Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 187: Blood Washing North Medicine Building

Li Zongjiu's fingers became golden.

In this hall full of blood.

It also radiates dazzling energy.

"This is ... a pure power ..." The old man felt a force that Li Zongjiu struck. Before this pure power, the old man had forgotten that he was a Yuanzong-level strong man.

Just stubbornly standing in place.

The more pure this power, the stronger he will be!

This is the same truth.

So when I felt the force of Li Zongjiu.

The old man was completely shocked by this power.

Li Zongjiu poked into the old man's chest with a finger.

The forces gathered this week did not stop this horrible attack.

Even the inner armor worn by the old man was under this Li Zongjiu's golden dragon finger.

Easily penetrated.


The old man suddenly spit blood.

The millennium ice toad above that head was also directly hit into the body.

The power from the golden dragon's fingers suddenly sent the old man to Zhenfei, smashing several tables, and finally slamming on the bookcase, at this time the figure stopped.

"Ahem ... who the **** are you!"

The old man couldn't believe it, and looked at Li Zongjiu in shock.

The heart was pierced through a small hole.

Relying on the strength of his Yuanzong-level strongman, he is also protecting himself now, using his whole strength to block the wound on the heart.

Staring at Li Zongjiu.

Think back to the scene I just went through.

The old man could not help but shouted in a voice like: "Born ... Born .... You turned out to be born ...."

Li Zongjiu is so young. With his master-level cultivation, it is impossible to master the power of this spirit. Therefore, if he wants to hunt and kill the spirit beast, it is impossible. The only way is Born to be!

Unexpectedly, Li Zongjiu turned out to be a master of the innate souls!

These discoveries also convinced the old man to take it orally. This natural spirit is a natural practitioner.

They are the fighters selected by Heaven. Even ordinary people are desperately chasing after them, and they are not as good as the other side.

Now, finally, he is such a master who has seen this born spirit.

Even his Yuanzong-level realm was difficult to resist.

Li Zongjiu came to the old man and looked at him condescendingly.

"You can rest assured that the Qingyuan Villa will go down with you."

After speaking, Li Zongjiu put his hand directly on the old man's head.

It would not be too wasteful for such a lively Yuanzong-level strong person to do a good job of refining.


The Yuanli in the palm of the palm immediately sucked the blood from the old man's body and kept condensing.

This old man is also unable to move.

Although it is said that the two parties have no injustice and no enmity, they are already on the opposite level. In this case, it is impossible to stop so easily.

And Li Zongjiu did not treat the other person as an old man who was already dying.

Just as a real enemy.

All qi and blood are condensed in the palm of Li Zongjiu.

At last, a blood-colored spar condensed.

"Blood crystals are ten times more powerful than those blood beads! They are indeed Yuanzong-class powerhouses."

Li Zongjiu felt the power transmitted from this blood crystal, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

This thing is in your hand, whether it is taking one when you are injured or assisting when practicing, it is an extremely powerful weapon.

Even this blood crystal is already equivalent to Sanpin Lingtan.

If it is used properly, it can be comparable to Sipin medicine!

This is the benefit of blood crystals.

The old man's bones fell to the ground, looking around, there was no living person on the ground!

Li Zongjiu took off the storage ring in the hands of the old man, and there was the storage ring of Chunlei.

Until now, the body of Fu Chunlei was still sitting in position and had not moved.

The only weird thing was that his head was blown out.

"Shit, these guys, so rich!"

When Li Zongjiu checked the two men's storage rings, they were stunned by their collection.

Just this storage space is two or three times bigger than Li Zongjiu's previous time!

After all, this storage ring from Li Zongjiu was also delivered by Zheng Haoran before.

Take a casual look, there are no less than a million gold coins alone, and there are many bank notes.

Each face value is ten thousand gold coins.

Li Zongjiu counted it. Just in this box, there are a thousand deposit tickets!

And such wooden boxes.

There were nearly twenty of the old man's storage rings.

