Ajia closed his mouth and did not speak.

Cheng Qianye sat down on a chair and unfolded his clothes: "What do you want to ask, just ask in one breath, how uncomfortable it is to hold it in."

A Jia's face turned red for no apparent reason, and whispered, "I just think it's a little bit..."

Before leaving Zhengzhou, after some selection, Cheng Qianye entrusted the task of guarding Zhengzhou to Gan Yanshou, the former general of Qi County.

Gan Yanshou received this appointment and could hardly believe it.

Before leaving, he knelt in front of Cheng Qianye: "This minister is a subordinate general, why does the lord entrust such an important place in Zhengzhou to the shoulders of the minister."

Cheng Qianye helped him up: "You are already my servant of the Great Jin Dynasty. Over the past year, you have also contributed a lot of military merits to the Great Jin Dynasty. I have seen it all in my eyes, so why can't I entrust Zhengzhou City to you? ?"

"The concubine Mo Zuo also recommended you. He said that you are a stable person and are good at defending the city. If he hadn't taken advantage of the geographical advantage and your isolation and helplessness, even if he had twice your strength, it would not have been so easy to flood Qi County. . Zhengzhou jiāo for you, I am very relieved."

Gan Yanshou was almost choked up, and the golden edge around him blinded Cheng Qianye's eyes: "Thank you for your lord's kindness, and thank you for General Mo's guidance. This minister must guard Zhengzhou and never fail the lord's entrustment."

Thinking of this, Cheng Qianye laughed and patted Ajia's shoulder: "Don't worry, your lord will not see the wrong person."

The author has something to say: the full text is in addition to the mainline CP. Will not write other CPs.

Chapter 103

A pond in the city of Zhengzhou is surrounded by nearby residents with three floors inside and three floors outside.

They didn't dare to approach, they just stood far away, stretching their heads to watch the fun.

A headless male corpse was retrieved from the pond, and the fisherman who found the corpse was frowning and explaining the situation to the servants who stayed by the side.

The man's corpse had been soaked in the pond for an unknown number of days, with a swollen body and an unbearable stench.

When they were just salvaged, the fisherman was so frightened that he urinated his pants.

Deng Yan, the subordinate of the Zhengzhou County Chancellor, squatted beside the corpse without any hesitation, and even looked at the carrion carefully with a little bit of interest.

The head of the corpse was cut off, and the fractures were neat.

Human heads are not so easy to cut, and the murderer is very likely to have superb martial arts and amazing arm strength.

Deng Yan pondered while looking over the body.

"Officer Deng, let me find it easy." He You, who was also a subordinate to Deng Yan, rushed over in a hurry.

Suddenly seeing a highly rotten corpse, He Yoo was startled.

"Don't be busy, don't be busy, the county governor urgently ordered all the county magistrates and officials to come to the county office to discuss matters." He raised his sleeves to block his eyes and said.

"And a moment later." Deng Yan replied calmly.

He You grabbed his sleeve and left, "The county governor calls, how can you wait, let's put these cases aside, do you think the impression in the eyes of the county governor and the governor is not bad enough? "

Deng Yan was helplessly dragged all the way to the carriage, he lifted the curtain and looked towards the pond, and said, "What is the matter? Members gather to discuss it?"

"The lord issued a decree from Bianjing, requiring all counties to set up county schools, and to encourage the establishment of private schools in the districts under its jurisdiction. Bianjing will hold regular examinations to examine the talents selected by the counties and counties, and select the best as officials." He You was excited. Said, "At that time, the number of students recommended by each county to be hired will become one of the indicators for the county governor's end-of-year assessment. Do you think the county governor is in a hurry?"

Not long after Zhengzhou became the new county of Jin, both the county governor and the county chief were eager to get a good result in the annual "Book of Records" in order to leave a good impression on the lord, so this affected their annual assessment very much. Pay attention to.

He You is the master, and there is currently a lack of civil servants in the Yanei. This matter is likely to fall on him, and it is an opportunity for him to perform meritorious service.

Deng Yan lacked interest: "I'm just a clerk in charge of prison proceedings. What's wrong with me, I still have a case."

"It has nothing to do with you. The new policy of the lord stipulates that the end of the year is a plan, and all officials are prepared to govern it properly. If it is correct, it can be done. Arrests, collection of taxes, training of pawns, and the result of this newly added county education."

