"Xu is very curious, if the Great Song Kingdom and your Daming Empire are united like this, then what can our Great Song Kingdom get?"

"It seems that if we really unite to solve the Liao Kingdom in the north, then can the army of your Daming Empire directly reach the Liao Kingdom in the north?"

"To put it bluntly, at that time, it will not belong to the army of our Great Song Kingdom to solve the Liao Kingdom in the north, and you may only be a nominal assistance."

"Then why did our Great Song Kingdom unite with your Daming Empire?"

At this moment, Zhao Xi, who was the emperor of the Great Song Dynasty, spoke with a calm tone.

That's what he thinks now. "Three Zero Three" He does not belong to some ordinary courtier, he belongs to the emperor of the Great Song Kingdom!

His identity is here, and his rights belong to the top existence in the entire world, so who does he need to submit to at this time?

I'm sorry, the Great Song Emperor doesn't need to submit to anyone at all.

So at this moment, the Great Song Emperor said his current thoughts so bluntly.

When the Great Song Emperor at this moment began to speak his thoughts like this, Zhu Xiongying, who was under the hall, smiled slightly and said: "Although I said that, at this time, your Great Song Kingdom can't be like this, watching it fight against the Liao Kingdom with your own strength, right?" "

"I can fully represent the entire Daming Empire, and I can reach a contract with your Song Kingdom on behalf of the entire Daming Empire."

"Although it may be necessary to attack the Liao Kingdom at that time, you will still need the army of your Song Kingdom, but!"

"Our Daming Empire can provide some materials that you don't have."

"The most basic food, weapons, and even those war horses, our Daming Empire can provide all the materials needed."

"Of course, it's not free."

"But we can give it to you first."

At this moment, Zhu Xiongying at this moment said with a smile.

He will definitely not provide some materials to the Great Song Kingdom for free on behalf of the Daming Empire, but if it is said that some materials are given priority to the Great Song Kingdom, then let the Great Song Kingdom buy them like this.

Na Zhu Xiongying said that there is still no problem at all.

Taking advantage of the fact that the army of the Daming Empire is attacking Southeast Asia now, at this time, when will their Daming Empire completely unify Southeast Asia, and then go and completely defeat the entire Great Song Kingdom.

Before that, let their Daming Empire reap a wave of the wealth of the Great Song Kingdom first!

Listening to the words from Zhu Xiongying, at this moment, the Great Song Emperor Zhao Xi's eyes looked at the civil and military officials below with that silence.


At this moment, the Great Song Emperor's eyes were thinking with that silence.

He had to admit that if according to the words told by the envoys from the Daming Empire today, it really seemed to be a good decision.

After all, although their Great Song Kingdom is very rich, if they want to start a war against the Liao Kingdom, the materials on the battlefield are all lacking.

Since their Great Song Kingdom is very lacking in this material on the battlefield, it seems that they can really unite with the Daming Empire at this time.

At this moment, the Great Song Emperor's eyes were filled with a deep thought, and there was an unprecedented seriousness in the eyes of a general below: "See Your Majesty!" "

"I think we may be able to unite with the Daming Empire!"

At this moment, as the general's words fell, one after another martial generals who had behind him followed so closely.

"Yes, Your Majesty, we may choose to unite with the Daming Empire..."

One martial general after another said so respectfully.

If the Daming Empire can really provide those military materials, then it seems that they cannot unite with the Daming Empire.

Listening to what the guys were saying, the current civil servants looked at each other.

But at this moment, the group of civil officials did not have any intention of asking for a stop. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Although they are moths belonging to the entire Great Song Kingdom, it does not mean that they do not want the Great Song Kingdom to become better.

If their Great Song Kingdom can really solve the Liao Kingdom in the north, it seems that it is not a bad thing.

Therefore, at this moment, above the court, when the eyes of the generals after the generals were so excited like never before, the civil officials one after another chose to be silent.

After accompanying the martial generals one after another to express their opinions, at this moment, the Great Song Emperor Zhao Xi, who was sitting on the dragon chair, also made his choice.


I saw that at this moment, the Great Song Emperor Zhao Xi exhaled deeply, and as the Great Song Emperor Zhao Xi exhaled deeply2.4, Zhao Xi at this moment also said with that serious expression: "Okay, Na Xu represents the Great Song Kingdom and the Daming Empire to unite!" "

As the words of the Great Song Emperor fell, there was a smile in the corner of Zhu Xiongying's mouth below.

"Then I wish the friendship between our two countries to continue!"

I saw that with Zhu Xiongying's words falling, all the civil and military officials who owned above the hall smiled and said: "Long live the friendship between the two countries!" "

One after another respectful words began to echo in the hall.


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