Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 386: Spiritual avatar

And Li Zongjiu also knew that there was no fun playing with these little soldiers here.

What's more, I don't know how many screaming wolves in the screaming moon valley, it is impossible for Li Zongjiu to kill all of them tonight.

So if you want to solve the situation in front of you, you must first fight with the Sirius Moon.

But looking at the howling wolf king seems to be absorbing the blood on the ground.

Concentrating on his own body and strengthening his momentum, Li Zongjiu stepped on the body of the howling Sirius in front of him, and his body flew into the air in an instant.


The thunder hammer in Li Zongjiu's hand was immediately thrown out.

Smashed on the head of the howling wolf king.

Lei Xuan's hammer was bombed and the Moon King Wolf was completely enraged by Li Zongjiu. He originally thought that Li Zongjiu was just an ordinary human being, so he killed it, but now he dares To provoke it.

Today is the time for him to practice for thousands of years and transform into a real wolf king.

How can be provoked by Li Zongjiu.

That being the case, that is to make you stand out!

Tonight I want to unify this howling wolf tribe, and tomorrow I will extend this and the claws into this human city. Howling Wolf King directly jumped towards Li Zongjiu. In the process of this leap, the momentum of terror spread instantly. Obviously this figure was only the size, but when this leap came, it was for people. A kind of cloud cover

a feeling of.

"Fuhuquan, which has been practiced for nothing in the past life, can try its power today."

The corner of Li Zongjiu's mouth slightly raised.

Then immediately rushed towards the howling wolf king.


One stroke of Fuhuquan blasted out, and instantly collided with the body of Xiaoyue Wolf King. Xiaoyue Wolf King also stretched out his claws, one claw grabbed at Li Zongjiu, and their bodies were twitching above the sky. .


Both fell to the ground at the same time.

Howling wolf king's figure stunned, and on that mouth, bit a piece of meat!

This piece of meat was just bitten from Li Zongjiu's body just now.

With his wolf king's strength, he should have been able to bite Li Zongjiu into two halves, but now he just bit off a piece of meat, which surprised him howling moon wolf king.

This kid's body is very good, but the meat is so hard.

"Your uncle's ..."

Since his rebirth, Li Zongjiu was really the first to try to be bitten off a piece of meat on his waist by this wolf.

These injuries were not troublesome for Li Zongjiu. Naha Gu Jinshen also quickly stabilized the injuries. At the same time, the bitten meat was quickly regenerated.

"So fast."

When Li Zongjiu let go of his hand, he found that his injury was better, and the bite had already grown a new piece of meat.

It's really cruel enough to show no mercy.

"Come again!"

Li Zongjiu made a provocative action against the howling wolf king. Under this provocative action, the howling wolf king also directly spit out the meat in his mouth. As a wolf king, he only eats live things. Don't eat this piece of dead meat!

"Roar!" The Howling Moon Wolf King pounced again. The sharp claws and mouthfuls of fangs are almost the deadliest weapon, and the defense on this body is especially arrogant. Is able to keep moving

The attack will resist Li Zongjiu's strength.


Suddenly, the wolf king screamed in the sky. When he lowered his head again, a purple-blue wolf inflammation sprayed out of the mouth!

"Black beacon!"

Li Zongjiu summoned the black beacon fire body immediately, under the protection of this black beacon fire, it was able to resist the attack of wolf inflammation.

Just when the wolf inflammation disappeared.

The Wolf King suddenly opened his mouth and opened his mouth to Li Zongjiu's head.

"I really want to eat me!"

Li Zongjiu immediately grasped the upper and lower teeth of the wolf king with both hands and sighed angrily, and exerted his own power to the extreme, which did not close the mouth of the wolf king.

"Pour me!"

Li Zongjiu snarled, and threw the Howling Wolf King directly to the ground.

He grabbed each other's teeth, and then hit a punch on the nose of the wolf king!


Suddenly a bunch of nosebleeds splattered out. This nose was a very important organ of the Wolf King. At the moment, Li Zongjiu was almost blown with a punch. Such pain was unbearable for ordinary people.

Immediately, the wolf king also roared in pain, and the claws were almost shaved towards the back of the body.

Suddenly, the body strength of the wolf king was staring directly at Li Zongjiu's body, biting Li Zongjiu's wrist,


The wolf king stood on Li Zongjiu's body and broke dozens of thick trees, and then gave Li Zongjiu a fierce side to the ground.

The ground suddenly cracked.

Like an earthquake.

Fortunately, Li Zongjiu's own physical defense is also extremely tyrannical. Otherwise, it is estimated that the entire person will be abolished.

However, this body has experienced such devastation, Li Zongjiu's body will also become stronger.

