General Mo sat there without saying a word, silently thinking about his thoughts, with no expression on his face, but his slender fingers twisted the pendant hanging on his neck and rubbed it repeatedly.

Yang Luhou handed over a ration and a kettle, "Brother Sheng, the general seems to be impatient. I have never seen a general like this."

More than impatient, Yang Sheng glanced at the black figure on the rock, the general was simply out of order.

He followed Mo Qiaosheng for a long time. Although General Mo was very brave in battle, he was always very calm in big strategies and tactics, and he was never aggressive.

It was the first time Yang Sheng had seen him so impetuous.

Yang Sheng walked over to Mo Qiaosheng and handed over the water and food in his hand.

Mo Qiaosheng glanced at him and took the gān food, but he held it in his hand and did not eat it.

"General, Jiangcheng is still more than a thousand miles away from here. Even if the army is in a hurry, it will take half a month at least. Although the enemy army is coming fiercely, the lord has a lot of talents around him. Please calm down and don't be impatient." Yang Sheng persuaded.

Mo Qiaosheng silently looked at the food in his hand and nodded lightly.

"My subordinates think..." Yang Sheng hesitated.

"Go ahead."

"The current situation in Hanzhong is unstable. The remnants of the Han king are wandering everywhere, and the neighboring state of Chu is not very friendly to us. The general led 5,000 light cavalry in such a hurry that neither the luggage nor the infantry could keep up. It's not wise to be left far behind."

Mo Qiaosheng frowned and was silent for a long time, "Yang Sheng, do you remember the days before you joined the army?"

Yang Sheng clenched his fist. He didn't want to remember the days when he was struggling to survive in the mud, but no matter how long the time was, those dark years still often appeared in his nightmares.

"Like you, I used to be a slave." Mo Qiaosheng's voice sounded, "When I was almost killed by my former master Hua Yu, it was the master who saved my life."

The protagonist has a unique eye, and he has exchanged a horse for the extraordinary genius of General Mo.

This incident was widely circulated in the army, and Yang Sheng also heard about it: "My subordinates have heard about it. The lord should be the true wisdom eye and the pearl."

"She not only saved my life, but also gave me a new life, so that I no longer have to be humble to survive, I can straighten my neck, stand up, and become a real person." Mo Qiaosheng seemed to be talking to Yang Sheng. , and as if talking to himself,

"She not only saved me alone, but also changed the fate of countless slaves like us with all the people in the world in mind."

Mo Qiaosheng looked at Yang Sheng: "The safety of the lord is related to the survival of thousands of people. I must not let the lord have any mistakes."

Yang Sheng knelt down on one knee and gave a military salute: "The last general understands, the last general swears to follow the general to help Jiangcheng."


Jiangcheng is the old capital of Jin State. Under the management of Jin State monarchs in all dynasties, the city is strong and deep, and its armaments are sufficient.

It is now a major fortress of Jin to defend against foreign enemies.

Cheng Qianye, the King of Jin, personally led the heavy troops, and generals such as Ctrip Feng and Zhang Fu were stationed here.

In addition, the Taiwei Helan Yanzhi was asked to be stationed at the nearby Xincheng as a side response.

Cheng Qianye stood at the head of the city and looked at the colorful flags that surrounded the city.

Not far from her feet, a banner with the Chinese character Xiang was fluttering, and the general Gongsun Nian, who was under the throne of Changshan of Xiang State, with a silver armor and a golden helmet, made a majestic call in front of the army with a caltrop spear.

With a bright color of peacock blue, he was very eye-catching on the battlefield.

Comparing with the wine red color of Chengfeng's own phalanx.

Farther afield, the king of Liangzhou, Li Wenguang, lined up with Chen Bing. There was a dazzling crimson in front of the position. That was General Feng Su, who was under Li Wenguang's seat.

These people once fought side by side with Cheng Qianye to defend against foreign rǔ.

It is the general that Cheng Qianye admires very much.

But now, they have become enemies, and Cheng Qianye will have to crush these bright gems with his own hands.

Cheng Feng led the army to make tentative contact with Gongsun Zan, but there was no winner.

He rode his horse back to the city with the sound of gold.

Entering the inner side of the city gate, his personal soldiers stepped forward and took over the spear in his hand and the bow on his back.

Xia Fei was a little itchy in her heart, and asked Ying in front of Cheng Qianye: "My lord, let me go and see how powerful Feng Su is."

Cheng Qianye reached out and pulled her: "You are my personal guard, and it is not your turn to fight. We just need to test the strength of the enemy army and hold on to the city."

