Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 1568: Falling Fireball

The fireball that suddenly fell from the sky also shocked everyone who was fighting on the coastline.

Even when these powerful abyss are in front of them, they are burnt and cleaned in a blink of an eye.

Who in the world can have such a powerful strength.

There is only one evil deity.

"Master Xunzun?"

There was a hint of doubt in Xia Xue's eyes. If someone said that he would shoot at this time and help them to kill the abyss, and at the same time possess such powerful strength, it must be the senior of the evil respect.

But next moment.

A terrifying airwave came from this sea again? .

The fire wave swept through.

It seems as if there are hundreds of words, rushing into the flames.

Some masters of the human race on the shore were also caught, and after the capture, the whole person was also melted by the flame.

Anyone who was caught was directly refined into a pile of ashes, and all the power poured into the latter's body.

He was transported towards a fireball on the sea.

Immediately, Xia Xue also saw her partner and was killed by the power brought by this fireball.

Shouted quickly.

"Hurry up! Strong enemy appears, evacuate quickly!"

There are countless arms in the fireball, spreading out directly.

People came towards the shore.

Even some of the disciples at Tianzong Academy were arrested directly.

The opponent's strength is quite strong.

Xia Xue was out of sword energy and wanted to cut off the flame hand.

However, he found that even his sword qi could not be achieved.

The flame of the opponent's flames kept spinning and moving above the sea surface.

The intense flame of gas also instantly evaporates the surrounding seawater. ,

Instantly, the other side burned thousands of people on the shore directly, converted them into the power of the latter, and rushed directly towards him. ,

The blazing power also made Xia Xue and others feel despair.

This powerful, almost suffocating feeling, is difficult to compete with, and can only look at it from a distance, staring at the strength of the other party, while waiting for death to come.


Even the sky was burned into red iron.

The coastline and beach were turned into a desert directly at this moment.

Xia Xue took a few masters and sisters to evacuate with difficulty.

Finally, a flame hand rushed towards Xia Xue.

Xia Xue hastily pushed away all of his peers.

Stay alone to face the sudden flame of fire.


Suddenly the opponent's flame hand.

Fall on Xia Xue's body.

Immediately a violent force surged on Xia Xue's body.

At this moment, Xia Xue felt that she seemed to be sucked into a huge fireball.

"Sister Xia Xue!"

"Sister Xia Xue!"

Just when Xia Xue was about to burn the other side and ended up like everyone else.

Suddenly a light suddenly emerged from Xia Xue's body.

? I saw the strength of this force.

Extinguish the other party's flame instantly.

Xia Xue was safely out of trouble.

He slammed and fell on the beach.

Xia Xue felt this power just now, and she was very familiar with it.

I suddenly understood in my heart that this was not exactly the power of the evil predecessor.

Before Li Zongjiu left, very early, he had already placed a talisman in Xia Xue's body, in order to be able to save the latter's life at this critical time.

Obviously the effect this time is very significant.

The innate power broke out directly, forcing the opponent back.

And the person hiding in front of the fireball was obviously very surprised.

But what made the latter even more surprised was that a force was approaching rapidly, so it was also vigilant.

"I didn't expect this little lower world to have such a master."

On the coast.

Xia Xue landed, relieved instinctively. After all, the strength just now was suffocating, but she had no resistance at all.

And the other side is not at all a strength level.

If it weren't for the guardian power that the evil Lord has left on her

It is estimated that Xia Xue has just fallen directly.

This made Xia Xue also frightened, at least now it was a life.

"Sister Xia Xue, are you okay!"

Brothers and sisters surged up.

"Sister Protector evacuates!"

"Look at it, what is that!"

Everyone looked up and looked forward.

Even some people who are running away have their eyes widened.

Right above the sea.

Because of the fireball, a lot of sea water has been dried up.

The speed of this incineration is not so simple.

It's a speed that is visible to the naked eye.

It is because this power is too powerful that a master hidden in the dark appears.

The original turquoise blue water at this moment also directly turned into a black.

When the black sea water came, it seemed as if a force as dark as black came quickly.

Rush to the fireball.

Is it not afraid of the power of the latter flame? Cover it thoroughly.

Everyone has seen the power of this fireball just now.

Just when it fell down, it was already setting off a huge wave, killing all the monsters of the abyss.

These strengths are absolutely extraordinary.

"Black water?"

There are not many people who know the legend of the Black Sea.

Even if they knew it, they thought it was just a legend.

I never imagined that such black sea waters really appeared, and these black sea waters are like that? It is full of vitality in itself.

Quickly came, completely extinguishing the opponent's flame.

It seems that the two sides are at war? .

People in this fireball want to escape.

But was firmly restrained by the power of the Black Sea.

It's hard to escape, nothing to hide!

Even if you try your best to escape.

But still helpless. ,

Hold tight.

Can't escape.

The flame of the opponent, even if it is so far away? Distance can also feel the power of this horror.

Even the surrounding seawater, except for the black seawater, was completely evaporated and cleaned.

A weird black sea water column,

The distant sea water is also surging fast.

Directly poured into these evaporated places.


From the Black Sea, a strong force suddenly broke out, dragging the fireball directly into the sea water.

Set off a huge wave.

Under the Black Sea.

The Black Sea Lord meets the people in this fireball.

"Being able to enter the realm of heaven and earth, you can be considered good in this nether world, but unfortunately, trying to kill me is not enough for your cultivation!

A red-haired middle-aged man came out of the fireball.

Even in the Black Sea, there is a layer of flames protecting the whole body. Resist the invasion of the power of the Black Sea.

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