"How is she?"

At this moment, the head of the Shushan Sect said silently.

Faced with the words spoken by the head of the Shushan Sect, the current Wine Sword Immortal calmly replied: "According to what I know so far, there is no relationship between Zhao Linger, a descendant of the contemporary Nuwa, and the emperor of the Daming Empire, but..."

"But the relationship between that Daming Emperor and Zhao Linger is very strong~solid!"

At this moment, the Wine Sword Immortal said calmly.

Ever since the Daming Empire occupied all the territory owned by the Great Song Kingdom at a thunderous speed, that Wine Sword Immortal was very curious about this Daming Empire.

Then when the Wine Sword Immortal suddenly saw that Zhao Linger, as a descendant of the contemporary Nuwa, was born next to the emperor of the Daming Empire, the eyes of the Wine Sword Immortal naturally had a sense of confusion.

When that Wine Sword Immortal had a sense of confusion in his eyes, the Wine Sword Immortal would naturally look directly at the emperor of the Daming Empire just like that.

When the Wine Sword Immortal paid attention to the emperor of the Daming Empire like this, the Wine Sword Immortal found that there was no so-called relationship between Zhao Linger, the descendant of the contemporary Nuwa, and the emperor of the Daming Empire.

Although they do not have any so-called feelings to speak of, the relationship can be regarded as unbreakable.

That's right, when the original Wine Sword Immortal received such a news, he really felt a pang of confusion and even incredulity.

But later, when he began to understand the relationship between the two parties, he was able to understand what the reason was.

Without him, it is purely because the emperor of the Daming Empire is responsible enough!

That's right, in the eyes of the Wine Sword Immortal, Zhao Linger, a descendant of the contemporary Nuwa, and the emperor of the current Daming Empire can have such an unbreakable relationship, which purely belongs to the emperor of the Daming Empire and is responsible enough.

Love this thing?

I'm sorry, the Wine Sword Immortal at this moment seems to be luxurious.

After all, how many people in the whole world can have a complete love?

More is similar to blind dates and the like, get married as quickly as possible, and then slowly produce feelings in the days to come.

In short, love is rare.

But responsible, just by virtue of the three words of responsibility, is enough to represent everything.

And the emperor of the Daming Empire was the kind of responsible person.

While listening to the words spoken by the Wine Sword Immortal, the current head of the Shushan Sect looked deeply in the direction of the palace.

"Is the relationship between each other unbreakable..."

The current head of the Shushan Sect looked in the direction of the palace with a silent look in his eyes.

Although the current head of the Shushan Sect does not know what happened between them, it does not prevent the head of the Shushan Sect from understanding a situation at this moment.

That is, the relationship between the emperor of the Daming Empire and the descendants of the contemporary Nuwa is definitely not something he can imagine.

Even the relationship they have is definitely stronger than they were to be.

Although the relationship they had at the beginning was indeed very strong, their original relationship could not end.

And he, he did not insist at the beginning, and even he was not responsible at the beginning.

Therefore, after the head of the Shushan Sect at this moment listened to the words told by his junior brother, the current head of the Shushan Sect really looked in the direction of the palace with a silent expression.

"Alas..." (Read the violent novel, just go on the Feilu Novel Network!) )

As soon as the sigh came, it sounded from the mouth of the head of the Shushan Sect at this moment.

"Let's go..."

At this moment, the head of the Shushan Sect could only speak calmly.

For the current head of the Shushan faction, at this time, instead of thinking about solving the emperor of the Daming Empire, then it is better to choose to return to the Shushan Mountain.

Listening to the words from the head of the Shushan Sect, the current Wine Sword Immortal said so lightly: "Senior brother, don't you solve this guy who disrupted the trajectory of the Heavenly Dao?" "

The current Wine Sword Immortal said so calmly.

Facing the words spoken by the Wine Sword Immortal, the head of the Shushan Sect at this moment said so lightly: "The power of qi luck possessed by the Emperor Daming is too strong. "

"And what the Daming Emperor represents is all the common people in the entire Daming Empire."

"If the Daming Emperor is solved like this, then who will be responsible for all the common people in the entire world at that time?"

"For the sake of the common people of the world, the emperor of the Daming Empire will put it down for the time being."

At this moment, the head of the Shushan Sect, the Sword Saint, replied so calmly.

That's right, that's his reply now.

That is, the emperor of the Daming Empire is not unkillable, but the emperor of the Daming Empire is too large, and the life of the emperor of the Daming Empire is related to all the people in the entire world.

In order to let all the common people in the entire world no longer live a hard life, then the head of the Shushan faction at this moment naturally chose not to kill.

After all, their Shushan faction has always been to support justice in the world, but now it is impossible to let all the common people in the entire world enter a miserable life for their own selfish desires, right?

Therefore, at this moment, the head of the Shushan faction said that the Daming Emperor would not kill him first.

"If that Daming Emperor does something that makes the common people in the whole world like a miserable life, then I will definitely take the lead in solving that Daming Emperor!"

At this moment, the head of the Shushan Sect spoke with a firm word.


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