"Gu Ran, Gu Ran, you go out at noon and bring me a bag of spicy strips when you come back."

"I'll bring you a woolen yarn! I can't bring it with spicy strips, so I can change it to something else."

"But I just want to eat spicy strips."

"I just want to eat spicy strips, why don't you make instant noodles in the classroom?"

"If you say so, let's get a bucket!"


Before get out of class ended at noon, the geography teacher went out to answer the phone. A group of people below started whispering to each other. Xu Kun poked Gu Ran and insisted that Gu Ran give him spicy strips. After a few words, Gu Ran was speechless.

He punched Xu Kun on the shoulder to tell him to clear his mind after being stunned by the spicy strips. Gu Ran said, "I'll bring you a piece of McDonald's. Which one tastes less delicious, spicy strips or instant noodles? Both are Lao Li's in the afternoon." When the time comes, the classroom will be filled with the smell. It doesn’t matter if you go out and stand. Knowing that I bought it for you, I will also be affected, so how can I study in class? "

"That's great at McDonald's. I'll give you money when you come back."

Xu Kun patted his trouser pockets, looking like he was rich.

Just when the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Gu Ran patted him on the shoulder and said, "I'll pay for the McDonald's meal. If you give me the money, go ahead and eat the northwest wind."

Xu Kun smiled and scratched his head.

The weather is getting warmer, and it is a sunny noon. Although the wind is still a bit chilly, the sun still shines warmly on people. The clothes people wear are getting thinner, and most of them only have a thin layer. I also took off my jacket and long johns somewhere. When it gets colder, I still have to shout at the top of my lungs: "Mom, I'm still wearing my long johns!"

Of course, there is also a part where the missing long johns will appear on the bedside by themselves.

That is the concern that comes from maternal love.

Gu Ran waited at the school gate for a short while, and Jiang Xueli quickly walked out of the school gate. Following the same process as before, after holding Gu Ran's shoulders and getting on the electric car, Gu Ran turned around and asked her if she was seated well. , after she answered, she turned the accelerator and drove in the direction of McDonald's.

Jiang Xueli was very happy today, and her "hmm" just now was filled with strong lightness. The reason was simply because after finishing tutoring at noon today, she could still meet Gu Ran in the evening!

She is very happy!

I feel very happy!

"There's no room left..."

It was rare that McDonald's had no empty seats today. After buying the food and waiting for a while, it didn't come. Gu Ran quickly thought of a place. He looked at Jiang Xueli and asked, "Classmate Jiang, are you cold?"

Jiang Xueli shook her head: "It's not cold, I'm still wearing long johns."

The thickness of her clothes has not decreased. There is a milky white sweater under the school uniform jacket. Gu Ran nodded: "Okay, then let's go somewhere else, it should be quieter."

"Oh, good!"

Gu Ran put the bag of McDonald's in the car basket, and rode a battery car to drive Jiang Xueli to a small park only two streets away from here. At noon, everyone went home to eat, and there was no one in the park. Gu Ran's destination was the stone table and bench used for playing chess.

Gu Ran took out two thick teaching books from his backpack and placed them on the stone bench: "Sit on a cushion, otherwise you won't feel comfortable getting cold, but it's also clean."

"Yeah! Okay!"

Jiang Xueli nodded in response.

Gu Ran discovered that Jiang Xueli had a habit of always adding a good word after she promised him a promise. Maybe it was because of this habit that Gu Ran felt that she was not as cold as he thought. ?

The smooth fabric of the school uniform outlined two perfect curves. He sat on the two textbooks Gu Ran was cushioning. His eyes were exactly at this position. Gu Ran, who had witnessed all this, felt a sense of... awe for some reason. Feeling of respect, a picture flashed in my mind, it was an emoticon, Xiao Yueyue hissed and sucked wildly, but what he sucked was not his fingers, but...

The book under Jiang Xueli’s butt?

Gu Ran's eyelids twitched.

Even as a pervert, he felt that his inexplicable idea was really perverted!

The stone pillars were round and could not be moved, so they could not sit side by side, so Jiang Xueli moved her head closer to Gu Ran, and Gu Ran also leaned forward.

But looking at the contents of the book pointed by Jiang Xueli's green-white finger, Gu Ran couldn't help but feel a little... distracted.

They have some...

Mrs. Mrs. is close!

The two of them were almost cheek to cheek. As soon as Gu Ran turned his head, he was able to kiss Jiang Xueli's cheek. He could vaguely feel the temperature on Jiang Xueli's pretty face. There was a vague, very hot feeling on his face. If he dared to turn around, Gu Ran's eyes had already glanced all the way to the side, and he could see Gu Ran's own straight bridge of nose, as well as the profile of Jiang Xueli's pretty face.

Is Jiang Xueli's face a little red?

And the warmth coming from her face...

Is she hot?

Gu Ran didn't know.

Jiang Xueli is not hot at all.

She just kind of...

Heart rate increases!

"Come on, classmate Gu Ran, you will definitely get good grades!"

Back at the school gate, Gu Ran said he was going to the other side of the street and asked Jiang Xuelia to go back to school first. When they left, Jiang Xuelia made a cheering gesture to Gu Ran.

Gu Ran smiled happily.

Jiang Xueli cheers him up every day. Every time he hears these words, Gu Ran feels that the fatigue from studying has been swept away.

Gu Ran didn't go back to school directly because he had to go to the ICBC across the street to apply for a bank card.

He had a bank card, but it was issued a few years ago, and the authorization was very low. He had to apply for a normal one, open online banking, and deposit some money into it.

After about ten minutes, the bank card and online banking password were in Gu Ran's hands, and the money to be deposited was also deposited. He put these things and the ID card into the interlayer of the backpack, and Gu Ran returned to school and walked towards the teaching building at a faster pace.

The lunch break was over, and if he didn't hurry up and walk a few steps, he would be late.

He and Jiang Xueli ate the McDonald's that they took out in the park.

When buying, Gu Ran certainly didn't forget to buy one for Xu Kun. It was in his school uniform pocket, with a hamburger on the left and a pineapple pie on the right!

(I beg all readers to support me, please give me free rewards, please urge me to update, please comment. Every support from you during the new book period is my motivation to update!)

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