"Fuck, it's so rich!"

And the one that paid Chun Lei was more exaggerated.

There are exactly fifty boxes.

It seems that these gold yuan coins are just a small change for them.

Li Zongjiu has no concept of money. If he wanted something in the previous life, he would rarely pay for it, either rob or steal it.

Just in the process of growth, after killing a lot of people, the money and other things that were snatched from the opponent's hands are countless. What they like is all given by others.

However, today when I went to the Qianwei Thatched Cottage to buy things, I realized the importance of this gold yuan coin.

This casually killed a leader of a pharmacist alliance in a third-level city, and directly obtained so much money.

This made Li Zongjiu even more surprised.

"His uncle, these people are so rich in oil and water."

However, this is a misunderstanding of Li Zongjiu.

Because the money is not their profit.

It's some resources sent by Qingyuan Mountain Villa for up and down.

It was originally given seven billion.

But in the hands of this old man, it directly deducted two hundred million.

Then sent it to the hands of Fu Chunlei.

Of course, it is impossible for Fu Chunlei to use the money privately. It is just left here. If it is said that it was spent, it must be reported all!

The strength of Qingyuan Villa shows how terrible it is.

Now that the Qingyuan Mountain Villa has been laid out, it will also be a potential disaster for the Holy Yan Dynasty.

However, of these two storage rings, of course, the most valuable is not these gold coins or deposit slips.

The most precious of these storage rings are, of course, some precious medicinal materials and elixir. ,

Just in this Chunlei's storage ring, Li Zongjiu directly found hundreds of Sanpin Pills.

In the hands of the old man in the black robe, there was even a Sipin Lingdan!

"Similarly, there is Siping Lingdan ..."

Li Zongjiu opened the medicine box and saw a letter in the box containing Sipinling.

Above is the handwritten letter from King Qingyuan.

Written to the owner of this northern medicine city.

"Well, it's really a big deal. Just a master of the northern medicine city in this area, I used this piece of Siping Lingdan and a prefecture-level treasure to win. It was really rich."

Li Zongjiu secretly froze after watching it.

In fact, this world seems to be stable, but there is an undercurrent in the back ground, and Li Zongjiu is also very clear that there has never been peace in this world.

However, in Li Zongjiu's opinion, as long as you don't provoke yourself, then you can play whatever you want.

If they wanted to involve their Li family, then Li Zongjiu would have to sit down and talk to them.

This prefecture-level treasure is equivalent to the level of prefecture-level magic soldiers.

It is already very high. It is a higher level than the six-turn steel knife in your hand. It is also good to bring it back to my father.


Several figures flew up from the cave.

When I landed, I instantly smelled a strong **** smell.

Qin Lie and others looked at the corpses all over the place, and they all widened their eyes and felt deep and incredible, especially when they saw the only one standing in the audience, that was Li Zongjiu.

"Ahem, you guys, you are so brave ..."

Elder Indus carried a man in his hand.

It was the owner of the iron-legged door.

An iron leg of this owner has also been directly abolished.

After all, it's just some people staying in this city to enjoy the blessings. They only know that they can do some messy things to promote the martial arts and make money.

The iron-legged doorkeeper wanted to scold and intimidate him, and then let Li Zongjiu and others feel scared and let him go.

But when you see the body of this place.

The intestine that came out of the belly.

The brain is splashing everywhere.

Suddenly spit it out.

"It's all resolved, let's go, find a place, take a bath,"

Li Zongjiu clapped his hands and said.

Even Li Zongjiu's body was contaminated with a lot of blood.

Qin Lie and others looked at each other.

Each other also saw the shock in their eyes.

It has long been known that this person is an ordinary person who protects Li Fa, otherwise the Sovereign would not directly seal Li Zongjiu as a long fog protector!

But seeing this hellish tragedy, it is also fortunate for the people below, that they are not facing Li Zongjiu just now.北 This Beiyao Building has been thoroughly washed today.

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