"Let's let Xu speak."

At this moment, Zhu Xiongying shook his head slightly.

Regarding the identity that these two parties have, Zhu Xiong felt that instead of letting the relationship between the two of them remain in this state, it was better to directly say the identity that they had between the two of them.

At the very least, there seemed to be no problem with Zhu Xiongying.

Facing the words spoken by Zhu Xiongying, the current Wine Sword Immortal looked at Zhu Xiongying with a nervous gaze: "Your Majesty, this." "

At this moment, the Wine Sword Immortal couldn't help but speak.

In the face of the words from the Wine Sword Immortal, the current Zhu Xiongying stretched out his hand slightly to signal the Wine Sword Immortal not to be nervous.

"You can rest assured that some things are clearer than you."

"This thing is not ~ like saying it directly."

"After all, if you keep it hidden, no one knows what consequences will happen then."

"This matter is just - let Xu pick it up."

At this moment, Zhu Xiongying said so lightly.

In the face of the words from Zhu Xiongying, the current Wine Sword Immortal opened his mouth like this, and finally fell into silence for a while.

And in the face of the current scene, Zhao Linger, who was next to Anu, looked at the little friend next to her so deeply, and then looked at the wine sword fairy next to her husband.

"Could it be that there is something about the relationship between these that I don't know?"

Such a thought came to Zhao Linger's mind.

At the same time that this thought appeared in Zhao Linger's mind, Zhu Xiongying at this moment said so calmly: "Anu, your master didn't tell you who your father was, right? "

At this moment, Anu listened to the words from Zhu Xiongying and then nodded and replied, "I didn't say it." "

At this moment, Anu nodded like this.

Facing the current Zhao Linger's husband, Zhu Xiongying, then Anu at this time would naturally treat Zhu Xiongying so respectfully.

So the current Anu replied so honestly.

And listening to the words from Anu, the Wine Sword Immortal at this moment looked at Anu with a complicated gaze.



Jiu Jianxian just wanted to say something, but Zhu Xiongying quickly waved his hand: "Let Xu speak." "

"Then do you want to know who your own father is?"

"Oh, by the way, your own father is not actually dead."

"But he didn't know you existed in these decades."

"So in your memory, the reason why your own father did not appear belongs to this."

At this moment, Zhu Xiongying said so lightly.

In the face of the words from Zhu Xiongying, the current Anu also looked at Zhu Xiongying with a nervous gaze: "This and this." "

"Is Anu's father still there?"

At this moment, Anu looked at Zhu Xiongying with a nervous gaze.

Facing the words spoken by Zhu Xiongying and the nervous gaze of the Wine Sword Immortal, Zhao Linger glanced at Anu and then looked at the Wine Sword Immortal.

"It's difficult, this ???"

"Anu's father is actually this senior???"

At the same time, this thought instantly appeared in Zhao Linger's mind.

Because this can be said to be very, very obvious.

This may be that Anu is not particularly clear yet, because Anu is indeed a little too cute.

But Zhao Linger is not stupid!

Through the expression of the Wine Sword Immortal and the words spoken by her husband, Zhu Xiongying, Zhao Linger could already be sure that Anu's father was the senior of the Wine Sword Immortal opposite her.

"I didn't expect that Anu's father was actually him."

At this moment, Zhao Linger really felt surprised.

However, when he felt that Zhao Linger felt deeply surprised, Zhu Xiongying said directly and without hesitation: "That's when your father has already appeared." "

"That's the guy." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"He's your father."

"He didn't know about your existence in the past ten years of kung fu, so he didn't come to you."

"Now he has appeared, and he senses the relationship you have with him in the first place."

"It's up to you to deal with it."

"Anyway, Xu has already told you about your relationship."

"It depends on whether you recognize this daddy or not."

Zhu Xiongying said so lightly.

"Ling'er, let's go first."

"Then Anu will be handed over to you, she may be a little unacceptable now, you as a father."

"And the kung fu of more than ten years has not appeared, you look at it."

At this moment, Zhu Xiongying looked at the Wine Sword Immortal beside him, and then said so lightly.

"Tread, tread..."

I saw that Zhu Xiongying began to take Zhao Linger away.

Facing the departure of Zhu Xiongying and Zhao Linger, the current Wine Sword Immortal and Anu stood in place so dumbfounded.

At this moment, the Wine Sword Immortal didn't know what to do for a while, and the current Anu was purely frightened.

This guy in front of her is her biological father?

The current Anu felt incredible for a while.

"This, this..."

At this moment, Anu felt a burst of incredulity, and the current Wine Sword Immortal exhaled deeply: "Anu, go, dad will take you shopping." "

As the words of the Wine Sword Immortal fell, the current Anou seemed a little overwhelmed.

But the Wine Sword Immortal endured the excitement he had in his heart, and then took Anu's hand and walked outside the palace without hesitation.


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