Damn it, the poor little girl I bullied is a chaebol daughter

Chapter 14: Becoming famous in one battle without knowing it

"Tingting, what are you going to do with Gu Ran?"

"In my opinion, I will just block him and never talk to him again!"

"Still want to chase you? A toad wants to eat swan meat, dream on!"

Zhou Xiaomeng walked side by side with Xu Zhiting. She kept chattering all the way, asking Xu Zhiting to never talk to Gu Ran again.

As for how she would ask Gu Ran for money after ignoring him, there was no need to consider it at all. Xu Zhiting didn't need to do anything. As soon as she stretched out her hand, Gu Ran would definitely give him the money obediently.

Xu Zhiting never responded to Zhou Xiaomeng's words.

She was really angry, very angry.

But if she really broke up with Gu Ran as Zhou Xiaomeng said...

She was still unwilling in her heart.

As long as Gu Ran apologized for what happened yesterday.

She could barely agree to let Gu Ran continue to follow her.

As for whether to pay attention to him.

That depends on his subsequent performance!

What she meant by "letting Gu Ran follow her" was undoubtedly Gu Ran's meticulous care.

To put it nicely, it's called care, and to put it bluntly, it's called licking.

If Xu Zhiting could hear her thoughts in the corridor, she would definitely tell her sincerely:

Sleep less during the day!

"Xu Zhiting is here!"

"Why doesn't she look too happy? Could it be that she actually wanted to see Gu Ran's confession but didn't wait for it?"

"What you said seems to make some sense, but not much. If Xu Zhiting really had this idea, wouldn't Gu Ran have licked her in the three years of high school?"

After Xu Zhiting entered the classroom.

The discussion in the classroom was much less, but there were still people whispering...

And then.

Gu Ran walked into the classroom.

The discussion about them disappeared directly.

Gu Ran was very tall, a long way above 1.8 meters, and he looked like he didn't care about anything except Xu Zhiting all day long, which was intimidating in itself.

In addition, when he was in the second year of high school, he fought 1V4 at the school gate.

Even though he had never done anything to bully boys or girls, he still firmly sat in the position of school bully.

Those who could name someone who was doing well in school could only pass cigarettes to Gu Ran obediently.


Smoking is indeed a bad habit.

But Gu Ran smoked.

He didn't spend his own money!

High schools in this era were still very chaotic, especially in underdeveloped small cities like Lincheng, where each school had its own so-called well-off people.

Some technical secondary schools and vocational high schools even had famous figures in one school, and they would fight from time to time to compete for the boss, which was childish and weird.

But in No. 1 Middle School, there was no such situation.

No. 1 Middle School was indeed a good school, the students were relatively much better, and there were strict school rules, but there were also such students.

After all, there are good and bad people everywhere.

The main reason for not having such a situation was Gu Ran.

The fight at the school gate was really shocking.

It was after school, and students were gathered at the gate. Countless people saw with their own eyes that Gu Ran beat four burly, well-dressed gangsters to a pulp. Some of them even pulled out knives, but they were no match for Gu Ran. The gangsters kept begging for mercy, and one of them even had his pants wet. It is said that they didn't even dare to seek revenge later...

Such a tough guy is sitting in the school.

Who dares to say that he is the big brother of the school?

But to be honest.

Gu Ran at this time didn't even know that he was so tough.

He just thought that everyone was very polite, and there would always be someone who would pass him a cigarette...

As for that time at the school gate.

At that time, a few well-dressed gangsters rode a few broken motorcycles, and when they failed to chat with Xu Zhiting, they wanted to fight.

When he saw it, he went up and beat them with a flying grass.

The other party took out a knife, and he was defeated in one move.

From the beginning to the end, Gu Ran did not feel any danger or shock at all. Although it was a big deal and everyone knew about it, he just thought it was just a fight. He never thought that he would become a god in one battle.

It was not until several years later that he met a girl who used to be a bad girl in the same high school. From her mouth, he knew how "awesome" he was. There was even something else. The girl who hung out in the billiard hall boasted that she had slept with him. Gu Ran couldn't believe it.

As a result, the other party took out her mobile phone and made seven or eight calls. They were all the same. The versions were more outrageous than the last.

