
Qin An had no clue in his mind.

The nine main gods he came into contact with currently have ghost generals, demon heavens, and curses.

So who is the god behind the old lamp? He should think he is also a believer in the sword god.

Rubbing his wrist lightly, it's okay, but the strength is not as good as the opponent, but the body strength should be about the same, Lao Deng's punch did not damage his arm.

Hey, originally I wanted to hear what kind of people are there in this so-called Eleven Shadows.

Now that Lao Deng had already shot himself in advance, and Qin An knew that he would not go on talking next, so let's ask Qiu Jinse's ghost mother later.

"Old immortal, I thought you would kill me when you were about to leave, why? So anxious?"

"Why do you think I want to kill you?" Old Deng began to gently rub his palms. Qin An didn't know that this was exactly what he would do when he wanted to kill someone.

"You have such strength, but you disguise yourself as a wanderer, an old man who looks dying, you can see how shameless you are and how you don't want people to know your true identity. What is the king of the underground world, but It’s a mouse hiding in a dark corner! Now that you have said so much to your boss’s wife in front of me, how can I still be alive when I am leaving?"

As Qin An spoke, Qiu Jinse, who had been unconscious on the ground, had disappeared, as if his body had been fused in the air, leaving only his clothes on the spot.

After putting Qiu Jinse into the Dream Space, Qin An put her clothes into the Interspatial Ring so that she can wear them when she comes out. ,

For some reason, Qin An didn't want this poor woman to be hurt.

"My daughter? How did my daughter disappear?" Tian Yue'e exclaimed.

Lao Deng and Qin An were not moved by her voice.

Lao Deng focused all his attention on Qin An, and he could see that this kid actually seemed to take the initiative to find himself. Is he so confident that he thought he could kill himself? Why did Tian Yue'e's daughter suddenly disappear? This made the old lamp feel very strange, and Mental Energy naturally became highly nervous.

Qin An remembered the heroic appearance of Qiu Jinse who killed two fifth-level upgraded people before. Perhaps in the dumb girl's dictionary, there is no difference between the enemy and me on the battlefield, right? Otherwise, how could she face a strong enemy without fear?

In the past, Qin An was actually a person without fighting consciousness.

He always feels that he is living in the end times of the real world, and there is no need to be competitive.

However, after thinking of Qiu Jinse, Qin An's heart is full of fighting spirit. Perhaps she is a born female warrior, and she is suitable for fighting on the battlefield.

And Qin An's heart actually suppressed a murderous intent long ago.

The various behaviors of the man in black made him angry and made him hate the sins in human hearts, including the darkness hidden in his heart!

Suddenly, Qin An moved, but he did not move forward, but his body was constantly changing.

Superman, Spaceman, Guo Jing, Huang Rong, Black Cat Sheriff, Vajra Calabash baby! What is this ability?

Old Deng was a little confused, wondering why Qin An's original place was turned into a phantom.

This phantom kept changing its shape, size and color. Although the old lamp had good hearing, it was still much worse than Qin An, and he did not have the same super vision as Qin An.

Because he couldn't figure out the situation, Lao Deng was only careful about the defender, and didn't take it lightly.

Eighth-level ten thousand thoughts return to the sect, this is the first time Qin An has used it after copying it from Rongrong.

Since you want to fight, then you have no reservations.

When the brave meets on a narrow road, the brave wins. Qin An knows that he may be inferior to the opponent in physical skills, but his advantage is originally the various sword god abilities and the fighting methods derived from them.

It was just two minutes, Qin An didn't know how many characters he had changed, more than 300? Obviously, this is not as much as Rongrong's changes, but Qin An already feels dizzy, and the brain's analog computing ability can't keep up.

Rongrong is a brain-upgraded, and his brain is already much stronger than ordinary people, so Qin An knows that his ten thousand year return ability may be weaker than Rongrong, but this should be enough!

In the end, Qin An changed back to the appearance of Qin Xiaoan, his whole body glowed charcoal red, and the energy gathered in his body was almost able to burst out.

