The enemy troops lay in ambush on both sides of the road and caught them off guard.

Fortunately, the cavalry led by Mo Qiaosheng was a sharp and sharp army. Although they were suddenly attacked and the main general was injured, they still responded quickly and formed a formation to protect Mo Qiaosheng. On the hilltop, guard against danger.

Yang Sheng frowned as he looked at Mo Qiaosheng, who was placed unconscious on the ground.

"How is the general's injury?" he asked the accompanying military doctor.

The military doctor just pulled out the arrow on Mo Qiaosheng's chest and bandaged the wound.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and shook his head: "It's fortunate in the misfortune that I didn't hurt my heart. But I can't move it easily, otherwise my life may be in danger."

Yang Sheng took out his saber, gritted his teeth, and watched the enemy troops surrounding them in chaos.

"The stragglers are brave and dare to stroke our army's beards, I tell you to come and go!"

He snorted: "Yang Luhou, take care of General Mo, and the rest of the brothers rush down the mountain with me to kill his grandma's bear!"

Chapter 109

When Mo Qiaosheng woke up, the sky had turned pale,

Inside the tent, the lights of candles flickered.

The personal soldiers on duty beside him took a nap, and the slight breathing sound was mixed with the early morning insects.

Mo Qiaosheng struggled and stood up, feeling a sharp pain in his chest.

This movement immediately made the soldiers react.

"The general is awake."

The person who was sleeping in the tent quickly got up and surrounded Mo Qiaosheng.

"How long have I been in a coma?" Mo Qiaosheng asked.

"General, you have been in a coma for two days."

Mo Qiaosheng took the soup from Yang Sheng and slowly drank it.

He stretched out his hand and pressed Yang Sheng's shoulder, and was about to stand up.

"General, you are too seriously injured, the doctor must not get up." Yang Sheng said hurriedly.

Mo Qiaosheng stood up straight, pressed the wound with one hand, and calmed down his breath: "Order the whole army to set off immediately."


"No general!"

All the soldiers in the tent knelt down,

Yang Sheng knelt on the ground and gave a military salute: "General, please stay here to recuperate and wait for the arrival of the follow-up troops. The last general asks for orders, and leads the vanguard battalion to Jiangcheng first."

Their general did not speak, but dragged his footsteps and walked out of the tent step by step.


The enemy outside Jiangzhou City is launching another siege.

The offensive was very violent, and the war entered a white-hot stage.

Above the city wall, smoke billows everywhere, and the sound of killing is loud.

The soldiers stretched out long hook spears from the battlements, piercing the body of the enemy who tried to climb the city wall.

The rolling stone wood and the thorns with thorns fell from the city head like rain.

The flesh and blood of the soldiers on both sides were mixed and smeared on the towering and desolate city walls.

On the horse slope on the inner side of the city wall, Xiao Xiu was wearing a shield and trotted along the base of the wall.

From time to time, fine pieces of sand, gravel and dust would fall, hitting the shield above Xiao Xiu's head with a clatter. Occasionally, a few arrows would fly and bounce on the shield with a pop, falling to his feet.

Xiao Xiu quickly ran up the city and came to Zhang Fu, who was wearing armor.

He shook the soil all over his body and took out a bag of white buns wrapped in oiled paper from his arms: "Zhang Xiang, have something to eat."

Zhang Fu took the food, squatted in the corner of the arrow tower, and simply settled his lunch with the kettle handed over by Xiao Xiu.

He took a sip of cold water, swallowed the food in his mouth, and his eyes fell on the city wall not far away.

At the head of the city, the lord was wearing a battle armor, with a long body and a long body, and his eyes were looking at the south.

Xiao Xiu followed Zhang Fu's gaze and lowered her voice: "Sir, it's been 20 days, and General Mo's reinforcements haven't arrived yet. Now there are rumors all over the city, and people's hearts are starting to be chaotic again. I'm really a little bit too. Worry."

Zhang Fu was silent for a moment: "During the chūn flood season, the rain is continuous, and the road is difficult. Maybe the general was delayed on the way. At this moment, we only need to do our duty as a courtier and help the lord to stabilize the heart."

"Also, my lord, her vision is always very accurate, and she has never missed people." Xiao Xiu said, "I believe she will not mistake General Mo."

Under the protection of the guards, Cheng Qianye personally stood at the top of the city to supervise the battle.

After the baptism of countless wars, her heart has changed from the fragile and unbearable at the beginning to today's iron-like rigidity.

