Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 992: Thought it was king

This Zhao Jingxuan directly took over all the follow-up matters.

At least today, they are all in charge of these things, so Zhao Jingxuan did not expect that Li Zongjiu was already with Qi Yanran, and also did not expect that Li Zongjiu would appear here.

Now that everything is over to Zhao Jingxuan.

Li Zongjiu took Qi Yanran around and walked around. In a rare leisure time, Li Zongjiu just took the time to walk out, but there are still some things to be solved before moving around.

"The kid was having a problem just now. Let's check."

Li Zongjiu said.

Qi Yanran nodded after hearing that.

Qi Yanran originally thought something was wrong, and now Li Zongjiu has raised it, there must be something wrong here.

"This way, the information he submitted has his address."

Qi Yanran said, then the two also walked towards a more remote path, this area is relatively remote and poor!

And the surrounding air also feels filthy.

However, when Li Zongjiu and Qi Yanran walked in, they immediately felt a fresh air.

"In front of!"

Li Zongjiu said, then gave Qi Yanran a look, Qi Yanran immediately walked towards the other side, and eventually appeared at the other end of the road, stopping Wu Xie who was moving forward.

"Isn't this sister Yan Ran. Is there anything you can do to me? Is it possible to withdraw this special order?"

Wu Xie stopped.

Originally wanted to slip away, but did not expect that Li Zongjiu and Qi Yanran actually followed up!

This makes Wu Xie's heart more impatient!

Why did Li Zongjiu not play cards according to common sense? Is it just skepticism that it is necessary to kill people? One Li Zongjiu and one Qi Yanran. If these two people are added together, Wu Xie may not have a chance to win.

But if you want to escape, there are not many problems.

If you just do that, the dormancy for almost half a month before will be completely in vain.

"Who the **** are you?"

Qi Yanran said lightly.

A pair of cold eyes also stared at Wu Xie ahead.

Originally, even though Wu Xie was hidden, it was nothing to Qi Yanran. After all, there are more secret people in the world. It is quite normal to have one or two of his own secrets.

However, Li Zongjiu had to follow up and investigate, and Qi Yanran agreed.

Although Li Zongjiu has killed many people, no one has ever said what Li Zongjiu did wrong or even killed innocent people.

That's what it means to have a debt and a debtor.

"Sister Yan Ran, my personal situation has been submitted, you will not miss it."

"Less nonsense. If you don't say it today, you have to die."

Li Zongjiu came out.

And step by step approached Wu Xie ahead.

Wu Xie couldn't believe that Li Zongjiu really planned to take action, and there was no king law. Do you want to kill anyone?

"What do you want to do!"

"who are you!?"

Wu Xie looked at Li Zongjiu with great vigilance, and was also a frightened and alert person.

And Li Zongjiu has already taken out the black dragon hammer in his hand.


Li Zongjiu smashed directly in the direction of Wu Xie. There is no need to talk so much nonsense. Do you need to say so much? If you have any suspicions or problems, do it first!

The black dragon hammer erupted into a horrifying force, and rushed directly towards Wu Xie.

Faced with the terror force shot by Li Zongjiu, Wu Xie immediately leapt forward and swept away in other directions.

This leap immediately erupted into a power comparable to the peak of the Yuan Dynasty.

If it was just ordinary power, it would not even be possible to break the lock of this black dragon hammer.


Seeing that Wu Xie's power burst out was so strong, Qi Yanran was surprised, and the momentum just now had almost surpassed herself.

Obviously possessing such strengths, but so low-key, and vainly trying to mix in this four sea medicine house, all plans must be.

Therefore, in Qi Yanran's heart, there is also a little alert and rejoicing. Fortunately, Li Zongjiu appeared in time, otherwise if such a person enters the Four Seas Medicine House, who knows what kind of storms will come out.

Wu Xie avoided Li Zongjiu's hammer at a speed, but Li Zongjiu is bound to chase afterwards. It is not easy to escape.

Between the electric light and the flint, Wu Xie already had an action plan and rushed towards Qi Yanran directly.


Wu Xie poked out her hands and immediately formed a mire-like force in front of her.

"Evil Wind Claw!"

It seemed that the overcast wind was rolling directly towards Qi Yanran. This shot made Qi Yanran also feel the intense pressure and crisis, but Qi Yanran also sacrificed a weapon from his hand.

Easily broke away from the blockade of Wu Xie.

Heavenly marrow!


Qi Yanran pulled out his whip, Wu Xie stood up for a defense, and confidently blocked the move, but he was puzzled in his heart that Qi Yanran was only the level of Yuan Wang's realm, and he was able to break free of his power.


Wu Xie was directly pumped out by Qi Yanran's whip.

Rolling down to the ground, spit out blood directly.

"how is this possible!"

Wu Xie, who fell into the pit, couldn't believe the scene that happened.

"My Haoran Inner Armor is so broken!"

"What is so amazing!"

"What's the situation with the combination of these two guys, I'm grass!"

Wu Xie didn't bother to hide his strength at this moment. In fact, Wu Xie had no chance to hide his strength at the beginning. When this power broke out, he was approaching the Yuan Dynasty.

"Are you the second emperor, dare to stray in front of me?"

When Li Zongjiu looked at Wu Xie, he shook his head.

However, after taking a closer look, Li Zongjiu also knew where the power of Wu Xie came from.

"It turned out that you came from the Black Canal Temple. The woman I killed last time is with you."

Li Zongjiu said lightly.

Qi Yanran held the sky marrow and looked at Wu Xie lying on the ground.

Temple of the Black Canal?

Qi Yanran heard Li Zongjiu talk about the Heiqu Temple. After all, such things must be told to Qi Yanran, so that Qi Yanran must be alert.

At the time of the Heiqu dynasty, Qi Yanran was also very angry, but did not speak up because after all, the dynasty relationship was here and it was not easy to attack.

Unexpectedly, now that they have returned to the Holy Yan Dynasty, they are still so arrogant.

"It's you guys, want to hurt Zongjiu !?"

Qi Yanran's eyes suddenly became colder.

Wu Xie immediately felt the situation was not good, and quickly took out a scroll from the storage ring and tore it apart.

Suddenly a powerful force of space wrapped Wu Xie.

"Li Zongjiu, Qi Yanran, you two will surely die in the hands of the Black Canal Temple and cannot escape!"

Before leaving, let's say something ruthless.

But Li Zongjiu didn't plan to let you go like this.

"A mere space teleport scroll, just want to run away in front of me?"

Li Zongjiu's hand swung the black dragon hammer, and suddenly a thunder force fell from the sky.

The scroll was split in an instant.

A flame was burning on the scroll, and Wu Xie, who was preparing to teleport, was directly interrupted. "what!"

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