Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 813: Dong Yang Bai

It must be said that this old hump man had not done any heinous behavior before.

It was only in Wucheng that he violated the rules of this city and later fled without authorization, which naturally became a wanted criminal in this city.

However, the city has not enough staff, so there is no hunting for these people all over the world.

Only when these Wucheng disciples are wandering outside, will this person be arrested. If they accidentally run into one, they will be picked up incidentally.

For example, Lan Kun's appearance was such a coincidence that he met the old hump man here, so he naturally wanted to correct the person in situ to enhance his majesty.

Li Zongjiu did not continue to pay attention to the situation here. He did n’t care what Lan Lan ’s result was. If Lan Kun successfully ran down the dark horse dan club, then Li Zongjiu celebrated this Lan Kun, but if this Lan Kun was killed, then Li Zongjiu must Will revenge for Lan Kun


This is Li Zongjiu's mentality.

"The honorary elder of Tiandange is actually just a seventeen-year-old boy, which is really sad!"

"Do you think it necessary to have a garbage force like Tiandange?"

Just when Li Zongjiu was going to find Feng Tengfei and ask, where was the **** drunk dream dream flower, after all, if he went looking with his eyes like this, who knows when to find it.

If you look for Feng Tengfei directly, it may be more effective.

But before he can come and go, there is such a voice sounding behind him. Listening to this voice, it is obviously directed at Li Zongjiu!

"Who do you think you are?"

Li Zongjiu turned around and saw a tall, burly man who appeared directly behind him.

"Oh, you were the one who peeped through a telescope yesterday, right?"

When Li Zongjiu saw Dong Yangbai in front of him, he immediately recognized it. And Dong Yangbai didn't expect that Li Zongjiu's mouth was so unobstructed when he came up. He actually said such a thing. This is also a great provocation for Dong Yangbai. To shoot

Hammer Li Zongjiu to death.

The ghost is peeping at you!

As the son of a son, do we still need this kind of carelessness? Think of it as ridiculous.

"Fart, no more nonsense. Since you and I don't have to say much, just meet on the stage!"

That Dong Yang Bai also said directly to Li Zongjiu.

"Did you see that person?"

Li Zongjiu pointed to Lan Kun, who was competing with the old hump man. Dong Yang Bai was not blind, so he naturally saw it.

"You beat him first, then come to me."

After patting Dong Yangbai's shoulder, Li Zongjiu also left directly.

Dong Yang Bai froze for a moment, is this kid serious, dare to say such words to Dong Yang Bai, this is forcing him to kill Li Zongjiu directly.

Even this fist has been repeatedly pinched several times.

"Very well, this is what you asked for. I'll see. What excuses can you have!"

Dong Yang Bai was not in a hurry to deal with this Li Zongjiu, but walked directly in the direction of that Lan Kun. Poor Lan Kun did not know, because his words of Li Zongjiu directly brought him a powerful enemy.

Lan Kun is fighting desperately on this platform.

Li Zongjiu tossed around to find this Feng Tengfei.

"You know who among these people has the drunk dream flower."

Li Zongjiu opened the door and asked.

This made Feng Tengfei embarrassed. At this time, obviously he didn't say it casually, at least it was a leak of information.

However, Li Zongjiu personally came up and asked if this explanation would not pass.

"Although this is illegal, since Elder Li spoke in person, I will sell you a face."

"Actually, the people of the Dongya family have contacted you just now. As far as I know, the flower of drunken dreams and death is in the hands of these people, but I don't know exactly who it is."

Feng Tengfei said.

Although it is said that it is not the same, but this can also lock at least some people. ,

"East medicine family?"

When Li Zongjiu heard the name, he frowned. It ’s not because I ’ve never heard of it, but because I ’ve heard the name of the Dongyao family, that ’s why I know that with the strength of the Dongyao family, it should n’t appear in this place. Unexpected


Why do these people appear in such a place?

"The strength of the Yidong Medicine family would naturally not come to such a place, but the people at Wanxianxianpu are not easy. It took a lot of relationships to invite these people over."

When Feng Tengfei knew that the people of Wanlingxianpu turned out to be the people of the Dongyao family, he didn't mention how scared he was, even the anxious person was like an ant on a hot pot.

Fortunately, this met a Li Zongjiu.

Such a hidden ace, cracked, makes this Feng Tengfei eat a peace of mind.

Whether it is Lanxu before or Mo Lao now, those who want to fight with these Eastern medicine families, those people are not qualified and level.

The Shifang Yaotang seems to have known this news for a long time, so they just chose some people at random and walked the scene, but if there is any means secretly prepared, it is still awaiting Shangquan.

It is obviously not a wise thing to put Li Zongjiu and the people of the Dongyao family on the bar now, so Feng Tengfei also persuaded.

"With the strength of these people in the Dongyao family, they will certainly be able to make it to the end. By the end of this time, you will definitely be able to meet them. At this moment, we still need to cultivate energy ..."


As soon as Feng Tengfei finished speaking, he heard a loud noise.

I saw that in front of the platform, a figure was directly flying to the ground.

Lan Kun.

The sound of the explosion just now comes from the medicine tripod in Lan Kun's hands!

The test on the platform just now also caused this Kun Kun to be directly crushed by this medicine.

Lan Kun's figure fell to the ground, and a spit of blood came out.

"Waste one, use this kind of garbage, and also want to compare with me?"

A figure stood on the edge of the platform, staring proudly at the person lying on the ground.

Then the gaze was looking in the direction of Li Zongjiu, and his eyes were full of provocation.

Slightly judged.

Li Zongjiu's gaze immediately became cold.

The smile on the corner of his mouth was quite cold.

If Lan Kun can't get out of this, it's Lan Kun's own problem, but you can kill Lan Kun, but you can't humiliate Lan Kun!

Anyway, this Lan Kun is his brother Li Zongjiu!

"Look for death!" The faint two words, but have made Feng Tengfei around him feel a sense of trembling that is extremely difficult.

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