finish speaking, Chen Zibao suddenly stood up and objected.

"Chen Zibao, you are too unruly." Xu Fengnian did not have a good impression of this father's righteous son himself.

Now he actually refutes his father's decision in person.

This is a clear disagreement with Beiliang.

If so, Xu Fengnian is safe for Beiliang.

Definitely cut the grass and remove the roots.

Chen Zibao argued with reason: "Righteous father." "

"I, Beiliang, have always been faithful to the royal family of Lianyang, if I really obey that Daming."

"Aren't we convinced of the anti-thief that the people of the world say?"

Seeing Chen Zibao like this, Xu Xiao's eyes narrowed in anger.

I saw him pointing at Chen Zibao with his finger, trembling all over: "You bastard." "

"You can't figure out the current situation."

"You also saw Daming's combat effectiveness before."

"The hundreds of thousands of troops of the Yang royal family will be wiped out in a moment."

"Do you think these hundreds of thousands of snow dragon riders in my Northern Liang Royal Mansion can be opponents?"


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