He could only say: "I think that the world is in chaos and displaced people are everywhere. If the people can focus on farming and increase the population steadily, not only will the wealth of the country increase rapidly, but it will also be able to effectively recruit troops when fighting externally, which will be beneficial internally. the stability of the country."

Cheng Qianye nodded: "It means that the people are happy to fight while farmers are happy, while Park lives in peace and comes out of evil."

Different types of talents have different perspectives on issues, and they can all bring political opinions that are beneficial to the country.

She could see that Dong Bowen still had a lot of unfinished words, but this person had just become an official in the court, and there was not enough tacit understanding and trust between the ruler and the minister, and Cheng Qianye felt that there was no need to rush for a while.

After Dong Bowen withdrew.

Cheng Qianye remembered something, and said to Xia Fei who was beside him: "Recently, take some time and help me keep an eye on Wei Sibu and Zhao Ji to test those people."

Xia Fei took the order: "My lord, what is wrong with Taibao and Fengchang?"

Cheng Qianye knew very well that although she kept the system on the old land of Jin State unchanged, she only implemented the new policy on Bianjing and the newly seized land. However, with the implementation of the New Deal, the interests of those huge aristocratic families will inevitably be violated.

Moreover, as Cheng Qianye's strength grew day by day, these aristocratic families who used to stand at the pinnacle of Jin's power gradually began to realize that their family was in an uncontrollable decline.

They know that although the lord still retains their status and fief. But with the further expansion of the country, the power of the lord has increased again and again. One day, the land and power in their hands will be slowly recovered by the lord.

For Cheng Qianye, it was normal for these old-fashioned ministers to be angry with her every day in the courtroom.

She could only take their power slowly, and no matter what, she couldn't just uproot so many senior officials in the court without any reason.

Cheng Qianye didn't take this matter to heart: "In short, I think their grievances against me are getting heavier and heavier, you should send someone to keep an eye on them. If you find anything unusual, we will take the opportunity to These stubborn old men are really rooting out."

Sometimes, some bad things happen just because a few small ones don't care, and they happen to come together.

Cheng Qianye, who has been going smoothly in recent years, suddenly faced the biggest crisis since her crossing.

The first is that Yu Dunsu, who besieged the capital of the Song Dynasty, was attacked by reinforcements from Wei and Lu, and the battle fell into a tragic and stalemate.

Next, the king of Liangzhou, Li Wenguang, the king of Changshan, Lu Song, and the king of Jiaodong, Hua Yuzhi, sent troops together.

History called the Five Kingdoms attacking Jin.

Inside the Hall of Chaowu, there was a depressing and tense atmosphere.

In front of Cheng Qianye stood her most trusted ministers.

Zhang Fu's usual smile and soft-spoken demeanor disappeared, his expression was solemn, and he remembered that today in the courtroom, the courtiers were in a state of panic. In the middle, there are voices of criticism against the lord, either overt or dark.

Are you wrong? Zhang Fu, who has always been conceited, could not help but condemn himself in his heart.

He couldn't help wondering if it was because he was too smooth that he proposed a too reckless strategy to the lord.

"You don't have to think too much, this is not the fault of any of us." Cheng Qianye, who lives on the throne, said, "You must believe that as long as our national strength develops and grows, we will surely usher in such a situation facing the siege of many enemies. day."

"Since the enemy has come, fighting is our only way. I also ask you to make plans for me and go out with me to overcome this difficulty together."

Xiao Jin was the first to speak: "My lord, please urgently summon General Mo to bring troops back to help quickly to solve the urgent need."

Xiao Jin frowned and was very worried.

At present, the five countries are attacking Jin, and the crisis is serious.

Mo Qiaosheng, however, was far away in Hanzhong.

As long as he is slightly different and does not come to rescue, even if he deliberately delays, the situation will be very serious.

He didn't say this out of his mouth, adding to everyone's unnecessary worries. But he thinks there are not a few people who can think of this.

Zhang Fu continued: "My lord, this minister believes that our current plan should also send envoys to form alliances with countries such as Chu and Yue in the south of our country, so as to prevent them from taking advantage of the danger of people and forming a trend of attacking our country from the north and the south. We are also good. Do your best to deal with the enemy coming to the north,"

Zhou Zixi followed with a sentence: "If the lord does not give up, the minister is willing to lead the order to send an envoy."

Cheng Qianye glanced at him and nodded.

