"Then Fourth Uncle, or will you directly step down from your position as emperor?"

Zhu Xiongying said leisurely.

Facing the words from Zhu Xiongying, Zhu Di's eyes immediately had that embarrassed smile in his eyes at this moment.

"Although I used to have a very good life as a clan king, but I am already the emperor of the Daming Empire after all, then I have to be responsible for those Daming people!"

"So don't leave office first."

At this moment, Zhu Di replied with an embarrassed tone.

Although he really felt that the position of emperor was very, very troublesome, if he really let him remove the throne, then I am afraid that Zhu Di was really unwilling.

He finally changed from a clan king to the current emperor, so how could he return to the clan king before him again?

I'm sorry, then Zhu Di will definitely not allow it.

Therefore, in the face of this situation, Zhu Di at this moment completely chose to refuse.

Facing 31's rejection of Zhu Di at this moment, Zhu Xiongying smiled like this.

In this regard, Zhu Xiongying felt that there was nothing wrong, after all, he had already expected this situation.

Although Jack Ma really said that he didn't like money, if he really took all of Jack Ma's money and tried it, see if he was in the mood to say this sentence again.

"Okay, Fourth Uncle, I may have to leave first after a while."

"There are other people waiting for me."

At this moment, Zhu Xiongying said with a slight arch of his shoulders.

He has now helped Zhu Di find a world, and then this world will definitely belong to the Daming Empire 100%.

Then there were other kings of the Daming Domain at this time!

It is impossible for the king of the Daming Domain to help Zhu Di alone, so Zhu Xiongying still has a lot of things to do.

Faced with the words from Zhu Xiongying, Zhu Di nodded slightly at this moment: "No problem, when I really have a problem, I will go to you to help." "

"Then you can go back after a while, I can handle it here."

Zhu Di replied with a confident tone.

As for the whole world today?

That Zhu Di still has that absolute confidence.

At that time, they can definitely take down this world in an all-round way!

For Zhu Di, who was full of absolute confidence at the moment, the current Zhu Xiongying also nodded.

"Okay then, then I'll congratulate the fourth uncle first, and then when you knock down this whole world, you will celebrate well."

At this moment, Zhu Xiongying said with a smile.

Facing the words spoken by Zhu Xiongying, the current Zhu Di nodded slightly.

"Then Fourth Uncle, you will be busy first, and I will go and do something first."

Zhu Xiongying said slowly.

Facing the departing Zhu Xiongying, Zhu Di at this moment once again focused his energy on these government affairs.

"In other words, do you want to just let the boss come over and deal with these things?"

Looking at these government affairs at this moment, an idea suddenly emerged in Zhu Di's mind.

That is, instead of letting him deal with this matter, how could he not directly let his eldest son, Zhu Gaozhi, come over to deal with this matter?

Regarding Zhu Gaozhi's ability, although it is not shown today, it can be seen from the several worlds that Zhu Gaochi is definitely very good in government affairs.

After all, if Zhu Gaochi is not excellent in handling government affairs, then how can he create a prosperous era in history?

The creation of Yongle Shengshi really could not leave the ability of his eldest son Zhu Gaozhi.

So since Zhu Gaochi has such a powerful talent, then this idea has emerged in the current Zhu Di's mind, let his boss deal with these things for him!

"Come, go and call the prince over."

In an instant, I saw Zhu Di order with a serious tone. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


As Zhu Di's order fell, one after another Jinyiwei replied so respectfully.

Soon, Zhu Gaozhi, who was currently in the East Palace, suddenly received an order from Jinyiwei.

"Oh, what did Daddy call me here for?"

Zhu Gaozhi's eyes were filled with that doubt.

However, doubts followed, and at this moment, Zhu Gaojie still began to go to the hall where his father Zhu Di was.

When Zhu Gaochi came to the hall where Zhu Di was, Zhu Gaochi saw the pile up like a mountain at first sight.

"Is this the pressure that the emperor said he needed to face?"

Zhu Gaojie's eyes carried a deep emotion.

Just with so many twists and turns, he already felt an unprecedented pressure, and Zhu Gaochi couldn't imagine how his father handled these things.

At the same time that Zhu Gaozhi's eyes were filled with a deep emotion, Zhu Di's eyes looked at Zhu Gaochi with a sense of joy: "Old 637, you are the prince of the Daming Empire." "

"There's something I think might be able to let you experience it in advance."

"Here, take care of these wrinkles first."

"Get started with these things in advance."

"Our eldest brother, your uncle often handles those twists and turns for your grandfather."

"Then now you can experience it!"

I saw Zhu Di said with a serious opening on his face.

It's just that in the face of the seriousness in Zhu Di's face, the current Zhu Gaochi just looked at Zhu Di with a sense of confusion.

"This and this, this is the son of the pit!"

Such a thought suddenly appeared in Zhu Gaozhi's mind.

Originally, he was still lamenting his father's hard work just now, but he didn't expect that this hard work suddenly weighed on his shoulders.

In this regard, Zhu Gaojie only said that he had heard of the pit father, and he really had never heard of the pit son at that time!

Well, now he's the son who was pitted.

For a moment, Zhu Gaojie's eyes showed a look of wanting to cry without tears.


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