He You happily patted his friend who was not good at dealing with his boss on the shoulder, "Jun Yan, you are so good at solving cases, the adults must rely on your talents in the future, and they will not reject you as much as before. already."

Deng Yan was not interested in government affairs. He only hoped that the new policy would allow him to be less disturbed by his superiors when handling cases in the future. Allow him to display his true abilities.

He You is very respectful of Zhengzhou's current new lord: "Jun Yan, have you seen the lord once you have been in Zhengzhou for so long? It's a pity that my position is low and I have no chance to see the lord's demeanor. It's a big pity."

"I have never met the lord, but I have met the master Zhou who wrote the "Jin Law"," Deng Yan said, "Although that master is not good at work, he often visits the county government office to discuss with us little officials. The application of the newly compiled decree in the actual case. He is indeed a respectable adult. The lord must be a rare wise man to be assisted by such a worthy minister."

In Dingtao, south of Bianjing, in an ordinary second-entry courtyard, a young scribe wearing a hat and tie was holding a scroll and leading several children to read.

Dingtao was originally the land of Song Dynasty.

Sui was forced to move the capital of Song Xianggong to Pengcheng because of the invasion led by Mo Qiaosheng, the general of the Jin state.

Song Xianggong ceded several counties and counties in the north between Jin and Wei, and ceded them to Jin.

Dingtao was originally a place of wealth, and the gathering of literati was a slightly wealthier family among ordinary people, and they often sent their children to the academy to learn a few words.

Therefore, there are quite a few private schools like this in the city.

"Bo Wenjun, Bo Wenjun." Another young scholar called out from the door, it was Li Que, a friend of Dong Bowen's master here.

Dong Bowen and the students said a few words, walked out of the school, and led a friend to sit in the side room.

"Why is Jun Que so happy?" Dong Bowen made tea to entertain guests.

"Have you heard about Bowen?" Li Que looked excited. "The Marquis of Jinyue promulgated the new policy, established a prefecture school, established a private school, opened a department and recruited scholars! Civilian students like you and me also have the opportunity to become officials in the dynasty."

Dong Bowen was taken aback: "Is this true?"

"Of course it's true, there is a notice posted on the gate of the county office now. The county lieutenant will set up a county school, and the students of the county middle school can participate in the assessment and be selected for selection. Not only can the scholars admitted to the county be exempted from their taxes, they can also receive a few stones of corn per month as a subsidy. Household. It’s just not easy to get admitted, and only thirty people are recruited in the whole county. But as talented as Bo Wenjun, choosing to enter must be worry-free.”

Dong Bowen pondered for a moment, "This really surprised me. First, I saw that our new lord implemented the military merit award system. I thought he was a brave and ruthless person who was bent on expanding territory. But I didn't expect this. People still have such a vision.”

"This is a move to improve people's morals and open up people's wisdom." Li Que's face flushed with excitement, and he lowered his voice in front of his friends, "To be honest, I think this new lord is more powerful than Song Xianggong, we will decide Tao being ceded to Jin is not a bad thing for the people of Dingtao."

Dong Bowen squinted his eyes: "My lord's move is not only to open up the wisdom of the people, but also to make the children of the poor family enter the court as officials, breaking the monopoly of the aristocratic family over the court. You are right, Jun Que, we can become such a person. It is indeed a lucky thing to be a citizen of a lord."

Conversations like this were resounding one after another in all parts of Jin's territory.

But Cheng Qianye, who proclaimed these decrees, still didn't know how much of a stir her decree made across the country.

She has returned to Bianjing, and is sitting in Chaowu Hall, waving to her two-year-old "son" Cheng Peng: "Peng'er, come to me."

The two-year-old bun tugged at the sleeves of his mother, Concubine Xu.

He has spent very little time with his father since he was born.

At a young age, he looked at the young and handsome man in front of him, both envious and nervous, hesitant to go forward.

It wasn't until his mother gave him a slight push on the back that he mustered up his courage, stepped forward, stretched out his chubby little hand, saluted properly, blushed, and called out, "Jun father."

Cheng Qianye picked him up, put him on his lap, picked up a pen and ink, and wrote a thousand words and a feather word on the white paper.

"Is Peng'er literate? I'll teach you how to read," Cheng Qianye said, pointing to the characters on the table, "This character reads Qian, this character reads Yu, it's my father's name. Come, follow me and read it again. , Qian, Yu."

The milky voice of follow-up sounded in the spacious Chaowu Hall.

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