"Zixi has worked hard for you. At any cost, you must stabilize these countries in the south."

If it wasn't for Zhang Fu's continuous foreign policy, which made Jin and Yuan Yizhi, who was located in the south, and the King of Chu An to conclude a friendly covenant, the situation they would face at this moment would be even more severe.

Cheng Qianye knew that the surrounding princes and countries would never watch her growing strength.

She just didn't expect that Li Wenguang, who had always had a good relationship with Jin, would take the lead in attacking without warning, and gather the strength of the Five Kingdoms to invade Jin.

Cheng Qianye glanced at the map and pointed his finger at the location of Jiangcheng: "I personally lead the troops to go to the old capital Jiangcheng to meet the enemy, and I cannot let the enemy go further into the hinterland of our great Jin."

Her eyes swept across the crowd, and everyone present invited Ying to accompany them on the expedition.

Cheng Qianye asked Zhang Fu: "Zhang Xiang, is Bianjing here?"

Zhang Fu raised his sleeves and saluted: "This battle is very dangerous, please accompany the lord. Mr. Xiao has a stable personality and is good at military affairs. The minister recommends Mr. Xiao to stay in Bianjing and be the chief of state affairs."

The day before the expedition, the door of Chaowu Hall was suddenly pushed open, and a little dumpling over three years old stumbled in and rushed into Cheng Qianye's arms, crying out with a wow.

"Father, are you going to go to war? Father, don't go. Woohoo."

Cheng Qianye squatted down, put his arms around his small shoulders, and shook it: "Don't cry."

"Woo, woo." Xiao Tuanzi always listened to Cheng Qianye's words, "Peng'er doesn't cry anymore, Peng'er just can't bear the father."

"Do you know why I didn't make you cry?"

"I, I know, because I'm a boy, boys can't cry." The little dumpling sobbed, but quickly stopped the tears.

"It's not a boy or girl relationship." Cheng Qianye stretched out his hand and wiped the little white and tender face, "Peng'er, you are the prince of my country of Jin, and you bear the responsibility of the prince. Father Jun When you're not by your side, you have to stand beside your mother like a real prince, protect your mother, and protect the capital. So you can't cry at this time, understand?"

The three-year-old Xiao Tuanzi didn't quite understand it, but he knew that his father's words carried his affirmation and expectations for him. So he wiped his tears, pretended to be an adult, and nodded seriously.

Cheng Qianye smiled, picked him up, and pinched his little nose: "You can endure this period of time, and when I come back, with me standing in front of you, you can cry for a few more years. nose."

In the city of Nanzheng in Hanzhong, Mo Qiao gave a loud bang, put down the urgent mail he just received, and stood up.

"Send the order to prepare the three armies and return to Jiangcheng."


"No general."

"General, this is too urgent. Now the situation in Hanzhong is not stable, and the army hastily withdrawn at this moment. I'm afraid that there will be another change in Hanzhong, which will make me wait for a long time and try to fail."

"I hope that the general will think twice, at least wait a little longer, and properly arrange the situation in Hanzhong. At that time, when we set out to return to Jiangcheng, the lord will not blame it."

Mo Qiaosheng's generals raised objections one after another.

Chapter 108

Mo Qiaosheng raised his arm to stop the discussion among his subordinates.

"I have made up my mind, I don't need to say more. If the land is lost, it can be regained. The lord is the indispensable person in my great Jin."

"A Yuan, you stay in Hanzhong. Yang Sheng and you all set off with me leading the army!"


The drizzle of the chūn day hit Yang Sheng, and he rode his horse closely to follow Mo Qiaosheng, galloping between the muddy roads.

The black figure in front of him was racing in the rain, and the general seemed to want to lead them to Jiangcheng, thousands of miles away, in one day.

"General, take a rest, there is still a long way to go. The soldiers can't support this speed." Yang Sheng rushed forward and discouraged.

Mo Qiaosheng galloped his horse without saying a word, and went straight for a mile or two. Suddenly, he reined in the reins, and the horse neighed and stood up.

He stopped his horse and raised his head in the face of the rain, letting the icy rain hit his face.

He closed his eyes and seemed to try his best to restrain his emotions. After a while, he opened his eyes and ordered: "Set up camp on the spot."

Soldiers set up camps, built shacks, and buried pots to make meals.

Yang Sheng glanced at the general who was sitting alone on a rock.

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