Just when the old lamp was still staring at Qin An with his eyes wide open, Qin An's figure suddenly disappeared, and it appeared again on the side of the old lamp, and what Qin An held in his hand was the Divine Sword of Three Fires Asking the Sky and Reflecting the Moon!

The strength of the ground-breaking fist once again gathered to the arm, and with the energy gathered by Wannian Guizong, the speed of Qin An's sword was so fast that it left a shadow in the void.

When falling, the air rubs against the blade, and the super heat generated instantly evaporates the moisture in the air, forming a light mist.

After that, the water mist was split by the potential energy of the blade and rushed to both sides!

Lao Deng only saw a burst of colorful light flashing from the corner of his eye. He wanted to avoid it, and he went out with his legs and body, but in the end he left a whole arm!


Lao Deng no longer had the calm and calm appearance he had before. His eyes were flushed with blood, his face was white, his forehead was dripping with cold sweat, and the corners of his mouth were walking with bloodshot eyes.

How can it be? Was he actually concentrated by this sword? !

Too fast, his speed is too fast!

It turned out to be much faster than myself! No, that's not fast. Old Deng suddenly realized that he didn't feel any potential energy generated when Qin An moved.

In other words, he didn't move but he still got to his side. This is simply the ability of Spatial Teleportation!

After that, he used super explosive power and unparalleled initial sword speed to attack him and succeeded in one move.

Is the changing phantom just a kind of preparation before the first sword?

Damn, this person must also be a member of the nine god-tier clan, but I don't know who his main god is.

While Lao Deng’s thoughts turned sharply, his body did not stay. He did not turn around to fight Qin An, but ran directly to the square, and then clamped the arms of three people with one arm at the same time, carrying his The children ran away like flying, and disappeared in no time!

Qin An was dumbfounded. His energy of returning to the sect has not dissipated. Why did the other party run away?

And he is really capable, even one person picked up three people with one arm.

Looking at the empty square, Qin An had some regrets. He knew that even if he could use his teleportation ability to keep up with him, giving him another sword shouldn’t hurt him anymore, because it couldn’t reach it suddenly. The effect of the attack, the battle will inevitably fall into anxiety.

And this guy's movement speed is obviously faster than his own, and it is difficult for him to catch up if he wants to escape.

It ran three kilometers in one second, which caught up with the heroic sci-fi character Flash created in the United States TV series before the end of the world.

What an old lamp, he was really scared, he just succeeded in a sneak attack, the real strength should still be inferior to him.

But he just ran away without even thinking about it. Such a talent is the most terrifying.

The purpose of his coming here tonight is to bring back his three children. Now that he has achieved his goal, he is just an unexpected encounter for him.

Perhaps afterwards, when he encounters it again, he will eventually become his target.

Run away. Although Qin An is helpless, he has no choice but to open up a sword after turning on Wannian Guizong. It is already Qin An's current strongest attack state, and both destructive power and speed have reached his body's. Extreme, but in the end he still just cut off his arm, which is a pity.

Qin An’s original clothes are already changing, but what he wears at this time is a set of virtual changes. Since he has the ability of Wannian, he no longer needs to wear clothes. Rongrong is like this, every day. Variety of beautiful clothes for herself.

Turning his head, looked at the black mist cluster where Tian Yue'e was. There was no sound at this moment, the black mist was slowly dissipating, and a vague image of a woman inside gradually appeared, and it was slowly changing with the mist. light.

Her face was full of shock, and Qin An said in his heart after looking at it: This is Qiu Jinse’s mother, right? The two of them don’t look like suddenly, Qin An’s memory door opened, and he remembered the time when the soul traveled. After an experience, his face changed drastically.

wrong! Tian Yue'e is lying!

Qin An immediately stepped forward, trying to control the disappearing ghost, but when he teleported into the black mist, the mist completely disappeared, and Tian Yuee's figure disappeared.

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