In this way, this group of Daming emperors led by Zhu Qiongying joined hands with Zhao Linger to the current Nuwa Temple.

Of course, today's Southern Zhao Kingdom has also become the territory of the Daming Empire.

Surrounded by one Daming soldier after another, the current Zhu Xiongying led Zhao Linger like this, and followed the Daming Emperor after another outside the Nuwa Temple.

"Is this the famous Nuwa Temple?"

At this moment, Zhu Xiongying's eyes were so filled with a deep emotion.

This one in front of him belongs to the real Nuwa Temple!

It is the Nuwa that belongs to the application of the Eight Classics of Zheng'er, and Nuwa exists!

So at this moment, Zhu Xiongying really felt a wave of emotion, and even Zhu Xiongying at this moment felt incredible for a while, this is a real legend-level existence, and what he needs to do next is to meet this legendary-level existence.

"This is it, I feel like there's a 31 thing in it that attracts me."

I saw Zhao Linger's eyes looking at Nuwa Temple with a frown.

Zhao Linger found that there was something in the Nuwa Temple that was always attracting her.

Although Zhao Linger didn't know what this was, it didn't prevent Zhao Linger from being able to understand that there was definitely something in the Nuwa Temple that was attracting her.

"It should be the will of Nuwa in the Nuwa Temple that is attracting you."

Faced with the current situation that Zhao Linger had, Zhu Xiongying explained slightly.

Although he doesn't know what the situation is, this Nuwa temple can understand from the plot that it belongs to the existence of the will of Nuwa, since this Nuwa temple belongs to a temple that really exists the will of Nuwa.

That Zhao Linger, who was currently beside him, was a descendant of Nuwa who belonged to the Eight Classics of Zheng'er.

Isn't it normal to have some attraction to each other?

"Is this the legendary Nuwa Temple?"

"I didn't expect that Nuwa Temple actually belongs to this."

In the eyes of one Daming emperor after another, they also looked at all that they had in their current field of vision with an incredible gaze.

"Unexpectedly, we will actually meet the legendary Nuwa who created human beings next."

"It always feels a little incredible."

"And we actually showed up like that."

The current Daming emperors said that they were discussing with each other.

In the face of the discussion from these Daming emperors, the holy sisters beside this group of emperors also looked at this group of Daming emperors with a worried gaze.

"In other words, is it really the right decision to let these people from within the Daming Empire come and visit Nuwa Temple?"

The current Saint Aunt felt a deep sense of concern.

It seems that they have really never had such a situation, and the emperors have really never been allowed to enter in the Nuwa Temple.

Well, now, the current emperor from the Daming Empire came in like this.

Therefore, at this moment, the Holy Aunt's heart felt a deep worry.

In the face of the worry that Saint Gu had in her heart, the current Zhu Xiongying and the others also stepped into the Nuwa Temple.

As Zhu Xiongying and the others stepped into the Nuwa Temple like this, they immediately noticed the difference between the Nuwa Temple and the outside of the Nuwa Temple.

And at this moment, Zhu Xiongying also joined hands with Zhao Linger to come to the statue of the god Nuwa.

"Terran Emperor Zhu Xiongying joined hands with Nuwa's descendant Zhao Linger to see Nuwa."

At the same time, I saw that the current Zhu Xiongying was so respectfully worshiping the statue of the god Nuwa.

"Nuwa's descendant Zhao Linger sees the ancestor." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

At the same time, I saw that the current Zhao Linger was also so respectfully worshiping the statue of Nuwa.

As the words of the current Zhu Xiongying and that Zhao Linger fell, one Daming Emperor after another also spoke in unison: "The Emperor of the Ming Race of the Terran Race sees Nuwa Niangniang." "

"Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, saw Nuwa Niangniang."

In an instant, I saw that one after another Emperor Daming and Zhu Yuanzhang were paying homage to the statue of the god Nuwa so respectfully.

In the face of the words spoken by this group of guys, the Holy Aunt in the Nuwa Temple felt confused for a while.


"Emperor Daming?"

"Isn't there only one Daming Emperor?"

"Why did these people come from?"

"Why do they all call themselves Emperor Daming?"

993 At the same time, the Holy Aunt's eyes looked at this group of guys with an unprecedented bewilderment.

Zhu Xiongying's identity was the Daming Emperor, she knew this.

But who could tell her why those imperial uncles of the current Daming Empire actually called themselves Daming Emperors?

Just when the current Saint Aunt's eyes were so filled with an unprecedented confusion, the statue of Nuwa who was currently in the Nuwa Temple also seemed to have received the blessing of infinite will at this moment.


An inexplicable force was stored in the statue of Nuwa.

At the same time that inexplicable power appeared in the statue of Nuwa, everyone in the statue at this moment sensed a coercion transmitted in the statue.

In the face of this coercion transmitted from the statue, the Daming emperors one after another became more respectful.

"See the Terran Virgin Nuwa Niangniang!"

One after another respectful words sounded in the temple.


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