Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 349: Hidden Moon Guard

Because I stayed in the snake's belly for a while, although Li Zongjiu's body was not dirty, because he had strength to protect himself, but this smell was really a bit heavy.

At first Xu Mo didn't know why Li Zongjiu stayed that long. Later I learned that Li Zongjiu was actually in the snake's stomach just now, analyzing some of the food that was eaten, and then using the food in the belly to judge what was eating near the polar rock snake. may

What is growing. The range of the incandescent mountain is very wide. The height alone exceeds hundreds of feet. The included range, coupled with the evolution of the mountain terrain, is naturally very scary. So if there is a person to lead the way, then Say still

Very convenient.

"Right here."

Xu Mo really admired Li Zongjiu and the three set out.

On the way, Xu Mo and Tiechu also demonstrated the strength of the Suzaku army. In such a hot place, they can still show 100% of their mental state. They often land on the ground to explore the road and find directions. .

Night falls. Although the sun is missing, the temperature of this incandescent mountain has not gone down, but it gives a very sultry feeling. It seems that the entire incandescent mountain is like a very large steamer. that

They are all in this very stuffy state.


Fifteen figures passed quickly.

I compared Li Zongjiu's route before, so they also landed in an ambush before a canyon!

"The summer heat dan on our body can only persist in the last hour. Within half an hour, we must resolve that Li Zongjiu and return at full speed!"

The person headed by Yinyuewei said that the masters behind him were also fighting spirits.

In order to be able to spread the action in this incandescent mountain. It also costs a great deal. This one summer heat can last five hours, but as they deepen, the effect of this summer heat is getting weaker and we have to take more, so in the next Half an hour

Chen Chen, if Li Zongjiu cannot be abolished, they will die.


Ahead, a figure was walking on the road. Although the road was dark, the presence of this person instantly attracted the attention of all Yinyuewei!

The city of St. Yan under the night still looks lively and brilliant.

In a more secret pavilion, a woman in a white dress has been waiting in the pavilion for a long time.

Suddenly a man poked his head from behind the wall not far away, and waved to the woman in front.


"Liang Brother!"

The woman turned around and was surprised when she saw Bei Houliang.

Bei Houliang also looked around, and then came to Xiaoyue very carefully.

"Xiaoyue, what's wrong? Call me out in such an anxiety. Is your father's condition worsening? I'll give you 100,000 gold coins here. You take it first.

Bei Houliang said, and then pulled out a stack of deposit slips from his sleeves and stuffed them into Xiaoyue's hands.

"No ... Liang brother ..."

Satsuki wanted to say something, but it was too late.



Several figures rolled over from the gazebo. ,

Holding a sharp long knife in his hand, after falling down, there was no bullshit, and he rushed towards the north Houliang directly.

When Bei Houliang saw this, he immediately pushed out Xiaoyue in front of him.


After Satsuki was pushed out, he was directly pierced by a knife.

The sharp knife on the chest was white and blood spread out, and Xiaoyue's body fell slowly, and she was quickly pushed aside.

Bei Houliang wanted to escape, but found himself surrounded.

There is no way to go.

"Don't kill me. I will give you as much money as you want!"

Bei Houliang Xinzhongtian already knew that he was dead, but there was no way, a strong desire to survive, made him want to struggle again.

Even if he is a student of Tianchen Medicine House. ,

Even if he is a family master in Xuanbei Giant City.

Within this and Wang Cheng, he is nothing. If he offends the power, there are countless ways for the other party to make you disappear directly, or even disappear without a trace.

Bei Houliang was wrong.

Touched that crane.

When he started to have resentment with Li Zongjiu, it was already dead.

Whether this time with the incandescent mountain or not, the end will be the same.

As the first person in black came forward and waved a knife, it was Bei Houliang's head to be chopped.


Bei Houliang's head rolled to the ground, and blood splashed out.

This big master who is enough to call the wind and rain in the Xuanbei Giant City is now directly a corpse, without any struggle, and even before his death, no last words have been left.

Even if Bei Houliang's family really came to investigate the matter, when they started to investigate the matter.

You will know how much trouble Bei Houliang has encountered. When that time comes, you will naturally shrink back. If you want to get on the front of this night house, wait for the extermination.

He died at night.

It's just that letting you die in your own home is already cheap for you.

If you ca n’t let it go, even if you destroy all your North House, you do n’t have any words. Want to resist?

Oh, sorry, you can think about it.

"The head was taken away, the body was burned on the spot, and the rest was thrown into the river."

The head said.

Immediately someone came forward and used a black cloth to directly pack Bei Houliang's head. The rest of the powder was poured out in a pool of powder. The white powder instantly ignited the body and was odorless. .

The process from the murder to the last departure should not exceed five minutes.

After five minutes, the place was clean.

When the head of Bei Houliang was in front of Ye Guyue, Ye Guyue, who had been bitterly faced, finally had a smile at this moment.

"If you can't handle even such waste, then I really have become a waste."

Ye Guyue sneered, then looked in the direction of the incandescent mountain.

Now waiting for Li Zongjiu's head to be in front of him.

Incandescent mountains.

The leader of Yinyuewei looked at the corpse under his feet inconceivably. Just now, when they were preparing to ambush Li Zongjiu, they suddenly killed two people from the side, and they rushed into the camp of their Hidden Moon Guard. It was like the leeks, and they harvested three easily. Personal head


The rest wanted to do it, but found out that Li Zongjiu had already rushed up. When confronted with Li Zongjiu, these talents found that they said they were facing something. This Li Zongjiu shot. They had no room for resistance. Looking at the broken head on the ground, they knew that Li Zongjiu's Combat effectiveness

How terrible.

"Month? Why isn't yours on my profile?"

"You are not from the night family?"

At this point all of his men were dead, except that the strongest man was still standing, but his arms had been cut off as much as possible, and the two arms fell directly to the ground.

He has no ability to fight back.

In front of Li Zongjiu, he had no room to resist.

So Li Zongjiu found the Yinyuewei token on him.

When I saw Li Zongjiu turned out a thick book of information, I was also surprised. Li Zongjiu was specifically to deal with the failure of the son. "Why not ..." Li Zongjiu rummaged through the information in his hand, and there was no hidden moon guard in the data given by Bei Houliang, which showed that these hidden moon guards were either sent by others, Either that Bei Houliang has no capital

Grid is exposed to this level.

"You are Yinyuewei? People in Guyuefu?"

Xu Mo said he was very surprised when he saw the sign in Li Zongjiu's hand.

"you recognize?"

Xu Mo came and nodded.

"Yes, the second son of the family Ye Yeguyue's house that night raised a group of private soldiers called Yinyuewei, which has not yet been dispatched, of course, it has always been within our control."

Xu Modao.

At this moment the captain of Yinyue Guard was surprised.

He never expected that his hidden moon guard was so hidden, but he was still mastered by the other party.

"You ... who are you ..."

This Yinyuewei has already guessed, that Li Zongjiu is definitely more than just a country boy. "Huh, you gangsters and bandits, no one knows what the trick is, but it's not the time yet. If we want to kill you, our Suzaku army will be dispatched. It will take you three days to return!"

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