It doesn't mean to be angry at all.

She feels that her luck has always been good, and the two protagonists are gentle people.

If he was born in Song, it might be completely different.

A Jia glanced at the boy who was fixed on the torture table.

This person, who is about the same age as her, has rare skills, but he can only fall into this fate.

Ajia raised the blade in his hand and aimed it at the thin wrist.

After waiting for a long time, she seemed a little strange that the lord didn't stop her, so she couldn't help but look back at Cheng Qianye.

Cheng Qianye was smiling at her: "Forget it, Ajia, aren't you a little bit unbearable?"


Ah An stood under the sun, the loud voice and the dazzling sunlight made him feel dazed for a while.

He looked at the man sitting in the wheelchair in front of him, a little bewildered.

Zhou Zixi handed him a package: "Let's go, don't go back to your Song country, go far, and live with Ayang's share."

Ah An opened his mouth, but said nothing.

After a while, he stretched out his hand, took the package, and kowtowed on the ground.

"Be careful along the way and live well." Zhou Zixi said.

A day or two later, Yao Tianxiang's women's school in Zhengzhou officially opened.

Cheng Qianye brought Cheng Feng and other bodyguards together with Zhou Zixi to congratulate him.

Zhengzhou has always been a prosperous city with commerce, merchants from all over the world gather, and the folk customs are relatively open.

In addition, the women's school was set up by the lord's concubine, which means that it was officially recognized by the official family. Therefore, there were a lot of students who came to sign up on the first day.

Yao Tianxiang has the experience in Bianzhou before, and has already made sufficient preparations, but it seems that he is familiar with the road.

"Tianxiang, we are going back to Bianjing, do you really plan to stay here in Zhengzhou?" Cheng Qianye held Yao Tianxiang's hand, she was a little reluctant to bear this close friend.

"Yeah." Yao Tianxiang looked at the lively scene in front of her, squeezed Cheng Qianye's hand, and smiled, "I'm not by your side, you should be careful, Ajia is a reliable girl, she knows the inside story. I am more at ease.”

Cheng Qianye felt a little guilty.

Mo Qiaosheng is now occupying Fengdu, and his sword is pointed at Hanzhong, where Han Quanlin is located.

And when she returned to Bianjing, she planned to operate on Song Wei and the two countries.

After all, Tianxiang is the princess of Wei, so she must be in a dilemma at this time, so she has no choice but to stay in Zhengzhou, which is far away from the battlefield.

After coming out of the Women's Academy, Cheng Qianye and Zhou Zixi were in the same car.

"Tianxiang's school for girls is doing well." Cheng Qianye opened the curtains and looked at the lively scene outside the car, "Zixi, should we also run some schools?"

"Does the lord refer to Taixue?" Zhou Zixi replied, "Now that the capital has been moved to Bianjing, the Taixue should indeed be set up well for the children of nobles in Beijing to study."

"No, I'm not talking about a central public school like Taixue, which is only for a few people." Cheng Qianye gestured, "I think we should encourage the private sector to set up more private colleges."

"Look, Zixi, our country is getting bigger and bigger, and we need more and more officials to manage it. But how do we find these talents? I don't like the current way of honoring filial piety and honesty. They are all children of nobles, and it is completely difficult for people from the poor family to stand out. I hope that there will be a system that can encourage a large number of private schools in the local area, and then we will hold a unified examination regularly to assess these students. "

Cheng Qianye looked at Zhou Zixi and closed his palm, "Can you understand what I mean? In this way, we can dig out all kinds of talents from all over the country, and the power will not be gathered only among a few noble families. "Even the cultural quality of the people may be improved as a whole."

Zhou Zixi's eyes lit up, and he followed Cheng Qianye's thoughts: "My lord's idea is really a strategy for the benefit of all people. If this is the case, our country will have inexhaustible talents. Rong Chen carefully considers one or two, and then reports back. Lord."

Cheng Qianye's idea was recognized by Zhou Zixi, and he was very happy, patted his shoulder and was about to continue talking.

Suddenly I heard Cheng Feng's scolding, there seemed to be some commotion ahead, and the convoy stopped.