Gu Ran knew it then.

He didn't even know there was a world of martial arts. The world of martial arts was already full of his legends!

After a brief shock, he joked with the other party that who knows what he missed in high school.

When the other party heard that Gu Ran didn't know these things, she was stunned...


Gu Ran, who already knew what he missed, returned to high school again.

Although it was useless.

But using this identity... maybe I can really do something!

"Fuck! Fuck!"

Xu Kun rushed into the classroom shouting "Fuck", causing everyone in the classroom to look over.

Being looked at like a fool by so many people, he didn't take it seriously at all, and ran to sit next to Gu Ran.

He just sat down.

Then a middle-aged man walked in from outside.

It was their class teacher, Li Liang, known as the deadly old Li.

After entering the room, Li Liang slapped the desk with a slap: "Who? Who just stepped into the classroom on time, and was still shouting loudly and swearing, stand up quickly!"


Gu Ran stood up directly.

The sound of the bench sliding made the whole class look at him.

"Gu Ran, you are my second parents! Go, I will take good care of myself..."

Xu Kun was so moved that he almost shed tears.

Under the gaze of the whole class.

Gu Ran walked towards the podium.

Then... picked up the blackboard eraser and wiped the blackboard.

Li Liang raised his hand to wipe his forehead and said: "Next time on duty, go early."

After instructing Gu Ran, he picked up a piece of chalk and wrote the numbers "7" and "6" in the blank space in the lower right corner of the blackboard where Gu Ran had erased the number "There are () days left before the exam".

"There are still 76 days until the exam!"


"You scared me. I thought Gu Ran was going to beat up Lao Li!"

"Shh! Why are you so loud? Gu Ran will beat you up later."

Today is really Gu Ran's duty.

It was written on the leftmost side of the blackboard.

Gu Ran happened to see it and got up to wipe it.

And because of his disruption, Lao Li did not mention what happened just now.

Xu Kun was so grateful that he pulled Gu Ran's arm and insisted on treating him to ten crispy sausages.

"Forget about the crispy sausages, buy me five bottles of Coke."

The sausages are 1.5 yuan each, 15 yuan.

A bottle of Coke is 3 yuan, and five bottles are also 15 yuan.

"Isn't it different? I'll give you 15 yuan."

Xu Kun agreed without hesitation and took out two bills from his pocket and handed them to Gu Ran, one black and one purple, exactly 15 yuan.

Gu Ran accepted it without hesitation.

Today's income: 15 yuan.

Putting the money in his pocket, Gu Ran took out the book and started to study.

He wanted to learn the worst math first, but he had forgotten a lot and it was difficult to study on his own, so he gave up and focused on memorizing English words.

After all, this thing is the simplest. As long as you are willing to spend time and work hard, there is no problem at all to learn it. It is most suitable to learn in this kind of self-study class.

Gu Ran has a deep English speaking ability, and memorizing words can be said to be twice the result with half the effort. After all, this is not a profound Chinese literature, and the high school courses are not too difficult.

Very quickly.

The textbook turned forward a long way.

At this speed, Gu Ran estimated that he would be able to learn 80% to 90% of the English courses that he should review in the entire high school in at most ten days.

In front.

Xu Zhiting was also memorizing English words.

Suddenly, Zhou Xiaomeng, who was at the same table, reached out and poked her, and then pointed to the back.

Xu Zhiting looked back and saw Gu Ran was reading a book seriously and making a convincing argument. She frowned in surprise.

"Didn't you always ask him to study hard and waste less time on useless things? He must be pretending to be a good student now to make you calm down!" Zhou Xiaomeng whispered.

Xu Zhiting's surprise seemed to have dissipated a lot because of this explanation, and she retracted her gaze: "Whether he studies well or not, what does it have to do with me."

"Yes, whether he studies or not, what does it have to do with us." Zhou Xiaomeng nodded in agreement.

Xu Zhiting continued to recite words.

Zhou Xiaomeng kept looking at the time, and the more she looked, the more impatient she felt.

Why hasn't the get out of class ended yet!

Just now, she didn't have time to find Gu Ran, and the head teacher came in. She was really impatient to get the money back from Gu Ran as soon as possible. This whole class was extremely long and tormenting...

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