"Xuannan summoned the Holy Aunt of the Kingdom to see you!"

In the face of the words spoken by the eunuchs one after another, the Holy Aunt who was currently outside the hall and the group of people behind him had a deep serious gaze in their eyes.

"Everyone, the next thing we have to face is the emperor of the Daming Empire!"

"You must let go of all the pride you once had, and all the pride you once had in front of the emperor of the Daming Empire belongs to the ants."

"Remember, let go of your arrogance!"

In the face of the words from that holy aunt, the current beings who belonged to the descendants of serving Nuwa naturally did not dare to have any opinions.


Facing the respectfulness contained in the eyes of those guys one after another, the current Saint Aunt put away the worries contained in her heart for the time being.

"Alas, the emperor of the Daming Empire."

"I hope he's a good talker."

At this moment, the Holy Aunt was with a deep worry.

She really didn't know what kind of person the emperor of the Daming Empire belonged to.

When she knew the emperor of the Daming Empire, the Daming Empire had already occupied the former Great Song Kingdom, and the most important thing was to compare the weakness of the former Great Song Kingdom, then the current Daming Empire was particularly iron-blooded.

In the face of this iron-blooded Daming Empire, then they naturally cannot look at the Daming Empire with the same eyes that they used to look at the Great Song Kingdom.

Especially what they need to face next is the emperor who belongs to the Daming Empire!

The emperor of the Daming Empire, that is the person who stands at the top level of the entire world!

What they had to face next belonged to that person, and the current Saint Aunt really felt a deep pressure.

"Alas, everyone~!"

"Come on!"

Then I saw that under the encouragement of that holy sister, one after another Miao people also walked towards the hall with victory as the leader.

"Tread, tread..."

The sound of footsteps began to sound in this palace.

At the same time that the sound of footsteps began to sound in the palace, many Daming emperors in the current real store also looked at this so-called person who served the descendants of Nuwa with an inquiring gaze.

At least the current descendants of Nuwa are already their nieces and daughters-in-law, which is naturally curious for this group of Daming emperors.

What does this so-called person who serves the descendants of Nuwa look like?

In the curious gazes of that group of Daming emperors, the figures of one guy after another entered their field of vision completely.

The first to enter their field of vision was the Holy Sister.

Behind the Holy Aunt are the ordinary people one after another.

"These are not ordinary people."

At the same time, after that Daming Emperor after Daming Emperor sensed the strength in the body of those Miao people who had behind the Holy Aunt, those Daming Emperors had a deep thoughtful gaze in their eyes.

And at this moment, when the group of Miao people led by Sheng Gu looked at the group of people sitting in the hall, their eyes were so puzzled.

However, doubts are doubts, and there should still be etiquette.

"See His Majesty the Emperor Daming!!"

In an instant, one after another, under the leadership of the Holy Aunt, paid homage to Zhu Xiongying, who was sitting above the imperial throne.

"Plop plop..."

In an instant, as one after another guys knelt down without hesitation, the entire hall began to echo the kneeling sound of this group of people.



"I've heard of you."

"I heard that you are a group of people who specialize in serving the descendants of Nuwa."

"You didn't guess wrong, did you?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Zhu Xiongying said with a smile in his eyes.

In the face of Zhu Xiongying's words, the current Saint Aunt's eyes had a deep joy, but on the surface she replied with a serious voice: "See Your Majesty, we are indeed serving the existence of the descendants of Nuwa. "

"It's just that because Her Royal Highness the Princess, who is also the queen mother-in-law, left our field of vision for some reason when she was a child, so the queen mother-in-law has been exiled."

At this moment, the Holy Aunt said so respectfully.

Facing this Daming Emperor, the only thing she could feel at this moment was the unprecedented oppression.

Yes, it was that unprecedented oppression.

Although it seemed that there was no problem on the surface, Katsuki sensed an unprecedented oppression coming from every corner of the hall.

The coercion that belonged exclusively to the emperor began to fill the entire hall.

And she, as the most powerful one in this group, naturally noticed a deep solemnity.

"Is this the power that comes from the emperor of the Daming Empire?"

At this moment, the Holy Aunt said to herself in her heart with a shocked gaze.

Facing such a powerful existence in the face of this one.

The current Saint Aunt really felt incredible.

"Your Royal Highness, the queen concubine believes that she can be comforted in the spirit of heaven."

At this moment, the Holy Aunt thought secretly in her heart.


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