Damn it, the poor little girl I bullied is a chaebol daughter

Chapter 39 Come on Jiang Xueli, you can do it!

He said he wanted Xu Kun to keep an eye on him, but on Saturday, Gu Ran came to the mall early in the morning.

Even though it was unlikely that anything would happen, after all, ten thousand yuan was in the other party's hands, so Gu Ran still had to come over and take a look at the situation.

There was a lot of activity on this day. Not long after the opening, there were a lot of people in the mall.

The work content has been explained in advance, and everyone has been equipped with clothes and walkie-talkies.

Xu Kunfang was wearing a police uniform, with a frown on his face and a baton on his waist. He looked quite intimidating.

The rest of the people also stood with serious faces, speaking from time to time to maintain order, and no one smiled playfully.

No playful smiles, this is what Xu Kun told everyone in advance. He was really afraid of causing the mall to be dissatisfied. He had no salary, and Gu Ran's deposit was gone, so when he said these words, it was unprecedented. Seriously, everyone came up after seeing the pressure and scratched, and they all restrained their thoughts of playing.


The whole morning passed.

Nothing unexpected happened, everything was in order.

Noon is the time when the flow of people is the largest, and it wasn’t until after two o’clock that everyone started to go to eat in batches.

As soon as we arrived at the employee canteen, eight out of ten people were rubbing their waists and moaning uncontrollably.

These players who play outside every day and stay up late to surf the Internet are really tired from standing.

However, we all come from ordinary families and have seen how difficult it is for our parents to make money.

I understand that the eighty yuan a day job at their station is not very good at all.

Especially after everyone started eating.

The sumptuous meal for the staff was better than what they spent tens of dollars on a meal outside. All the fatigue of the whole morning was dissipated in this meal.

Gu Ran stayed for a while, and after seeing that everything was in order, he did not stay any longer. Before leaving, he went to Lu Bo to say hello. After Lu Bo saw Gu Ran, he smiled happily and said: " The people you hired this time are all young people, and they are very dedicated. They are really good. Our general manager just called me specifically to praise this..."

Obviously, the last sentence is the key. Regardless of whether it is the person Gu Ran found, it is all his credit to the general manager.

He asked Gu Ran to sit down.

This time he asked his secretary to pour him two cups of tea, and his address to Gu Ran also changed again. Gu Ran told him not to be so polite, so he just said "Thank you". From the distant title of Mr. Gu, he became "Mr. Gu". Call Gu Ran by his name.

The two chatted for about ten minutes, and when the time was almost up, Gu Ran stood up to say goodbye. Lu Bo still had to work, and he had to be careful about everything he did. Gu Ran took care of everything, making Lu Bo very comfortable.

The end of this conversation.

Lu Bo said it bluntly.

Next time something like this happens again, go to Gu Ran.

During this conversation, Lu Bo felt even more that Gu Ran's conversational style was extraordinary and that he was able to advance and retreat in a measured manner. However, the reason that made him say these words directly was Gu Ran's ability to do things. He did a good job this time. , next time you have such a need, how, how could you not come to him?

When leaving the mall, Gu Ran said hello to Xu Kun. When everyone saw Gu Ran, they all called Brother Ran. Gu Ran said that everyone had worked hard, and then hurriedly left. There were so many people in the mall, and they shouted like this , making myself look like some kind of gray boss.

Gu Ran went home directly, ready to continue tutoring, but as soon as he sat down at the desk, his cell phone rang in his pocket. He took it out and saw that it was from Jiang Xueli.

In fact, there is not much rest time in the senior year of high school. After all, time is life. There are very few holidays on Saturdays and Sundays. The day I went skiing last week was the only day off in the past half month.

This two-day holiday was also the last carnival. Lao Li had already informed it several days ago. After this holiday, for the next two months, until the eve of the college entrance examination, there would basically be no one day off.

Regardless of the past life or the future, when this decision was made, the whole class burst into mourning.

But it's different from the previous life.

This time, Gu Ran was not among the wailing queue!

Last night, Jiang Xueli asked Gu Ran if he wanted to make up classes on Saturdays and Sundays.

Gu Ran said yes, but he had something to do today and didn't know when he would be finished.

And this message from Jiang Xueli was asking Gu Ran if he was done with his work!

Gu Ran was a little shocked when he saw the news about Jiang Xueli. Why did he feel like Bai Yueguang was chasing after him?


It must be an illusion!

Gu Ran rubbed his face and replied: "I'm done with my work. Do you still need to take extra classes today?"

Jiang Xueli: "Yeah!"

Gu Ran: "Where?"

Jiang Xueli: "I don't know, why don't you go to McDonald's?"

Gu Ran: "Is McDonald's close to your home?"

Jiang Xueli: "It's okay, not too close, not too far."

Gu Ran: "Okay, then don't take the bus. I'll pick you up at your house."

Jiang Xueli: "Okay!"

Seeing the news that Gu Ran was coming to pick her up, Jiang Xueli, who was lying on the bed, suddenly straightened her dangling little feet. She turned over and sat up from the bed with an extremely cute smile. After she stood up, she suddenly felt a little down. After spinning around for several times, he quickly slipped into the cloakroom and picked out several outfits. However, he was not satisfied with any of them. He felt that they were a bit too deliberate. He was obviously just making up for classes, and he was dressed in a fancy way... in case he was caught by Gu Ran. What should you do if you realize that your intentions are evil?


Finally, Jiang Xueli changed into a school uniform.

It was hard for her not to worry.

After all, she had failed to get close to Gu Ran so many times.

She was really afraid that if she was too straightforward, Gu Ran would stay away from her again because of Xu Zhiting.

If that happened, all the previous efforts would be wasted!


It's better to be careful!

Sneak into the house quietly, don't do it without warning!

Before changing into a school uniform, Jiang Xueli went into the bathroom, washed her hair, shaved her eyebrows, and dressed herself up very delicately.

If you can't wear beautiful clothes, then change to a more subtle way!

Looking at the exquisite and beautiful self in the mirror, Jiang Xueli raised her fist, raised her eyebrows, and her pretty face was full of stubbornness: "Come on, Jiang Xueli, you can do it!"

On the other side.

Gu Ran was also washing his hair at home, blowing his long hair into a slightly parted hair, and shaving his beard by the way.

Looking at himself in the mirror.



After the red pimples on his face stopped growing, his appearance gradually became more and more beautiful!

Since high school, Gu Ran's face has often had this thing, which troubled him for a long time. Later, he found out that it was caused by a lack of vitamin E. On the first day after his rebirth, he went to the pharmacy to buy a bottle. After taking it for a few days, his face became white and smooth.

After packing himself up.

Gu Ran put on his backpack, set off, and rode an electric bike to the place Jiang Xueli mentioned.

In fact, it's okay to come to Gu Ran's house.

There's no one anyway.

But inviting the school beauty to come to his home to tutor himself... Isn't this operation a bit too presumptuous? Gu Ran didn't dare to think about it.

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