Chapter 244: It's time for King Ben to strike!

Seeing this, Zhu Bai smiled: "Peach Blossom Sword God Deng Tai'a is really a hero." "

"It's all like this, there is still time to make fun of King Ben."

"Well, in that case, Wang Xianzhi, Zhao Xuansu, you two haven't made a move yet, have you?"

"Let's shoot, Ben Wang will continue!" Zhu Bai made a casual gesture.

At this time, the long sword in Wang Xianzhi's hand suddenly burst into flames.

The temperature in the air is also rising rapidly.

Countless fire phoenixes flew out from his sword body.

With a long roar.

Ten fire phoenixes rushed towards Zhu Bai.

To be honest, only this Wang Xianzhi was slightly threatening to Zhu Bai after the battle so far.

It's not because of how powerful Wang Xianzhi is.

It is because this Wang Xianzhi is standing in the Suzaku position.

Suzaku is the phoenix again, the fire position.

The temperature is high!

Ju Bai frowned.

A true qi shot out of his right hand. "Six two seven" instantly, two ice dragons flew out.

The originally hot air around him instantly cooled down.

Seeing this, Wang Xianzhi's face changed slightly.

But the moves in hand did not stop.

Instead, he stepped on his feet and quickly rushed towards Zhu Bai.

It can be said that this trick Wang Xianzhi should have practiced many times.

Otherwise it would not be so skilled.

It's just that Wang Xianzhi may also have any harm to Zhu Bai.

Zhu Bai easily blocked Wang Xianzhi's attack again.

"You can't do it, Wang Xianzhi, if you practice for more than two and a half years, it may still hurt King Ben."

Wang Xianzhi saw that he missed a blow and directly retreated to his position.

At this time, Zhao Xuansu was left with no move.

"Zhao Xuansu, it's your turn, King Ben take a look at these four extinct formations."

"You old turtle can have something new." Zhu Baile said he

Hearing his words, the people behind Daming almost burst out laughing.

Zhao Xuansu really had a good temper.

He wasn't angry, but just smiled slightly: "This Xuanwu is a thousand-year Dao." "

"I don't have other skills, but I live long and have thick skin."

"So it's very resistant!"

"Okay, let King Ben see how good he can resist!"

Zhu Bai wanted to see what was so strange about the Four Extinction Formations in the snow.

If you don't see enough today, then I am afraid that I will not have the opportunity to watch it in the future.

At this time, I saw a figure of a Xuan turtle appear in the sky.

In the next second, four white rays of light actually possessed the bodies of the four people.

Zhao Xuansu looked proud: "King Xiang, although your cultivation is profound. "

"But the four of me have the Xuan Tortoise Protective Body, although four dozen and one of you are a young man, we don't talk about martial virtue a little."

"But no matter what, today is about the Yang Dynasty, so I can't care about this much."

After hearing this, Zhu Bai smiled slightly.

"Okay, since the four of you have made a move, then if King Ben doesn't make a move."

"It's a bit disrespectful to you."

After speaking, Zhu Bai's eyes were cold.

As soon as his right hand stretched out, a peerless immortal sword appeared in his hand.

Seeing this sword, the faces of the four changed slightly.

After all, they are all experts in playing swords.

Where will you not see that the sword in Zhu Bai's hand is not an ordinary product.

"I can't imagine that this Xiang King has such a divine weapon, no wonder he dares to be so big."

"What is the origin of this Daming? Why can this Zhu Bai have such a divine weapon? "

"It seems that my qi from the Yang Dynasty is really exhausted, even if this Xuan Tortoise Protective Body is only afraid that it is useless."

Zhu Bai slowly placed the long sword on his chest.

Eyes on the four.

"Since today I have a decisive battle with the four masters of the world."

"Then King Ben cannot have any reservations."

"The four of you have made a move, and King Ben will never show mercy to his subordinates."

After speaking, Zhu Bai's mouth began to silently chant the incantation.

For a while, the sky was already lightning and thundering.

At this time, it is even darker and more depressing.

The clouds in the sky were as thick as if they were about to be pressed down.

It felt breathless, as if it was going to suffocate.

The python robe on Zhu Bai's body also began to swing slowly with the wind.

The wind is getting stronger all around.

And his body slowly flew into the air.

This...... What the hell is he going to do?

All four of them had this question in their minds.

But there is no doubt that none of the four people thought he was pretending to be a ghost.

At this time, only a click was heard above the sky.

A huge lightning bolt struck.

This lightning bolt is amazingly powerful.

The four people standing in the middle of the formation couldn't help but beat their hearts wildly.

"What a strong cultivation!" Deng Tai'a looked at Zhu Bai in midair. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Guys, if you don't make a move now, it's still time to wait."

"This young boy's strength is only more than the four of me."

"If you don't take advantage of the present and wait for him to be ready, the four of you and I will surely die."

After that, Deng Tai'a first drove out the long sword in his hand and killed Zhu Bai.

"Despicable, actually sneak attack!" The blue bird scolded angrily.....

However, the rest of Daming did not speak.

Not to mention, this would have been a duel.

The four's approach also violated nothing.

They knew the strength of King Xiang.

Just the swords of these four people can't hurt King Xiang by half a point.

It's just that the blue bird now belongs to Zhu Bai, the king of Xiang, so he will care about chaos.

The sweet potato on the side laughed happily and said: "Blue bird, don't shout." "

"The big guy must know that you have something to do with King Xiang."

"You... Nonsense..."

The blue bird ignored the sweet potato and continued to stare at the field.

And at this moment, the four swords of the four people came one after another.

Deng Tai'a's sword flew in front of Zhu Bai first.

Seeing that a sword was about to pierce Zhu Bai's heart.

At this time, I saw a faint white light in front of Zhu Bai.

It turned out that this was Zhu Bai's own protective shield when casting spells.


"Bang bang!"

With a muffled sound, the swords of all four were ejected by Zhu Bai's protective shield.

Seeing that Zhu Bai was unharmed, Qingniao breathed a sigh of relief.

The four saw that they could not break through Zhu Bai's protective shield.

He was also worried that after he finished casting the spell, the four of them would be destroyed.

Therefore, these four people simply tried their best to attack Zhu Bai madly.

However, Jubai's protective shield protected him well.

At this moment, a thunderbolt flashed above the sky again.

At this time, Zhu Bai suddenly opened his eyes.

I saw him holding a long sword, and the tip of the sword pointed at the sky seven times in a row.

At his feet, he steps seven steps in a row according to the orientation of the Big Dipper.

1.4 Time, the wind is fierce all around.

Above the sky, lightning and thunder.

And the air around Zhu Bai even slowly began to distort.

Where did the four men see such visions?

Especially Zhao Huangchao, he was even more shocked.

"Is it true that naïve wants to kill me and leave the sun?" Zhao Huangchao looked at the heavens and roared.

Zhao Xuansu shouted at him: "Ancestor, do your best to obey the fate of heaven." "

"At this point, instead of sitting still, it's better to fight to the death."

"Maybe there's a glimmer of life."

At the critical moment, Zhao Xuansu's words did play a role.

The four people knew that Zhu Bai's move must have condensed the power of heaven and earth.

It is not enough to work together!


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