In any case, Qin An has already become interested in this organization called Black Clothes.

It seems that it still exists in the last days. Eleven Shadows should be alive. Some of them are old guys like Old Lamps, or middle-aged people like Yin Hanchao. I don’t know if anyone was selected as Shadow after the end of the world. .

The previous communication with Tian Yue'e made people feel that she was just a long-winded housewife, but this is obviously not the case.

She appears here for two purposes.

Judging from the memory of the old woman, she said that she was the real master in the black organization, and had already controlled all the rights. Only Lao Deng was Qiu Mubai’s person, and Lao Deng and Qiu Mubai were in many places. The number of times I met during the year was very small, so I didn't know that Qiu Mubai was just a puppet, thinking that all the instructions of the black clothes were issued by Qiu Mubai. Then Tian Yuee saw that Lao Deng was not trying to kill him, but to gain the power he controlled through some methods, and finally integrate all the resources of Heiyi, so that she would officially come back when she was truly resurrected as a ghost whisperer. I just don't know what kind of power this old lamp controls? At that time, Tian Yue'e mentioned that the old lamp was in Russia all the time after the end of the world, so now the biggest power in Russia is the Destiny Sect. This old man is not a big figure in the Destiny Sect, right? And that Yin liar, is it Yin Hanchao, and if so, what role does he play in the Mo Ling sect?

In addition, Tian Yue'e should have discovered where Qiu Jinse is, and this time she wanted to deal with Qiu Jinse. She appeared in a cloud of black mist, and at the same time changed her voice, so that Qiu Jinse could not discover her true identity. The reason why this woman told herself some fabricated stories was not out of love for her daughter, she was just testing herself in the conversation. And what she said about the black organization should be true, otherwise it would be impossible to say so emotionally. She may have tried a Mental Energy attack on herself, but because the strength gap is too large, she has no effect. That's why she would use the way of speaking to test. If she was an ordinary person, she would have resorted to tactics a long time ago, but after a conversation, she obviously felt that she should not be ordinary, so she never tried.

After the arrival of Old Deng, he competed with Old Deng, but he failed.

Tian Yue'e was shocked by her own strength, so she didn't dare to stay anymore and didn't want to deal with Qiu Jinse anymore. Only then did the power that quickly dissipated her soul disappeared.

According to Qin An, creatures like ghosts may be living entities that travel parallel to the earth. They only have souls. They can use the power of ghosts to condense them out of their bodies. If they want to be resurrected, they should meet certain conditions to stimulate and attract more. The power of the main god, that is to say, Tian Yue'e wanted to be resurrected by no means because of the idea of ​​killing the Eleven Shadows... Could it be that Qiu Jinse was her goal?

Yes, Qin An couldn't be sure what happened at Qiu Jinse's home five years ago, but now it is probably Qiu Jinse who killed Tian Yue'e.

Because Tian Yue'e was not Qiu Jinse's biological mother at all, at that time Qiu Mubai was suppressed by Tian Yue'e, so her Life was not Ruyi Scepter. Before the end of the world, Tian Yuee had two sons, namely Qiu Tangsheng and Qiu Jinsheng.

Since they can't have children, she must have adopted these two people, and then only listened to Tian Yue'e.

The isolated and helpless Qiu Mubai finally derailed, and had a relationship with the maid. This was the birth of Qiu Jinse in the future. Qin An's brain was like a typewriter at this time, and this was the context that came out after listing all the clues.

What a complicated relationship, what a bloody story!

Gently waved his hand and transferred Qiu Jinse's clothes to her, Qin An eased his emotions, and looked at the eastern sky, a hint of red had appeared faintly.

Focusing on Mental Energy again, the ability to save sentient beings was activated. After a white light, Qiu Jinse's trapped soul was released and slowly woke up.

"The sun has come out, and I'm still asleep, take care of my buttocks." Qin An sat next to Qiu Jinse and turned on the super hearing enhancement state. The old lamp had already ran out 20 kilometers away without knowing where to go.

"What's going on?" Qiu Jinse couldn't forget the scene before the coma. She turned her head and appeared a strange black fog. After that, she felt dizzy and lost all consciousness. It was obvious that she had suffered a soul attack.

One sentence, four words, almost as soon as he had a reaction in his mind, Qiu Jinse said it smoothly.

The sound was light and quick, not tactful, but very vivid, like a second sound of empty valleys on an iceberg.

Qin An was stunned and looked at Qiu Jinse blankly. This was the first time he heard her voice, and he felt a little excitement and sense of accomplishment in his heart.

Qiu Jinse was also dumbfounded, how long has it been? When was the last time you spoke? three years ago? A cockroach was found in the cell, and she yelled...Ah, it was easy not to speak when she was alone, but it was so difficult to get outside.

It must be that she subconsciously remembered the black boy by her side, that's why...Oh my God, how could this happen!

Seeing Qiu Jinse's embarrassment and discomfort, Qin An returned to normal. He did not struggle with the problem of Lin Niu talking, but smiled slightly:

"I don't know what happened. There are so many weird things in the last days. I really want to figure it out, I'm afraid it will be difficult.

Did you see the black fog? We passed out in a coma after it appeared, and now we wake up again, it's that simple.

I've been to see the team leader and the three of them are all safe and sound, sleeping like a dead pig.

The three people in front of the square also disappeared. Maybe the black mist was a power released by their accomplices. They stunned us and left them! "

The dumb girl returned to normal, at least on the surface it looked normal. She stood up and began to look around, acting cautiously and cautiously, but a little absent-minded in her heart.

Qin An frowned, this woman always looks like this, what is she being cautious about?

Yes, she was sent outside by her father since she was a child. Should she have experienced a fierce battle at the age of fifteen, one person against one upgrader and two killers?

With Tian Yue'e's viciousness, she should definitely not just send that group of people to deal with Qiu Jinse, then she might have to put herself on alert every day, right? Otherwise, his life may have already been lost.

Thinking of this, Qin An understood a little bit, no wonder she was so good at fighting. It turned out that she had been fighting for five years before she became a soldier.

Turning his head to the side, Qin An looked at Dongfang again, Hong Ri nodded a little.

"Dumb girl, how long have you not watched the sunrise?"

sunrise? Qiu Jinse followed the black boy's gaze to the east. There was actually a sunrise. Is the sky about to dawn?

Suddenly, Qiu Jinse's body trembled for a while.

Qin An didn't notice the changes in Qiu Jinse. He remembered the situation where he and Weng Lan were waiting for the sunrise on the balcony before.


A crisp sound knocked Qin An's head dizzy.

He actually realized the palm of the dumb girl, but he still didn't avoid it, because he didn't know why the dumb girl came to hit him.

She turned her gaze on the dumb girl's face in astonishment, and saw that her face was flushed with tears in her eyes, and that little appearance was aggrieved to death, as if she had been insulted by the heavens.

Mud horse...what the hell is this poor little girl making trouble? Qin An was stunned.

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