Dan Emperor Sword Emperor

Chapter 82 Return to the Sect

Chapter 82 Return to the Sect

After Qin Yu regained most of his strength, he has been humbly learning from Ye Jianan about the use of soul power and the essence of the Heavenly Soul Dafa for two days.

The Heavenly Soul Dafa was acquired by Ye Jianan inadvertently, and its rank was equivalent to the spiritual rank high-grade exercises. There are five types of Heavenly Soul Dafa, which are: Soul Power Needle, Soul Deception, Soul Rejuvenation, Wanli Soul Dao, and Soul River Descending the World.

I don't know if it's because of his extraordinary talent, or because of the blessing of inheriting Qingyan, Qin Yu's learning of soul art is like a duck to water. In just two days, Qin Yu cultivated the Heavenly Soul Dafa to the realm of Dacheng!

Seeing this, Ye Jianan shook his head with a wry smile, calling out the evildoer.

The next day, Qin Yu officially bid farewell to Ye Jianan. The Qin clan's military mansion had sent out 3,000 people in batches within two days in order to hide the public's eyes and ears. Tonight, the last 1,000 people will set off together with Qin Yu to go to Mission Hills City.

After a long journey of eleven days, the mighty team finally arrived outside Guanlan City.

Qin Yu went in and met the city owner Wei Wenle in person. Apparently, the grief of losing his son in old age made Wei Wenle look unhappy. However, Wei Wenle still abides by his promise, guaranteeing that the Qin people will be properly accommodated and provide them with all the necessary supplies.

Qin Yu silently guarded the Qin family for half a month before embarking on the journey back to Chongxu Valley. Now the Qin clan has built a small and simple village in Guanlan. With Lin Fengchao's alchemy skills and the alchemy recipe left by Qin Yu, it is enough to maintain the livelihood of the Qin clan.

When Qin Yu sneaked into Chongxu Valley quietly, a majestic voice resounded in the valley.

"From today, Chongxu Valley is officially closed! All Chongxu Valley disciples are not allowed to leave the valley without the permission of the sect!"

The one-armed Yu Wenxiong looked at the only 377 Chongxu disciples left in front of him, and a trace of sorrow flashed in his eyes.

Now, all the direct disciples of Chongxu Valley have died in battle, and even the core disciples have passed away 90%. It can be said that the Chongxu Valley now exists in name only, and it is a corner.

Not only in Chongxu Valley, but all the sect forces of the three dynasties have plummeted in strength. The Crimson Moon Demon Sect also suffered a major blow and was temporarily hidden to recuperate.

"who is it!"

Yu Wenxiong, whose strength reached the eighth level of the Heavenly Astral Realm, suddenly turned his head, and the mighty power of heaven and earth shrouded in the direction of Qin Yu!

"Master! It's me!"

Qin Yu slowly walked out of the dark, and looked at Yu Wenxiong gratefully. When he saw Yu Wenxiong's arm was cut off, a wave of anger roared in his chest, and he couldn't bear it.

"Qin Yu!"

Yu Wenxiong was stunned for a moment, then he laughed involuntarily, and then laughed wildly!

"Haha! I knew you wouldn't die easily! You really came back from that place! Qin Yu, go to a place with your teacher!"

After Yu Wenxiong finished speaking, he immediately broke through the air and flew to the rear of Chongxu Valley. And Qin Yu, who was in the Three Heavens of the Sea Transformation Realm, had been able to control the sky for a short time, and followed closely behind.

They fell at the illusory path that they had opened up.

"Okay! Qin Yu, you really didn't disappoint me! The hope of rushing to Xugu falls on you!"

Yu Wenxiong smiled happily, swept away his gloom, and continued:

"It contains the Lingchi water that I specially prepared for you before March, which is enough to fully restore your strength! Although you came out later than I expected!"

"Master, you seem to have known it for a long time?" Qin Yu asked with great confusion.

"As a teacher, I just guessed based on the records of the year. If you can't come back from that world, then Chongxu Valley will become history completely. When the Xuyi Sword was complete, it was used once to send the magic sword holder away. ." Yu Wenxiong explained.

