Chapter 309: Final Mission Accomplished

Nowadays, the Ming Dynasty of the Ming Wuzong period has basically solved everything that should be solved.

The truth of Yingzhou Dajie can be regarded as having seen it himself.

To say that there is anything else, Zhu Bai has been looking for a long time.

There really isn't much more to do.

And those ministers during the Ming Wuzong period also had eight tigers.

For example, Gu Dayong and others all let Emperor Taizu kill them.

Exile of exile, to be honest, things have done this far.

What else can be said?

Zhu Bai can be said to be almost ready to take the big guy back to the Heavenly Orthodox Daming to continue to build the Immortal Cultivation Building in Yingtian City.

However, at this juncture, the system issued a task.

Although I don't know what the situation is, the system sends out the task to do it itself.

But when he got to the place and looked at it, he saw this monster in front of him.

Let Zhu Bai himself feel strange "four six zero".

From all aspects of appearance, this monster does not look like a monster in traditional mythology.

It even feels a bit like a monster in the Western world.

The Western world?

The door of time and space can only be opened by yourself.

Is there anyone else who can open it?

Zhu Bai's heart became more and more curious.

If they find out the situation by themselves, the door of time and space can be opened by other people in the plane world.

Then the problem is serious.

At least as it stands, if it can really be opened by other planes.

Does that mean a thing?

Other worlds also have a chance to enter the Daming Heavenly World.

Although everyone in Daming cultivates immortals today, there are still three elite legions to help in terms of strength.

However, if there is really an invasion of powerful monsters from other plane worlds.

Unless you are present, you may not be able to fight.

Plus everything you see in Fengyang City today.

The three elite legions were also beaten half-dead by this monster.

Then it seems that the strength of this monster is indeed good.

At this time, after the monster has released the ice and snow skill.

He roared again, and for a while he saw the monster around.

The ice in the air magically turned into small pieces one by one.

Then under such small fragments, I saw that these fragments were directly turned into sharp weapons like blades.

Shot quickly towards Jubai.

As soon as Zhu Bai waved his hand, these blades immediately stayed in the air.

The monster saw that his attack was easily defused by Zhu Bai.

Suddenly, his mouth was filled with anger.

It can be seen that he is very dissatisfied with his attack being defused.

At this time, Zhu Bai drew a circle with his right hand, and the dust was gently waved.

Originally a sharp blade that attacked Zhu Bai, it instantly turned the spearhead and flew directly towards this monster.


Countless blades cut through the skin of the monster.

However, this monster turned out to be nothing at all.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Bai was curious in his heart.

This monster does not seem to be a creature on this planet.

It's just that Zhu Bai hasn't figured it out until now.

It's just that now is not the time to think about it.

Zhu Bai waved the dust again.

I saw a fire dragon fly out instantly.

This fire dragon spewed out fierce flames from its mouth.

Because of the intense heat, the surrounding ice cubes are instantly melted.

Seeing this, the monster roared angrily and grabbed the fire dragon with both hands.

He fell to the ground with a hard blow.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the monster stepping on it.

Zhu Bai's fire dragon was directly extinguished.

"Little beast, King Ben underestimated you, I didn't see that you still have such skills."

"It seems that King Ben doesn't come up with a trick today, you don't know how powerful King Ben is."

After Zhu Bai finished speaking, he suddenly disappeared in a flash.

The monster originally planned to attack Zhu Bai. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Seeing that Zhu Bai suddenly disappeared, the monster looked around with a confused expression.

A moment later, I saw the sky that was already covered with dark clouds, and at this time it was even more suffocating.

An indescribable feeling of suffocation instantly enveloped the earth.

There was a whisper all around.

It seems as if someone is chanting some kind of spell.

The monster looked around with a solemn face.

However, he only hears the sound and does not see everything around him.

At this moment, I saw that above the nine heavens, a figure suddenly appeared.

At this time, I saw Zhu Bai holding the Immortal Sword.

In the next second, only a thunder was heard.

When this monster heard the sound of thunder and lightning, it was instantly frightened and jumped immediately.

Ju Bai took everything seriously.

"Little beast, you are afraid of thunder and lightning for a long time."

"Well, then in that case, King Ben will fulfill you today and let you enjoy it."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhu Bai's fairy sword came out.

A heavenly thunder rushed down the Immortal Sword.

And at this time, I saw that the thunder and lightning hit the monster impartially....

The monster instantly wailed.

And the whole body is starting to nourish the current.

Immediately afterwards, the second lightning bolt came down again.

Every time that thunder and lightning strike, it will stir up a fire on this monster.

And this monster was struck by this thunder and lightning.

Zhu Bai is also crooked.

I didn't expect such a situation.

This guy is actually afraid of lightning.

I saw more than a dozen heavenly thunders descend.

The monster finally wailed and instantly fell to the ground.

At this time, the scene in front of him made Zhu Bai's heart more and more strange.

I saw that this monster was dead, but no blood flowed from its body.

Thought, this guy's body is full of mechanical parts.

Seeing this scene strengthened Zhu Bai's conjecture.

This guy is not a monster in this mythological system.

And from the body of this monster there are circuit boards everywhere.

It's really another world.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Bai also understood more and more in his heart, it seems that the Ming Dynasty during the Ming Wuzong period was only afraid that it was invaded.

Thinking of this, Zhu Bai decided to return to Fengyang first.

Bring the people of the three major legions with them, and rush back to the heavens and the Ming Dynasty.

He was worried that Ying Tiancheng might be in danger now.

【Ding! 】

[Congratulations to the host for completing the final task.] 】

[The system is in the process of settlement, please return to the Heavens Daming World, you can get the reward.] 】


Then 5.4 back to Fengyang.

At this time, Yu Qian and the others also inquired about the monster.

Zhu Bai told Yu Qian about his discovery.

At this time, I saw Liu Bowen think about it and suddenly said: "His Royal Highness King Xiang." "

"In fact, the old man has never understood very well, even if the old man has followed His Royal Highness King Xiang to several worlds."

"These worlds are different, but Liu Bowen still can't figure it out."

"That is, why only if we invade other people's worlds, can other people's worlds invade us?"

"His Royal Highness King Xiang said this today, then he thought of a possibility." Liu Bowen said directly.

"You say." Zhu Bai looked at Liu Bowen.

"That is, the worlds of other planes can also invade our Daming."

"The reason why I waited until today to find out is just because people in other plane worlds have not discovered how to do it."


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