Damn it, the poor little girl I bullied is a chaebol daughter

Chapter 37 Same as before? Tears keep flowing

Xu Zhiting felt a strong sense of sadness in her heart. She softened her tone and said, "Gu Ran, don't call me that... I don't know what made you so angry, but I apologize to you. I am not angry with you for everything you have done during this period... Please don't be angry anymore, okay?"

"Apologize? Be angry?"

Gu Ran was very surprised when Xu Zhiting said she wanted to apologize to him.


He couldn't help laughing in his heart.

I don't know what made me angry?

Are you still angry with me?


At this time, Gu Ran suddenly stopped.

Xu Zhiting also stopped quickly.

"I'm not angry, so I won't accept your apology, and I'm not angry."

Gu Ran had a sneer on his lips.

That strange look made Xu Zhiting feel very uncomfortable.

She said quickly: "If you are not angry, why did you ignore me for so long? You are angry!"

"Don't I help you get food? Don't I send you home? Don't I ride my bike every day and follow you like a dog? There are many more, I can't count them all... Do you mean ignoring you? Do you mean I don't do these things for you? You just said that you are not angry with me these days, is it because I didn't do these things these days?"

Gu Ran's question was so sharp.

Xu Zhiting opened her mouth for a long time without saying anything.

She clenched her fists, her nails digging into her flesh: "Gu Ran, I don't mean that, I just want us to be the same as before..."

"The same as before, isn't it?"

Gu Ran raised his eyebrows and sneered, and said softly: "Xu Xueli, guess why I did this before? Because you are pretty? Because you study well? Or because you are different from ordinary people?"

He shook his head and said: "There are Jiang Xueli who is prettier than you, and there are many who study better than you... I treat you like this simply because I like you and want to pursue you as my girlfriend, so I will take care of you in every way and obey you in every way..."

"But think about it, I have done so much, I don't care about my face, and what do I get in return?"

"In return, you are bossing me around as you deserve, and your best friend is bossing me around more and more. I was separated from you, but you turned a blind eye to it. In return, you thought my existence was a nuisance. In return, you didn't like me at all, but were annoyed... I don't think I need to explain this to you, because you know better than me how you treat me. "

"So, classmate Xu, why do I still do this? Because I'm cheap? Because I'm born to like to put my warm face on the cold butt?"

"I put my heart on you, but you kept peeing at me. I was inexperienced and thought it was a warm response, but later I knew that it was just when you excreted waste, I followed too close and got the unevaporated residual heat!"

"I didn't get any reward for my efforts, but instead got hate and resentment... Excuse me, why don't I leave?"

Xu Zhiting opened her eyes wide and couldn't speak at all.

Just as Gu Ran said.

She knew better than Gu Ran how she treated Gu Ran.

At this moment, she suddenly realized that Gu Ran was so good to her.

But she never took Gu Ran seriously.

It was not until Gu Ran left and ignored her for several days that she realized how good Gu Ran was to her and began to care about him.


She is still enjoying Gu Ran's kindness and hating him!

How could she be like this before?

Xu Zhiting's eyes were red and she was silent for a long time before she cried and said, "I'm sorry... I didn't mean it, Gu Ran, I didn't mean it..."

"Everyone will say that they didn't mean it after making a mistake." Gu Ran smiled lightly.

He finished talking.

His mood became much better.

Without even looking at Xu Zhiting's pitiful appearance with tears in her eyes, Gu Ran turned the accelerator and prepared to leave.

At this time, Xu Zhiting opened her mouth and shook her head repeatedly: "No, it's not like that, I just... Gu Ran, you are wrong!"

"You didn't confess to me, you didn't confess to me that day at the ski resort..."

"You didn't confess, how do you know I won't agree to you? How do you know that your efforts will not be rewarded?"

Gu Ran paused again, looked back at her seriously, and smiled again: "I know!"

These three words.

Made Xu Zhiting completely stunned.


Her previous thoughts...

It is indeed impossible to agree!

Gu Ran rode away directly on the battery scooter.

Xu Zhiting sat on the battery scooter and was stunned for a long time before continuing to ride the battery scooter back home.

It was particularly dark along the way.

She was so distraught that she was very, very scared. Not long after walking, her tears could no longer be controlled and burst out, and tears fell all the way.

It was because of fear, but also because of Gu Ran.

In the past, no matter how late it was, Gu Ran would always send her home and watch her go upstairs. She used to be disdainful and annoyed that Gu Ran followed her.

And now, at this moment, she finally realized how much security that boy following her gave her.

Just like when she was in the second year of high school, she was buying headwear at a stall in front of the school gate and was seen by a few gangsters. They insisted on getting her mobile phone number and surrounded her and wouldn't let her leave, asking her to go for a drink.

She was terrified at the time.

But when Gu Ran appeared in her sight and pulled her to block her behind him, her fear disappeared.

One person, fighting four gangsters, with tattoos and big arms and waist, but her back blocking in front of her was so firm!

Now think about it.

Those four people had knives!

Gu Ran almost risked his life to save her, but she didn't think it was a big deal at all...

At the moment when Gu Ran rode away on the battery bike without any nostalgia and didn't even look back, Xu Zhiting suddenly found out everything.

Before, she had never considered Gu Ran in any aspect.

Gu Ran sent her home every day, so what happened after that?

She never thought that Gu Ran would go back alone every time after sending her home, but he never said it, and he always looked at her with a smile.

Gu Ran didn't care about her own time at all. He helped her solve all the problems every day, helped her get food, helped her do duty, and tried his best to make her happy, but she never cared about how much time Gu Ran wasted for her. His academic performance declined so seriously, what should she do...

Gu Ran paid so much for her.

But what about herself?

Her mind was full of things about Gu Ran, and her brain was confused like paste. Endless regret spread in her heart. She didn't come back to her senses until she walked to the door of her house.

She wiped away her tears, fanned her eyes a few times with her hands to cover up her strangeness, opened the door and entered the house. Seeing that there was no one in the living room, she went straight into the bedroom.

"Girl, do you want to eat?"

"No, I'm a little tired, I'm going to sleep first."

"Eat a little bit, how can you go to bed without dinner?"

"I'm losing weight, I really don't want to eat!"

Xu Zhiting refused her father's knocking on the door to ask, and lay on the bed without even taking a shower, staring at the light above her head, without blinking, tears kept flowing, flowing non-stop.

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