In this way, after the actions of Emperor Shengwu Zhu Xiongying one after another, the current king of the Daming Domain from the Yongxing Dynasty was also constantly taken to one world after another by Zhu Xiongying at this moment.

With Zhu Xiongying beginning to bring the kings of the Daming Domain during the Yongxing Dynasty to one world after another, the current kings of the Daming Domain began to conquer one territory after another in that world under the army they had.

At the same time, the prestige of the Daming Empire also began to be transmitted in one world after another.

With the prestige of the Daming Empire beginning to spread in one world after another, "197" was the time, and the army led by one Daming clan king after another began to create the Daming Empire in that world after another.

While one king after another of the Daming Domain stood in one world after another and created the Daming Empire, Zhu Yuanzhang, as the founding emperor of the Daming Empire, was with a gratifying smile at this moment: "Boss, you see that our hero is doing a good job." "

"It solved these problems perfectly."

The current Zhu Yuanzhang said with a smile.

Faced with the words from Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Biao nodded slightly at this moment: "That's true." "

"This action of Xiongying directly lifted some of the crises caused by those kings of the Daming Domain."

"In this way, there will be no more surprises in the future during the Yongxing Dynasty, and those younger brothers can also serve as their Daming emperors."

"In addition, our Zhu family can also be regarded as truly and completely prosperous."

At this moment, Zhu Biao replied with a satisfied tone.

For his younger brothers, Na Zhu Biao did not have any worries at all.

What is he worried about?

As long as he is here, then his younger brothers will definitely not have any thoughts of daring to rebel.

As for the day in the future, he will really be gone?

I'm sorry, he also has a son who is Emperor Shengwu!

Although it is very likely that his son of Emperor Shengwu will not be able to preside over the Daming Empire in this world, the other party also has a brother.

He didn't mean that he had only one son.

Anyway, as long as he is there, and plus his son is there.

Then those kings of the Daming Domain, who are also his younger brothers, will definitely not have any problems.

It was at this moment, under the intervention of his son Zhu Xiongying, that one Daming clan king after another became the Daming emperor in one world after another.

This can be regarded as a complete solution to some crises that may exist in the future.

The most important thing is that in this way, their Zhu family royal family can not know how many times they have earned.

The family is prosperous, and his younger brothers will have no other ideas.

That's a lot of fun to do!


Facing Zhu Biao's words, Zhu Yuanzhang laughed at this moment.

And when Zhu Xiongying began to send his uncles one after another to serve as the Daming Emperor of that world, the current Zhu Xiongying also began to return to his Shengwu Dynasty.

"Summon the world!"

"Conscript the army!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"The number will be tentatively set at the level of tens of millions!"

"One million for one army, then recruit ten major legions!"

At this moment, the current Zhu Xiongying ordered with a serious look in his eyes.

Since he had now begun to send his uncle to one world after another, it was also time for him to deal with the affairs of his Saint Martial Dynasty...

Quite simply, that is to call up the army!

Pull out the number of those armies, send these tens of millions of troops to one world after another, and go to the world where his uncles are to hone their soldiers.


In the face of the current orders issued by Zhu Xiongying, the Daming generals who were one after another at this moment naturally did not dare to have any opinions.

Soon, the news that the current Shengwu Emperor needed to recruit tens of millions of troops began to be completely transmitted in the Shengwu Dynasty.

When this news was passed out, one after another ordinary people began to frantically go to the recruitment ground.

They are going to join the army!

In this way, the number of tens of millions of troops needed by Zhu Xiongying was soon and completely summoned.

As the number of those tens of millions of troops was summoned, the overwhelming army began to attack the world where one Daming clan king after another lived.

As the overwhelming army launched an attack on the world where one king after another of the Daming Clan lived, that piece of land continued to fall 4.7 one after another.

As for those kings of the Daming Domain who were in that world after world, they had no opinion at all in the face of their eldest nephew's army.

In this way, the tens of millions of troops from Zhu Xiongying began to fight for his uncles while also began to train troops in real war with blood and fire.

The twenty-fifth king of Daming, Wang Wang was the emperor, plus Zhu Biao as the Yongxing Emperor.

There were a total of 26 emperors in the second generation of the founding of the Daming Kingdom!

Together with Zhu Xiongying of the third generation of the Daming, there were a total of 27 emperors in the early Daming!


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