The bloody battlefield could no longer make her tremble with fear.

At this moment, she is not afraid to face the countless lives in front of her being harvested by the huge war machine.

The burial of every life will only make her heart firmer.

If necessary, she would walk forward without hesitation on the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood.

Until this world becomes stable and peaceful, no more wars and strife.

Bridge students.

Cheng Qianye looked at the south.

Her general has not come yet.

Qiaosheng didn't arrive in time, and he must have stumbled on the road.

"Even if you don't come, I can definitely keep it here. Qiaosheng, you must not be too impatient." Cheng Qianye was concerned.

said silently.

"What is that?" Xia Fei suddenly stretched out her hand and pointed to the south of the city.

I saw smoke gradually rising on the horizon to the south.

Amidst the dust and smoke in the sky, a cavalry galloped forward.

On the flags that are fluttering fiercely, there are encouraging ink characters written one by one.

"Mo Qiaosheng!" Liangzhou King Li Wenguang stood up.

"Mo Qiaosheng's army came so soon?" Lu Song, the King of Changshan, who was also on the stage, narrowed his eyes.

"This idiot who came from a slave is so ignorant!" Jiaozhou Huayu patted his leg with his fat palm.

"This idiot has a heavy army in his hands, and he has built a territory larger than Jin's territory. He doesn't even know how to seize the opportunity and establish himself as a king. He has traveled thousands of miles to rescue his lord. Stupid! Really stupid!"

Lu Song said, "If they can come so quickly, they must have left their luggage and foot soldiers behind, and only brought light cavalry here. This long-distance, tired teacher, why don't we take the opportunity to stop him and prevent him from guarding the city with him. The military meeting?"

Li Wenguang was silent for a moment, then shook his head: "This Mo Qiaosheng is not an ordinary person. Now he leads the army to help, and the morale of the defenders in the city is greatly boosted, echoing him inside and outside. I may not be able to stop it. Make plans again."

With the arrival of Mo Qiaosheng, the smog that had accumulated in the hearts of the army and the people in Jiangzhou City for many days vanished in an instant.

The enemy called Jin Jin to withdraw his troops, and the soldiers who were resting on the top of the city were full of smoke and dust and exhausted, but they were full of joy.

The invincible General Mo Qiaosheng was the god of war in their great Jin Dynasty.

His arrival is like a needle of the sea, and it has fixed everyone's hearts that have been terrified for more than half a month.

Inside the big tent of the Chinese army, Mo Qiaosheng, the great concubine who was in trouble, was wearing armor and holding a sword.

The generals who have come from afar are kneeling and salute.

"The great concubine ran all the way, it's hard work." Cheng Qianye's face showed a happy smile from the heart.

"Yeah, the great concubine has worked really hard. We are looking forward to the stars and the moon, but we finally hoped for you." A veteran general of Jin State agreed.

His words sounded like good words, but in reality, there was a bit of thorn in his tone, and there was a hint of blaming Mo Qiao for being late.

Yang Sheng, who was kneeling behind Mo Qiaosheng, raised his head and wriggled his lips.

Mo Qiaosheng looked back at him and stopped his words.

Yang Sheng looked at Cheng Qianye, who was sitting on the head, and wanted to say something for his general, but thinking that this was in front of the lord's tent, he finally gritted his teeth and lowered his head.

Cheng Qianye looked Mo Qiaosheng up and down for a moment, then frowned suddenly: "What's wrong with you?"


Before Mo Qiaosheng could speak, Cheng Qianye frowned deeply and stood up.

"Tell me, what happened to your general?" she said to Yang Sheng.

Yang Sheng raised his head and clasped his fists in a salute: "Mr. Qi, General Mo was attacked by the enemy on the road. Now he is seriously injured, but he insists on not resting. He traveled all the way to this place."

Cheng Qianye lowered his face, and Mo Qiaosheng even saw the masseter muscle on her cheek move slightly.

The fearless general, who had been through all the thorns and cut numbness all the way, suddenly panicked in his heart.

He couldn't help rubbing his palms, he knew that the lord disliked him the most and did not care about his own body.

Cheng Qianye said, "Take off the general's armor."

Yang Sheng stood up immediately, he had wanted to do this for a long time.

The general's injury simply cannot wear such heavy armor on his body.

As the armor fell to the ground piece by piece, there was a sound of inhalation and soft snoring within the tent.

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