Zhang Fu climbed the city wall at this time: "My lord."

Cheng Qianye looked at his face and knew that the situation was not very good.

"What happened again?"

Zhang Fuping retreated from the idle people, approached Cheng Qianye, and said in a low voice: "There is an accident in Bianjing, and the chaos of the party, Wei Sibu, entangled a group of conservative ministers in Bianjing to spread rumors that the lord's army was defeated in Jiangcheng, and took advantage of the chaos to raise troops. For rebellion, Lord Xiao Jinxiao has been detained, and the Crown Prince, Concubine Xu, the Queen Mother and others have been detained."

"What!" Cheng Qianye was taken aback, there was an enemy in front of him, and chaos broke out behind him.

All of a sudden, the country was caught in such a predicament of internal and external troubles.

The crown prince, Concubine Xu, and Xiao Jin all had an accident.

She fell in a row, and Xia Fei hurriedly supported her.

Cheng Qianye only felt confusion in her mind, she looked around, Zhang Fu and Xia Fei looked at her worriedly.

The soldiers near the city wall turned their heads for unknown reasons.

Cheng Feng and other generals who had just fought were walking towards her along the horse slope on the inner wall.

Cheng Qianye knew that as the lord, she must first stabilize at this time, and she must not panic.

She took a breath, calmed her emotions, and said Lang Sheng: "Except for the guards, gather all the military personnel above Zuo Shuchang and discuss matters in the account."

In the large tent of the Chinese army, most of the generals and advisors in the army were gathered.

Hearing the news of the civil unrest in Bianjing, there was a roar of discussion in the tent.

Bianjing was the capital of the Jin state, and it was their last retreat. If Jiangcheng could not be defended, they could have returned all the way to Bianjing, where the city was strong and the food and grass reserves were abundant.

Now the Bianjing behind them is occupied by the chaotic party, and those chaotic ministers and thieves even detained the prince and the empress dowager, and plotted against it.

Now they have a tiger in front of them and a hungry láng behind them, trapped in a besieged city, with no way out.

People were panicked for a while.

"You don't have to panic too much." The Lord's calm voice sounded clearly.

Quiet in the tent.

"Since things have happened, panic is unjust. Now we have only one way, and that is to face it all. We have soldiers in our hands, we have food, we have strong cities to defend, and reinforcements are coming. We have not yet arrived. When in a panic."

The lord sat in front of the tent, his expression was calm, his voice was slow, and there was no sign of panic.

The ministers were affected and gradually settled down.

The lord is not messed up at all.

The lord must have a good plan.

Yes, before the panic, there used to be only more than ten thousand people. In the face of the siege of the Quanrong army, didn't the lord also use slaves to defeat the enemy?

Believe in the Lord.

Trust the Lord.

"As long as General Mo's army arrives and cooperate with us inside and outside to attack the enemy, the siege of Jiangcheng will be solved." A young general said.

Today, General Mo Qiaosheng, who ranks as the chief concubine, uses his troops like a god and has repeatedly made extraordinary achievements. He has become a role model for the younger generation of generals in the Jin Dynasty.

"Yes, there is General Mo. We have been here for half a month, and General Mo will be here soon. After the enemy army is retreated, we will go back to Bianjing and dismember those traitors!"

"The crime of treason is unforgivable, and they will be divided into five horses!"

People's hearts have calmed down temporarily.

Zhang Fu and Xia Fei looked at each other.

Logically, Mo Qiaosheng's army should have approached Jiangcheng, but no news has been received so far. Will something go wrong.

Zhang Fu thought uneasy in his heart.

The lord has a lot of trust in Mo Qiaosheng. Could it be that he will fall into trouble at this time?


Mo Qiaosheng was rushing all night on the muddy mountain road, and the mountain torrent caused by the chūn flood washed down the road along the way, delaying them a lot of time.

He heard the news that the lord was defeated in Jiangcheng, and Bianjing was controlled by thieves.

Whether the news was true or not, it made him upset and anxious.

He only wished that he could not fly to the lord's side.

Suddenly there was a cry of shouting in the jungle, and a sharp arrow came out of the sky, right in the middle of Mo Qiaosheng's chest, and dismounted him.

Ambushed! Mo Qiaosheng thought badly, he heard Yang Sheng and others calling his name.


"Protect the General!"

He felt that someone was carrying him, and before he fell into a coma, Mo Qiaosheng reluctantly said: "Yang Sheng, go to Jiangcheng for...for me."

The enemy army was a Han army, wandering here, twice as many as their advance force.

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