After a while, Cheng Feng announced through the car window: "Master, there is nothing serious, it seems that Ah Jia is chasing the assassin."

Cheng Qianye lifted the curtains,

Ajia came over with a man covered in blood, and she put him on the ground: "It's Jie who committed the murder, I'll go after him."

Cheng Qianye jumped out of the carriage, and lying on the ground was the boy she let go a few days ago.

At this time, the boy's face was pale, a slit was cut on the side of his neck, and blood stained half of his body red.

He still retained his consciousness, opened his eyes slightly, and was looking at Cheng Qianye and Zhou Zixi who came down from behind her.

"What's the matter?" Cheng Qianye frowned tightly.

"Probably his master won't let him go." Cheng Feng squatted beside the young man and bandaged his wound. "The injury is not deep, and it may be saved by taking it back."


Ah An opened his eyes.

Find yourself alive.

He moved slightly, feeling dizzy.

"You bleed too much, you can't move." A gentle voice sounded beside him.

Ah An turned his head, his vision gradually became clearer.

This is a bright wing room, the sun enters the room through the window rail, and shines on the chu

on the wheelchair in front of him.

a person in a wheelchair,

"I'm sorry." The man said, "We let you go because we wanted to see if we could catch your master Jie through you."

"I thought that if they didn't contact you, they would really let you go, but I didn't expect him to just want to take your life without hesitation."


The man said apologetically.

A strange feeling rose in Ah An's heart,

Isn't it normal to use him? He was a pawn that could be used.

The master often said that when there is no use value, it is the end of Deadpool.

He seemed to be getting an apology from someone for the first time when he was so old.

"You take good care of your injury, and when you are healed, I will send someone to send you away. This time, I will really let you go." The man said warmly, "Do you want to go anywhere? If not, I can send you away. Go to your country of Chu, or Liangzhou, where you can live in peace, far away from the country of Song."

Although this used to be an assassin who wanted to kill himself.

Zhou Zixi still felt uncomfortable in his heart. He cooperated with A Jia to take advantage of this young man who had begun to trust him.

He finished speaking slowly and turned the wheelchair to leave.

But he found that his sleeves were hooked by a few pale fingers.

Zhou Zixi stopped and looked at Ah An who was lying on the bed.

Ah An opened his mouth, and this time he finally said, "I...I don't want to go to Chu, can I...stay by your side."

Chapter 102

Cheng Qianye was taken aback when he saw that Zhou Zixi brought the pale boy in.

"What did you say?" Cheng Qianye said in surprise, "You, do you want to keep him by your side?"

Zhou Zixi saluted respectfully: "I hope your lord will approve."

Cheng Qianye was almost at a loss for words.

In her impression, Zhou Zixi is a very self-disciplined person.

He came from a family of poetry and calligraphy, and he paid attention to etiquette since he was a child, and his words and deeds showed the feeling of a gentleman.

He never took the initiative to make any inappropriate requests to Cheng Qianye.

A few days ago, Zhou Zixi came to ask her to release this young man named An, but Cheng Qianye didn't think it was anything.

After A Jia found out, he sent someone to follow A An quietly, trying to find out who was behind the scenes, but Zhou Zixi did not insist on objecting.

What made him suddenly change his mind in the past few days, make such an unreasonable move, and want to keep this enemy assassin by his side.

"Then what, what's your name?" Cheng Qianye asked.

The emaciated young man fell to the ground and saluted, and answered briefly, "Dark."

With a white bandage wrapped around his neck, he bent his back and lowered his head without saying a word.

Cheng Qianye looked at him and suddenly thought of Mo Qiaosheng back then.

Qiaosheng used to be so silent and forbearing in front of her. Although he was very nervous in his heart, he didn't dare to say a single word.

"Xiao An," Cheng Qianye tried to slow down his voice, "You go outside and wait for a while."

Ah An saluted, stood up, and walked out without saying a word.

"Zixi, what do you think?" Cheng Qianye asked curiously, "Just because you sympathize with him? Or because you think of Miss Ayang?"

Zhou Zixi's low voice sounded: "No, it's because he took the initiative to reach out to me for help."

Cheng Qianye didn't quite understand.

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