In the beginning, the five kingdoms attacked Jin.

General Yu Dunsu led most of the domestic army to be besieged in Song by Wei and Lu.

The lord recklessly led his troops to Jiangcheng to fight against the powerful Three-Kingdom Allied Forces.

Mo Qiaosheng, the only capable supporter, was thousands of miles away in Hanzhong, and he would be intercepted by Chu countries along the way at any time.

In such a situation, he received a secret letter from Li Wenguang, King of Liangzhou, and he felt that this was indeed a godsend opportunity.

In his plan, relying on his years of operation in the court, he should be able to easily oust the reckless lord, support a new king, and then abolish those messy policies and let himself return to the court. At the top, restore the prestige of his Wei family.

Unexpectedly, the situation has turned sharply now, not only Yu Dunsu has won a big victory, but the Song Kingdom has been destroyed.

In Jiangcheng, the lord even broke the Three Kingdoms Allied Forces. It is said that now he has sent a large army to chase Jiaodong Wang Huayu all the way, ready to take Jiaodong in one fell swoop.

When these two armies return to Bianjing, what ability do they have to fight against such a lion.

The master's letter of persuasion to surrender had already been placed on his desk, and in the letter, Enwei also used the ground to persuade him to disarm and surrender.

Wei Sibu's footsteps stopped in front of a cell where Xiao Jin, one of the most trusted officials of the King of Jin, was imprisoned in the cell.

Wei Subu felt a little jealous in his heart. He was jealous of the man who stood on the right side from the beginning and now has the money of the country in one hand. He will lead his entire Xiao family to prosper.

Before long, the Xiao family will replace their Wei family and become the first noble family of Jin.

Wei Subu said sympathetically, "How is it? Sir Xiao, are you still unwilling to join the new prince?"

Xiao Jin snorted coldly, "You scoundrel and thief, how could I join forces with you?"

Wei Subu squatted down and said in a seductive voice, "Why is Master Xiao so stubborn? The lord acted arbitrarily and was besieged by hundreds of thousands of troops. We must not be able to come back. Only by supporting the lord's younger brother, Gong Zijie, can we Truly protect the great cause of my great Jin Dynasty. Master Xiao, as long as you nod your head, I will play the new king and make you one of the three princes. From now on, you and I will stand side by side in the court to support the new king and create a prosperous age for my great Jin Dynasty. Wouldn't it be fun to be famous for the ages?"

Xiao Jin looked at him coldly: "Wei Taibao, you can't deceive me. You will come to tell me now, presumably because the battle situation on the front line of the lord has improved. He even won a victory, and is about to move back to the court. You I will think about dragging me into the water. The lord, she is very talented, and she is a generation of wise men who created a great cause for my great Jin. Gong Zijie is nothing more than a seven-year-old child, how can he be compared with the lord. I advise you to pull back from the precipice and turn back in time. Wait for the lord to come back , see that you sincerely repent, or you may still be spared."

Wei Zibu's expression changed, the muscles of his face trembled uncontrollably, and he said fiercely, "Don't be complacent, even if I lose, it's not wrong to have you guys back me."

Chapter 113

After Wei Servu left in a huff, Xiao Jin's expression became solemn.

Although he could not get any news from the outside world, from the dignified expressions on the faces of these traitors and their increasingly anxious emotions, it was guessed that the lord and the others should have overcome the difficulties and won the victory in Jiangcheng.

Xiao Jin picked up a straw from the wet ground and rubbed it back and forth between his fingers.

This great prison is dark and damp,

There was a musty smell in the air, and all kinds of insects and ants shuttled through the corners.

Some faint coughing or crying can be heard faintly.

Xiao Jin was very worried about whether the young prince could adapt to such a harsh environment. He was even more afraid of what would happen to His Royal Highness when the rebels jumped over the wall.

Since he was a child, Xiao Jin was selected by the elders of the family and became Gong Ziyu's companion.

After the tragedy of the Zhongmu Rebellion, he always blamed himself and blamed himself for being ill-conceived, for causing the brother he grew up with to lose his life.

Now Prince Cheng Peng is the only bloodline of Prince Yu.

The lord made him the prince's master, which also means entrusting the prince jiāo to him.

But he made a mistake again, allowing the gangsters to take advantage of the loopholes, putting the young prince in danger and becoming a prisoner.

Xiao Jin closed his eyes and broke the straw with force.

The cart that delivered the prison meals passed by, and a civilian woman wearing a short short coat and wrapped in a towel knocked on Xiao Jin's prison door with a long-handled wooden spoon.

