The eyes of the two converged.


"Yes, I want Hanzhong in Han Quanlin."

Zhou Zixi withdrew from the main hall, and there was a faint sense of excitement in his heart.

The lord has a great talent in his heart, and has far-reaching plans and expectations for the country than anyone else.

And between their monarchs and ministers, they have such consistent goals and dreams.

He has followed the lord to the present day, watching the country gradually become what they want with the concerted efforts of everyone, even better than they imagined.

Today, Jin State has become a dominant country, and it truly has the strength to compete in the Central Plains and the ability to realize their dreams.

Perhaps, Zhou Zixi is standing at a time node at the moment, watching the beginning of a prosperous and prosperous world.

How fortunate I am to meet this Mingjun, Zhou Zixi thought while sitting in a wheelchair,

For us courtiers, different masters bring completely different fates.

He slowly left the palace and came to the cell.

In the darkened cell, the young assassin hangs.

A Jia stood in front of the assassin who was close to her age, nodded the torture tool in his hand, and sighed,

"Still reluctant to say it? With such a lord who doesn't care about your life or death. What's the use of being so stubborn?"

Chapter 100

Ah An felt that the pain on his body had reached the limit that his body could bear, but the next wave of torture often made him know that he was wrong again.

He couldn't even control the muscles of his throat, making some short, unintelligible sounds.

But he didn't open his mouth to beg for mercy, and the lesson engraved in his bones told him that begging for mercy at this time was of no use, and it was a waste of physical effort.

You can only endure, no matter if you can bear it or not.

The woman in front of him who was tormenting him was not a few years older than him.

But like the master, he has rich experience in torture and can create the greatest pain in the adult human body with the smallest injury.

Her face is calm and ruthless,

Repeatedly tortured his body.

This is the worst case. Ah An thought to himself.

For a Deadpool, if he can't kill himself in time after falling into the enemy's hands, he hopes to at least die earlier.

The most terrifying thing is to fall into the hands of such a professional enemy like this.

He will make you suffer and make you begging for death. You can only suffer and endure in endless pain, begging for death to come sooner.

In order to prevent them from being easily confessed by the enemy after being captured alive.

Since childhood, the master has personally punished them in various ways when they did wrong.

Let their bodies endure the pain and get used to the pain.

In addition to physical torture, this punishment even involves spiritual torture.

Once, he missed, but the master Jie did nothing but hand him a small glass of wine.

That glass of wine showed him the real hell.

Since then, he has never made a mistake or missed a hand.

Maybe I should be thankful that this person is still just torturing my body. An's mouth cracked a wry smile.

"That's right, I can still laugh. Is it because I'm too kind, can't I compare to your Lord Jie in Song country?"

The young woman's blood-stained fingers stretched over, pinching his chin, forcing him to raise his head.

"Looks like I need to be more serious." The expressionless demon said indifferently.

Ah An closed his eyes.

At this time, he heard a strange sound of bone,

It took him a moment to realize that it was the sound of a wheelchair rolling over the rough slate in the prison.

"Miss Ajia, be merciful. The lord said that there is no need for trial."

"I have some personal matters to ask him, and I hope the girl will make it easier."


Ah An vaguely heard a gentle male voice speaking, mixed with a few cold words from the woman.

Afterwards, someone released him from the suspended state, routinely stopped the bleeding, bandaged the wound, and dragged him back to his cell.

Gu Lulu's voice stopped in front of him.

Ah Anmian opened his eyes, and in front of him was a wooden wheelchair with a man sitting on the wheelchair.

The man was holding a pottery bowl containing some soup of unknown meaning. He bent down, his soft wide sleeves fell to the dirty floor, and put the bowl in front of him.

What does it mean? In the end, it still has to give me a mess of potions. Ah An felt that his almost non-existent heart suddenly felt sad,

Still, this torture is inevitable.

He didn't resist, and even took the initiative to raise his head to the side of the bowl, and drank the bitter medicinal soup in one gulp.

He knew that resistance was meaningless, and the more obedient and sullen, the less interested others might be in torture.

"This is medicine, it's good for your injury." The man's gentle voice sounded.

Ah An was lying on the ground with his eyes closed, he didn't have the strength to distinguish this person's purpose.

But his body didn't seem to have any special reaction. The hot liquid entered his empty stomach, which made him feel a little more comfortable.

"Can you tell me about Ayang?"

The voice sounded again.

Ah An weakly opened his eyes and glanced at the man in the wheelchair.

This person is called Zhou Zixi.

That idiot Yang died for this person.

It turned out that he also remembered Ayang.

"Anything about her is fine. I want to know her past." Zhou Zixi looked at the prisoner lying on the ground, "As long as you say it, I will ask the lord to stop the torture of you."

A full moon rose into the night sky, shining through the window bars into the dim cell.

It wiped the knees on the wheelchair and sprinkled it on the wounded prisoner.

Maybe it's been in pain for too long, expecting to catch a breath, or for some other reason.

After a while, a hoarse, low voice sounded in the cell.

"When we were very young, Ayang and I were assigned to the same group. At the beginning of our group there were twenty children, and in the end, it was only Ayang and me who grew up alive."


Ah Jia stood in front of Cheng Qianye's desk,

"Well, Zixi and I plead for mercy, and I agreed to him." Cheng Qianye buried his head in the case and did not raise his head, "As long as you know that they are assassins of Song, I will settle accounts with them sooner or later."

Ajia did not speak.

Cheng Qianye glanced at her: "What's wrong?"

"But those assassins may still be lurking in the city," Ajia said.

"After so many days, even if you pry open his mouth, the information you ask is probably useless." Cheng Qianye replied indifferently.

Even if the lord is soft-hearted, even Lord Zhou is like that. For an assassin who wanted to take his life, he even pleaded for him, which is really a woman's benevolence. Ajia murmured in his heart.

"Since there are assassins in the city, Ajia, you have been staying by Lord Zhou's side during this time." Cheng Qianye stopped writing and looked up at Ajia, "Master Zhou is in charge of the implementation of the New Deal, and he is very diligent. He often visits the countryside. , to investigate the public sentiment. He has inconvenience in his legs and feet, and if he doesn't have a trusted person by his side, I'm not very relieved."

Ajia said nothing, clasped his fists and commanded orders.

Cheng Qianye put down the pen and looked her up and down: "You don't want to?"

Touching his face subconsciously, Ah Jia thought in surprise,

Was seen by the lord again? Am I really going backwards? Without the supervision of the master, I can't hide even the most basic emotions now?

In fact, she wished she could pull out a bronze mirror to take a look at her current expression and see what went wrong.

Cheng Qianye couldn't help feeling a little amused when he saw the bright green jade in front of him.

She looked sluggish on the face, and the emotions in her heart were very active, fluctuating one after another.

"Don't you like Lord Zhou?" Cheng Qianye said with a smile, "Ajia, you don't have to hide yourself, you can say what you think."

"I... I didn't." A Jia rarely stammered, "I am a dead servant, and the Lord's order is what I think."

Cheng Qianye put down the pen, beckoned, and asked Ajia to get closer to him: "My order is that you don't have to suppress yourself and say what you think."

Ah Jia's eyes rolled back and forth, and suddenly he didn't know what kind of expression to keep for himself.

"Master Zhou... he's too polite. Me, I'm not used to it." Finally, she decided to speak.

Once she opened her mouth, she accidentally said a bit too much, "He is too serious, he pays attention to etiquette in everything, and follows the words of the saints everywhere, which is simply a moral benchmark. In front of a person like me, he is completely indifferent. Feel free. I use a sentence on the prisoner, and he thinks I'm too harsh, and I really can't get along with him."

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