"So there is only half of the Xuyi sword left!" Qin Yu suddenly realized.

"That's right! Both the Xuyu sword and the magic sword are made of Xuyutian sand, and they have the principle of mutual growth and mutual restraint! However, the Xuyutian sand contained in the magic sword is obviously stronger than the Xuyu sword!"

"Xu Tiansha!" Qin Yu's eyes widened!

He didn't expect that this treasure of heaven and earth would be in his hands all the time!

And the Scarlet Moon Demon Sword was lying quietly in his sea of ​​consciousness at this time!

Having said that, Qin Yu has collected three of the five great treasures of heaven and earth to make sword pills!

Only Jiugong Spring Water and Tiangang Baoyan are left!

"Qin Yu, after you have absorbed the potion from the Spirit Pond, your soul power and cultivation will be restored to the half-step Jindan realm! After that, the teacher needs you to do one thing!"

"What's the matter? Master!" Qin Yu asked.

"Now the disaster of the red moon is only suspended, not completely over! And the three dynasties still do not have a backbone to lead. Therefore, the three dynasties have all accepted a proposal! Young disciples will conduct three dynasties martial arts, and the victorious dynasty will Become the leader of the counterattack against the Crimson Moon Demon Sect!"

Yuwenxiong paused and continued:

"Now the battle of the hundred sects of the Great Xia Dynasty has ended. Disciples from the top ten sects, such as Qin Huanyu of the Wushuang Sect, Wu Mingxuan of Wu Nianmen, and Zhuang Feifei of Shuijingzhai, will participate in the war as representatives! And you missed the opportunity, so you can only go to the ten sects. Da Zongmen to challenge and defeat them!"

"Challenge the disciples of the ten major sects!"

Qin Yu said silently.

What kind of arrogance and absolute strength can this be done!

"That's right! Challenge and defeat them! Then you will become the uncrowned king and have the qualifications to participate in the three dynasties. The strongest of the young generation of the ten sects are only the sixth heaven of the sea transformation, and they are definitely not your opponents!" Yu Wenxiong Follow the good way.

"Okay! After the disciple has completely recovered his strength, he will set off immediately! There is only one thing that I have to ask the master to come forward! Once there was a treasure of heaven and earth in Jiangxia County - Jiugong Spring! The disciple needs this treasure of heaven and earth to help!"

Qin Yu opened his mouth and demanded!

As long as he successfully gets the Jiugong spring water, then when he goes to challenge the ten major sects, he can just win the last treasure of heaven and earth - Tiangang Baoyan!

The five treasures of heaven and earth are fully collected. Before the three dynasties met, Qin Yu was able to make sword balls, and his strength increased greatly!

At that time, even Qin Yu will not be afraid when he encounters a strong person in the Golden Core Realm!

Yu Wenxiong directly accepted it!

Afterwards, Qin Yu immersed himself in the multi-colored Lingchi water. The gentle medicinal liquid penetrated continuously through his skin.

The Five Elements Divine Treasure in his body gradually emits a dazzling divine brilliance!

The Qi Haiquan in his body gradually raised a dense fog!

I don't know how long it took, Qin Yu felt that his body was full of powerful power!

This kind of power has a mysterious connection to the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and there is no need to use infuriating energy to stimulate the spiritual energy of heaven and earth!

Since then, Qin Yu has been adapting to the power of the half-step Jindan realm in the Chongxu Valley, often sparring with the fifth elder Mo Xuesong, and gradually being able to accurately grasp the power.

Three more days passed. Yu Wenxiong finally returned with the Jiugong spring water that Qin Yu wanted!

Qin Yu got the coveted Jiugong spring water, and his strength returned to the half-step Jindan realm.

So, he officially went to challenge the top ten sects of Daxia!

"Chongxu Valley!"

Qin Yu looked at the stone tablet that had entered the valley, smiled slightly, then rose into the sky and flew away.


The Great Xia Capital!

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