When she slowly poured a spoonful of vegetable soup into the copper basin in front of Xiao Jin, she whispered in a voice only Xiao Jin could hear: "Master Xiao. It's me."

Xiao Jin was taken aback and raised his head, this unremarkable woman looked vaguely familiar.

After careful identification, I found out that it was actually pretended by the lord's personal bodyguard, Xia Fei.

"Xia Shilang, how could it be you?" Xiao Jin looked around and lowered his voice excitedly, "Why are you here? What about the lord, how is the lord?"

"My lord has won the Jiangzhou Grand Master. Now the army has led the army to Huáng Pond, which is 20 miles away from Bianjing." Xia Fei pulled the scarf on her head and replied quickly, "The time is running out, please let me know. Now the situation of the rebels in Bianjing City."

Xiao Jin nodded: "There are three main thieves who have rebelled this time, they are..."

It is located in Huáng Chi City not far north of Bianjing.

Cheng Qianye saw Dong Bowen, who was dressed in a mess.

Cheng Qianye was overjoyed and helped him up with his own hands: "Bo Wen

, how did you escape? How is Bianjing now? "

"Because of my low official position, I did not attract the attention of the thieves, and I managed to bribe a relative of the rebel Zhao Ji in the inner courtyard, and just got away from prison." Dong Bowen said, "In the past few days, it has been rumored that the lord's army has returned. The city, Bianjing was in chaos, and the ministers were able to escape. Now there are three leaders of the thieves in Bianjing City, namely Taibao Wei Sibu, Fengchang Zhaoji Kao, and the former governor of Li Nei, Han Qianjian, and more than 10,000 rebels. you."

Dong Bowen breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He worked hard to escape from Bianjing. Not only is he anxious to see the lord and knows the situation in Bianjing, but he is also worried that the lord will suspect him as a spy for a traitor in this situation.

At this moment, seeing the lord summoning him with such sincerity and enthusiasm, Dong Bowen was relieved.

"There is nothing to be afraid of rebels. The biggest problem now is that they hold the prince and the empress dowager in their hands." Cheng Qianye was worried and tapped on the table with his finger, "We must find a way to solve it."

Mo Qiaosheng stood beside her, and he looked at Dong Bowen: "These rebels can't be monolithic, please Mr. Dong think carefully about whether there is anyone among them who can break through?"

The night is dark,

In Bianjing City, Zhao Jikao dragged his tired pace back to his mansion.

The news of the lord's victory over the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms in Jiangcheng, and the fact that he personally led the army to Bianjing has spread all over the city, and now people in Bianjing are panicking.

Among them, apart from Wei Taibao still insisting that the fish will die and the net will be broken, basically no one has no regrets in their hearts.

Zhao Jikao sighed deeply.

Fengchang, one of the nine ministers, was in charge of the royal family's ancestral temple etiquette and other important matters, and his status was respected.

Even after arriving in Bianjing, the lord adjusted the power of the court, but he never moved his position.

He didn't know how he was like lard, and just because he was dissatisfied with those new policies, he developed a rebellious heart towards the lord, and he came to the point where he couldn't turn back now.

Zhao Jikao pushed open the bedroom door, a cold light flashed in the darkness of the room, and a cold dagger was placed on his neck.

"What, who?" Zhao Jikao panicked and wanted to call the guards.

"I advise Zhao Fengchang to stay calm, don't you want to read the master's handwritten letter to you?" A cold voice sounded.

"Master's handwritten letter to me?" Zhao Jikao thought.

The girl standing in the dark slowly took out a letter and placed it on the table, "The lord's royal pen is here, as long as Zhao Fengchang can abandon the darkness and go to the light, commit crimes and make meritorious deeds, and help the prince. The lord not only forgives the Zhao family for the past, but can also turn the head against Wei. The position of Taibao that was vacated after the servant was killed, I will give it to you, Lord Zhao."

Zhao Jikao rolled his eyes, feeling that his mind became active again in an instant. After hesitating for a moment, he finally reached out to the letter on the table.

On the top of the city, a standing servant surnamed Yuan inspected the city defense in a dejected manner. He was just a small standing servant in the forbidden army. After listening to the words of his leading boss, he thought that the lord had collapsed in Jiangcheng and blindly followed his boss. He made the lord's younger brother, Gong Zijie, as king.

Now, he knows that the lord is not only safe and sound, but also won a big victory, and he has become a rebel against the party because of his confusion.

"What can a small person like us do except obey the words of the adults? Unexpectedly, this will become a traitor to the party."

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