"On your knees!"

At this moment, when Zhu Xiongying led Zhao Linger to the palace, the group of people in the palace also shouted loudly.


In an instant, everyone directly in the palace knelt down without hesitation.

"Plop plop..."

The eunuchs and palace maids in the palace knelt down without hesitation.

As the eunuchs and palace maids in the palace knelt down without hesitation, the cultural relics officials who were currently standing in the hall also heard this word.

"Plop plop..."

The civil and military officials in the main hall also knelt down.

In today's palace, I am afraid that only the many emperors of Daming and the princes and princes of those emperors are standing.

At this moment, the many Daming emperors and princes plus princes looked out of the hall with expectant eyes.

Next, Zhu Xiongying and Zhao Linger will walk in.

"Tread, tread..."

With the passage of time, I saw Zhu Xiongying slowly walking into the current hall with Zhao Linger.

As Zhu Xiongying joined hands with Zhao Linger and walked into the hall like this, one after another civil and military officials also shouted loudly: "See Your Majesty!" "

"See the queen's mother-in-law!!"

One respectful word after another echoed in the hall.

At present, Zhu Xiongying chose to ignore the shouts of the group of civil and military officials.

And the current Zhu Xiongying said to Zhao Linger next to him: "Linger, this is my grandfather and grandmother." "

"This is my dad, this is my many uncles."

"These are my many younger brothers."

I saw Zhu Xiongying introduce one by one and said.

Faced with the introduction from Zhu Xiongying, Zhao Linger, who was next to Zhu Xiongying, also spoke so honestly: "Ling'er sees grandparents, sees dad and many uncles, and also meets all the little uncles~." "

Although Zhao Linger had already seen this group of existences, it was the first time that Zhao Linger had met directly on such an important occasion.

So at this moment, Zhao Linger still felt a little nervous.

However, in the face of Zhao Linger's nervousness, the current Zhu Yuanzhang smiled slightly and said: "From today!" "

"You are the queen of our Daming Empire!"

"You are the empress of the Daming Saint Martial Dynasty!"

"You are our granddaughter-in-law."

"In the future, the harem of the Holy Martial Dynasty will be handed over to you."

At present, I saw that Zhu Yuanzhang, who was the patriarch of the royal family of the Zhu family, said as the words of Zhu Yuanzhang, and Empress Ma, who was currently beside Zhu Yuanzhang, also spoke: "From today onwards, you represent the head of the three generations of the harem of the Daming Empire. "

"If there is any problem in the harem of those guys in the future, you can go to the jurisdiction!"

"You are the head of the third generation of the harem of the Daming Empire!"

At the same time, the current Empress Ma directly fixed Zhao Linger's identity.

Zhao Linger's identity is not only subordinate to the empress of the Shengwu Dynasty, but she is also the head of the harem of the third generation of the Daming Empire.

What does this mean?

It means that Zhu Xiongying's generation, that is, many princes and princes who represent the second generation of the Daming Empire, if they say that they have married wives and so on.

Their crown princesses and princesses were all under the jurisdiction of Zhao Linger.

Empress Nama really has this right to announce this matter.

And in the face of the words spoken by the current Empress Ma, the Daming emperors one after another couldn't help but nod.

"That's right."

"From today onwards, Ling'er, you are the head of the harem of the third generation of Daming!"

"These tasks will be given to you in the future!"

I saw that one Daming emperor after another also said so.

At the same time that the words of Zhu Yuanzhang and Empress Ma fell, the current Zhu Biao also looked at Zhu Xiongying with a complicated gaze: "From today." "

"You'll start a family." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Although you have long been independent of the town guard, now you belong to me in my heart to truly grow up."

"Just let it go!"

"I'm always behind you!"

At this moment, Zhu Biao said with a firm tone.

"You will always be the prince of the Yongxing Dynasty!"

At this moment, Zhu Biao said with a firm tone.

"Okay, today is your big day, and that's up to you."

At this moment, Zhu Biao also said so softly.

The current wedding of Zhu Xiongying is completely different from the wedding of previous emperors.

Although Zhu Xionglin's wedding is completely different from the previous emperor's wedding, who dares to say something?

No one dares to say anything.

Because Zhu Xiongying is the founding emperor in this world!

Who dares to obstruct what the founding emperor wants to do?

So Zhu Xiongying's wedding this time seems a little strange, but for many Daming emperors, this is very, very interesting and even normal.

"That's right, today is your big day."

"I'll leave it to you."

One after another, the Daming emperors also said slightly.

"Xiongying, come on!"

"Sit up."

Zhu Yuanzhang, who was on the side, also spoke.

Facing the words spoken by this group of people today, Zhu Xiongying at this moment also joined hands with Zhao Linger and slowly walked towards the imperial throne.

"Tread, tread..."

Soon, Zhu Xiongying came to the front of the imperial throne.

And beside that imperial throne, there is also a queen Feng Weiya.


I saw that Zhu Xiongying joined hands with Zhao Linger to sit on the position that symbolized the highest power of the Daming Empire.

"Start today!"

"Xu announces that Zhao Ling'er is the empress of the Holy Martial Dynasty!"

"For the empress of the Daming Empire!"

The words from Zhu Xiongying echoed in the hall so thoroughly.


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