Ba Gujin was continually recovering Li Zongjiu's injury.

As long as Li Zongjiu is not afraid of pain, and he will not account for his life at once, then he can definitely spend a lot of time with this Xiaoyue Wolf King.

The Howling Wolf King also refused to lose. A human in this area was able to persevere for so long under the attack of the King, and there were several times when he almost killed the King. ,

Li Zongjiu's fist was also extremely scary in the sight of the Howling Wolf King, and the taste of that fist falling on his body was so good from time to time, and even a little scared.

After all, Li Zongjiu has eaten so many tricks of his own,

Up to now, except the Wolverine Point, there is no impact at all.


From the eyes of the howling wolf king, a red light burst into bloom. ,

With the emergence of this red light, Li Zongjiu suddenly saw a light and shadow being separated from the body of the howling wolf king.

When he saw this scene, Li Zongjiu's eyes widened. ,

"I rub it, and I still have a avatar, no, this avatar has a strange power!"

Li Zongjiu stared at the light and shadow carefully, and immediately felt a force coming.

"It turned out to be a spiritual clone!"

The two howling wolf kings roared again and launched an attack towards Li Zongjiu. This time it was worth seeing the corner of the mouth of the little moon wolf king, showing a sly smile.

The threat of that spiritual avatar is quite great. Li Zongjiu can even feel his own mental power, but he is also shaking. Bai Longyuanling wants to break free and take the initiative to face it.

But was forced to go back by Li Zongjiu. In these cases, Li Zongjiu has also seen it, but there is only one more spiritual avatar. The reason why Li Zongjiu was surprised was mainly because of the strength of the howling wolf king, which was able to perform the spiritual avatar, so there are

It's just a bit of a surprise, this is to show that the mental power of the Moon Lord Wolf is at least in the realm of the fifth level.


There seemed to be a Meng Shou in his mind, trying to tear up Li Zongjiu's mental strength.

But Li Zongjiu is also extremely decisive,

"Since it's here, then surrender!"

Li Zongjiu opened the door of his own spiritual defense, so that the spiritual clone of the Howling Wolf King directly poured into his mind, and then he was trapped directly in this level of the spiritual world.

"Bai Shen Fu!" In the spiritual world, a spiritual clone of Li Zongjiu also emerged. For the roaring and arrogant spirit wolf king, he was also controlling the mental power, and read one of the Bai Shen Fu. Content, trying to put this

Howling Wolf's spiritual avatar is under control.

"You are so stupid. Now how do you fight me?"

Li Zongjiu sneered.

Looking at the howling wolf king, it is impossible to know who is smart. After all, Li Zongjiu also thinks that his mental strength is enough to subdue the other party, but that howling wolf king seems to be a stable win.

The body was shaking, but also rushed towards Li Zongjiu.


A bite on Li Zongjiu's shoulder, and Li Zongjiu also smashed into the mouth of Xiaoyue Wolf King with a punch, and Xiaoyue Wolf King snorted and flew out.

The surrounding Xiaoyue Sirius saw this scene, and they were all shocked. They did not expect that this human was so strong that it could compete with their king for so long.

The physical struggle is still going on. Li Zongjiu's physical strength is not afraid of the howling Sirius.

Originally, this howling wolf king could bite off a piece of meat from Li Zongjiu, but now he can't.

It is directly controlled by the muscles of the body, and it is easily relieved of strength.

"Why is this kid bigger and stronger!"

Xiaoyue Wolf King discovered the characteristics of Li Zongjiu, and it is surprising that such a person exists.

In the spiritual world.

The shape of Xiaoyue Wolf King turned out to be a middle-aged man wearing a blue robe. Facing Li Zongjiu's spiritual avatar, his mouth was slightly the same.

"Weak humans, submit to me, I can spare you."

The middle-aged man, who is the incarnation of Howling Wolf King, said lightly.

Li Zongjiu was slightly surprised to see the Moon King Wolf after this incarnation.

"It turns out that you have royal blood, no wonder your mental strength is a bit weird."

"If you can achieve spiritualization, then you should be able to transform in reality."

Li Zongjiu said lightly.

If you want to say this, Li Zongjiu also remembers that his yard seems to lack a gatekeeper, and it is not suitable to raise a dog, but if he keeps a wolf, as long as he can guard the gate, it is enough.

"Are you going to put on this spiritual noose yourself, or shall I bring it for you?"

In the palm of Li Zongjiu, a ray of light suddenly suspended. This is the spiritual lock that Li Zongjiu has mastered. When he originally controlled the golden-winged blue-tailed eagle, he used the official trick. Now he meets a wolf moon king with blood of Yuanhuang class. That is also Very interested, after conquering it, the final decision has great usefulness!

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