Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 764: Teach you to be human

But looking at a few people, it seems that I really don't know Li Zongjiu.

The number of days was a few fingers, and then stared at Li Zongjiu with wide eyes.

"You, you are Li Zongjiu!"

Said terribly in terror.

The other few people finally reacted. The young man in front of him turned out to be Li Zongjiu. In fact, the reason why they were impressed with Li Zongjiu was because they knew that the city of King Shengyan was unexpected. At first, they did n’t care, but later they became Liupin. Alchemist


Even if Tiandange is trying to suppress such news to prevent it from leaking out, it will still be learned by many people.

Then, after investigating, they learned that Li Zongjiu seemed to have no small conflict with their Qingyuan Villa.

I was thinking of a Liupin alchemist, but if I had a chance, I still had to draw a little bit, but who thought, in a blink of an eye, this man who threatened to destroy this Qingyuan Villa actually came. .

And although there is only one person, they have already beaten them like this, maybe Li Zongjiu really has such ability.

"Leave a last word, if you can count so much, start with you."

Li Zongjiu said pointing at the number of days.

Suddenly, I felt stiffened for a few days.

"Arrogant boy, I must tear you up!"

The Yin Shengwu's eyes were red, staring at Li Zongjiu in front of him and saying, I ca n’t wait to kill Li Zongjiu directly, because Li Zongjiu destroyed his Taiyin sword!

This destruction is basically the hard work of most of my life. It is impossible to cultivate it.

Now that Li Zongjiu's shot, it can be regarded as abolishing his entire life.

"You ... you don't come here. We are at Qingyuan Mountain Villa, and we are good at the world. We can sit down and discuss anything!"

The number of days wants to appease Li Zongjiu's emotions.

In the immediate situation, it seems that these people are not Li Zongjiu's opponents.

Therefore, first stabilize Li Zongjiu, and wait to bring Li Zongjiu to this Qingyuan Mountain Villa, then it is completely the world that accounts for the number of days, after all, it is a master of array formation.

All the large arrays in the Qingyuan Villas are designed for this number of days.

As long as Li Zongjiu walks in, it will surely die.

In fact, the number of days has rarely left Qingyuan Villa, because as a formation mage, staying in your own formation is the safest behavior.

But who knows that this is hard to come by once, but it was Li Zongjiu who met this horror.

"Sit down and talk slowly? Do you want to take me to your formation? You don't know how to kneel down and surrender, and you want to murder me, you really **** it!"

In Li Zongjiu's eyes, there was a hint of ridicule. He killed so many people in Qingyuan Villa, how could he still sit down and chat, it was a fool to fail.

Immediately, Li Zongjiu rushed towards the number of days.


Zhan Tianshu cursed, turned and ran towards Feng Hui. When Feng Hui stopped Li Zongjiu, he was looking for a chance and fled back to the villa.

"Feng Hui save me!"

However, it was very unexpected that the number of days occupied was that Feng Hui saw a bad situation and turned out to say hello directly to signal everyone to retreat!

After he had greeted himself, he turned and fled.

Tens of thousands of days did not expect that in such a critical situation.

As a companion, Feng Hui turned out to be the first to abandon him.

"Feng Hui, you betrayed your companions, you must not die!"

Chan said coldly.

This time Li Zongjiu was not disappointing everyone, he just smashed his head with a punch.

Li Zongjiu sneered.

The fleeing Feng Hui, as well as the other two, looked at Li Zongjiu with anxiety. That Li Zongjiu is just a violent fighting elementary beast, he easily killed both of them, and Yin Shengwu is now in this semi-disabled state. If there is no good way, it is estimated that Yin Shengwu The whole person

It's gone.

It is abolished from now on.

Watched the three fled directly.

Li Zongjiu was not in a hurry to catch up directly, but turned around and swept past the Damen Mountain Road of that Qingyuan Villa.

"Since Li Zongjiu has promised to destroy your door, you must destroy your door!"

Therefore, Li Zongjiu also started directly from this gate, when Li Zongjiu's figure appeared in front of the mountain gate of this Qingyuan villa.

Fortunately, Yuanli shouted at Qingyuan Villa.

"I Li Zongjiu came to destroy the gate of Qingyuan Mountain Villa. If you don't want to die, hurry down the mountain!"

Li Zongjiu shouted this, but it sounded like a thunder.

Resounded above the sky of this Qingyuan Mountain Villa.

Since Qingyuan Mountain Villa is an integrative of countless strong men, masters, celebrities and the like, they work together here, so when these people heard someone coming to scream, they actually want to destroy the full door of Qingyuan Mountain Villa.

All of them suddenly became furious, and some even didn't even care about Li Zongjiu, who was it.

But such a person dared to come to this Qingyuan Mountain Villa to scatter the wild. It was either a lunatic or a fool. Feng Hui and others naturally heard Li Zongjiu's warning, but now they are anxious to go back and condense the element pattern to form this resistance, and also to restore their injuries, and report this to the King Qingyuan ,

Let King Qingyuan make a decision. Regarding Li Zongjiu's warning, Feng Hui and others only speeded up and did not come forward to stop it. If they came forward to say something, it would not weaken the reputation of this Qingyuan Villa. Most importantly, they had just abandoned the number of days in Do not

Gu, for them, it is also very afraid of being discovered.

Everything will be said after killing Li Zongjiu.

At the gate of the mountain, there were already a large number of masters rushing out of the residence of the mountain village. After these people were recruited to this Qingyuan Mountain Villa, they said that everyone lived together and discussed with each other, but in fact, it was only equivalent to being recruited by the Qingyuan king and becoming some kind of thug who needed it at any time.


As a villa, it is naturally necessary to support some of these people, and to meet some people who don't open their eyes, it is also easy to directly resolve these things, so as not to cause too much trouble.

"Where's the stupid hat, how dare you bark at the door of my Qingyuan villa, and watch my Dajiang stand up and teach you to be a man!"

A flat-headed man appeared immediately, holding a peach stick and jumping off the mountain. As soon as the front foot landed, there were five positions before Li Zongjiu. I saw that Li Zongjiu stepped forward and smashed his fists. The upper and lower body of the flat-headed man, along with the stick in his hand, were also directly affected by it. Bang Fei went out!

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