
When Zhao Linger joined hands with Anu to the place where Zhu Xiongying and the Wine Sword Immortal were staying, Zhao Linger subconsciously shouted at this moment.

"Shh, be quiet."

"The emperor is absorbing the knowledge in his mind, don't disturb the emperor's will at this time."

The current Wine Sword Immortal hurriedly stopped Zhao Linger's words.

Although there is no problem at the moment, if it really bothers like this, no one knows what will happen.

Therefore, the Wine Sword Immortal at this moment could only stop Zhao Linger's title just like that.

Because even he didn't know what his senior brother taught him, it was better to be quiet.

In the face of the words from the Wine Sword Immortal, the current Zhao Linger's eyes also looked at her husband and the Wine Sword Immortal next to her husband who looked sloppy but exuded a sharp aura all over his body.

"Oooooh, understood."

The current Zhao Linger reacted instantly, it should be her husband who was absorbing something.

Just as Zhao Linger reacted, Anu, who was currently beside Zhao Linger, looked at the Wine Sword Immortal with a puzzled gaze: "This uncle, have we ever met?" "

"I always feel like you're a little familiar, a familiar feeling."

At this moment, Anu said with a puzzled tone.

Facing the words spoken by Anu beside Zhao Linger, the current Wine Sword Immortal also took his gaze away from Zhao Linger's body to look at Anu at this moment.


In the face of the words from Anu, the current Wine Sword Immortal looked at Anu at this moment with a puzzled gaze.

While the Wine Sword Immortal looked at Anou like this, that feeling instantly echoed in the heart of the Wine Sword Immortal.

"This, this..."

In an instant, the Wine Sword Immortal's mind was filled with an incredulity.

"This senior, do you know Anu?"

Zhao Linger asked with an experimental tone.

She also sensed that something was wrong with this senior when he looked at Anu.

In the face of the words from Anu, the Wine Sword Immortal did not reply, but instead looked at Anu, and then asked with a heavy tone: "Little girl, do you remember who your mother is?" "

In the face of the inquiry from the Wine Sword Immortal, the current Anu shook his head slightly.

"I don't know, but I know who my master is."

"My master is the Holy Aunt of the Southern Zhao Kingdom."

I saw Anu just speak.

However, in the face of Anu's words, the current Wine Sword Immortal just looked at Anu with an incredulous gaze: "Your master is a holy sister? "

In an instant, the Wine Sword Immortal fell completely silent.

And the memory of the Wine Sword Immortal returned to more than ten years ago.

More than ten years ago, he had an accident with the Holy Aunt who assisted Nuwa's descendants because of a misunderstanding.

Originally, there was nothing, but at this moment, when the Wine Sword Immortal sensed that this girl named Anu had a similar aura in her body, the Wine Sword Immortal understood that this guy's body should have his bloodline if nothing else.

And the other party's master belongs to that holy sister.

Anu's age and Anu's master, plus the breath that the other party possessed in his body, all made the current Wine Sword Immortal understand the truth of the matter.

"So in other words, is this girl named Anu my daughter?!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

At this moment, such a thought emerged in the mind of the Wine Sword Immortal.

At the same time that this thought came to the mind of the Wine Sword Immortal, he immediately thought of what his senior brother had said to him.

"Senior brother, so you already know the outcome of the matter."

At this moment, the Wine Sword Immortal suddenly remembered what his senior brother had said to him, and combined with all this, the Wine Sword Immortal could already be sure that the current girl named Anu belonged to his daughter.

"I didn't expect that I actually had a daughter."

The eyes of the Wine Sword Immortal had a trace of complexity in them.

He really didn't expect that he actually had a daughter.

Although the current Shushan Sect is completely able to marry a wife, it is only an existence that belongs to ordinary disciples who have reached his level, and it is almost impossible to marry a wife and have children.

But he had a daughter.

This directly caused the current Wine Sword Immortal to feel a deep silence.

At this moment, while the Wine Sword Immortal felt a deep silence, Zhao Linger, who was beside Anu, looked at this senior beside her husband with a thoughtful gaze.

Although it is said that (Li's) Zhao Linger does not know who this guy is, it does not prevent Zhao Linger from being able to understand that this guy is definitely not an ordinary person.

This guy is definitely related to Anu next to her.

"What is this relationship?"

At this moment, Zhao Linger's eyes were so thoughtful.

However, it was destined that Zhao Linger could not reach a conclusion.

At the very least, it is not possible to draw a conclusion at the moment.

At this moment, Zhu Xiongying began to absorb all the knowledge he had in his mind.

"Human Emperor Decision?"

At this moment, Zhu Xiongying said to himself in his heart.


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