And after the current Daming Empire occupied all the areas centered on Yuhang Town, the head of Shushan in the world instantly sensed that something was wrong.

"What's the situation?"

"The sky has changed."

At present, the head of the Shushan Sect had an unprecedented seriousness in his eyes.

In his induction, the heavenly machine of the whole world suddenly changed dramatically, which means that the fate of the entire world has undergone a major change, which is not a joke!

The fate of the entire world has undergone a major change, which is simply a major change that is not "six eight zero" for the head of the Shushan Sect, which has always been in accordance with the way of heaven.

"That's the direction of the seaside, did a major accident happen there?!"

At this moment, the head of the Shushan faction looked in the direction of the seaside with an unprecedented serious gaze, and in the current gaze of the head of the Shushan faction, the heavenly machine there on the seaside has undergone major changes, and it is precisely because of the changes there that the future of the entire world has also undergone major changes.

"Brush brush brush !!"

I saw that the figure of the head of the Shushan Sect disappeared in place in an instant, and when the figure of the head of the Shushan Sect appeared again, it had already appeared in the sky.

The figure of the head of the Shushan Sect who was currently flying with the sword began to appear in the sky, facing such a situation that the head of the Shushan Sect currently had.

At present, there was a deep doubt in the eyes of those disciples who had in the Shushan Sect.

For those disciples from the current Shushan Sect, there is only one thought in their minds now, that is, how can the head of the sect who does not go out very much suddenly go out like this?

Of course, although the disciples in the Shushan Sect today felt doubts for a while, they still directly dispelled this doubt.

After all, what is their boss going to do to report to them?

At this moment, the head of the Shushan Sect flew towards the direction where the Daming Empire was located, and the Moon Worship Sect Leader in the Miao Frontier also looked at the place where Zhu Xiongying was with a puzzled gaze.

"There, there's a big change."

At this moment, the Moon Worship Sect Leader looked at the place where Zhu Xiongying was with a serious gaze.

Although the Moon Worship Sect Leader did not know what the future really belonged to, at that time, the Moon Worship Sect Leader was more or less able to understand what the future felt like.

It is clear that a major change has taken place in the future of the whole world, and the source of all this is from the direction of the seaside.

So at this moment, the Moon Worship Sect Lord really felt a burst of doubts.

"Forget it, I believe that guy from the Shushan Sect should start first."

At this moment, the Moon Worship Sect Leader shook his head slightly.

He knew that the guy from the Shushan Sect would definitely choose to act first that he couldn't help but do.

Because he was familiar with what the path of cultivation of the head of the Shushan Sect looked like.

The path practiced by the head of the Shushan Sect belongs to the path of conforming to the heavens, which means that he absolutely does not allow major changes in the future of the entire world.

And now?

The future of the whole world has changed significantly, and in the direction of that seaside has emerged something that is about to affect the whole world in a major change.

Although he didn't know what it was, it didn't prevent him from knowing that the head of the Shushan Sect would definitely choose to do it.

Since the head of the Shushan Sect would personally choose to do it, what did the Moon Worship Sect Master need to worry about at this time?

At this moment, when the Moon Worship Sect Leader began to take back his worries, the current Zhu Xiongying also came to the direction of the seaside....

"Send a warship, run into some island or the like, directly occupy it in full force!"

"If you encounter a very powerful presence on those islands, then notify Xu directly."

Zhu Xiongying's face had a seriousness in it.

All he needs to do next is to find Fairy Island!

As long as he can successfully find the fairy island, then he can go directly to the fairy island at that time, and finally directly get Zhao Linger on the fairy island!

At that time, his Daming Empire will have the blessing from Nuwa's bloodline!

Even as long as he is ruthless, then it means that his future descendants will have Nuwa bloodline!

For Zhu Xiongying, although this may be a little too shameless and despicable, but if shameless and despicable can make the Daming Empire stronger, then Zhu Xiongying said that shamelessness is shameless, despicable is despicable, he doesn't care at all. 2.6

After all, if he really cared about shamelessness and meanness, then the Daming Empire would not be able to be so strong.

It is precisely because he does not care about this shamelessness and meanness at all that the Daming Empire will be so strong, and all this is purely ruthless to him, so for Zhao Linger. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Zhu Xiongying said that Zhao Linger wanted it!

Moreover, it is the point that the God Realm Heavenly Emperor Fuxi in this world today cannot stop it!

What he said, even if Pangu was resurrected, he couldn't stop it!


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