Can't sleep, can't sleep over and over again!

Qiu Jinse lay distraught on the hard trunk of the truck.

She was naturally very happy to be able to get out of prison this time, even if it was only temporary.

But, has the world changed so much? Why do so many weird and mysterious powers exist?

I was obviously injured when I killed the female upgraded person, but he recovered immediately.

The appearance of a black mist made her faint. Wouldn't it be easy if the releaser of the black mist wanted to kill her?

And...and Qin Xiaoan!

When the black boy first saw him, he thought he was an honest person, but now he has exposed the fox's tail.

No, it should be the tail of a pervert!

Qiu Jinse couldn't help sighing. Although she is a perfect body, she is really not a woman who values ​​her body very much.

Of course, she will not indulge herself at will, but she will not anger and kill people because of an accident where she has not caught the evidence.

Killing the enemy on the battlefield is a good thing, but killing oneself off the battlefield is a price. Hasn't she been experiencing this price for the past five years?

Sighing again, Qiu Jinse, who could not sleep, remembered how happy she was in the two years in the army five years ago. She might have a very good future, but it was a pity that it was all over!

Qiu Jinse quickly ended his own memory with four words, not wanting to think of the past.

Let's go to sleep. Qiu Jinse began to belong to a sheep, but finally found out that she still couldn't sleep. It was really maddening to death.

She knew that Qin An had used her ability to save sentient beings twice. She would be energetic even if she didn't drink or eat for a few days, so it's not surprising that she can't fall asleep now.

Qin An has secretly returned to Tianju, anyway, he is just a small soldier, and no one will mind if he hides and sleeps. If Qiao Feng finds him, he will go out.

Tianju was built next to the Yahoo team camp. Inside, Wu Ma Siqi could control all the disturbances in a certain range outside. If there is anything, let Wu Ma Siqi call herself.

Now Qin An is still at ease with the three Wuma sisters, because they are really three very simple women.

The heart of Big Sister Wuma Dan is like the orchid in the empty valley, the second sister Wuma Tienan is like a garden peony, and the third sister Siqi is like the morning glory that climbs up the wall.

Qin An felt that if there was a chance, it would be good to take these three people as own Little Sister. As for being a wife... then forget it.

Qin An has no shortage of women, so naturally he will not climb onto a woman's bed at will for the sake of beauty. If it is because of love... then it is beyond Qin An's control.

After returning to Tianju, he first visited Liu Ru with the three sisters of the Wuma clan.

Liu Ru was originally a simple woman. She is beautiful but she has no big ambitions.

Before the end of the world, she appeared to be the hostess of a wealthy house, but she was actually the jade Bodhisattva who was confessed by her husband. Since she was not a living thing, she was naturally lonely and lifeless.

After the end of the world, he separated from Qin An. Liu Ru and Wang Khan lived in seclusion in Qin County.

So Liu Ru and the three Wuma sisters are very temperamental. They are the kind of women who can stay in the room by themselves for a day, even if no one takes care of them, they can still find fun on their own.

After being crooked with Liu Ru for a while, Qin An went to see the three sisters. After being impolitely ambiguous by the three of them, Qin An finally got out and said his own request.

"Your task is to eliminate enemies within ten kilometers. Don't go too far, and don't be bothered by difficult targets. I am not that great. Now I regard you as my own people, so naturally I don't want you to encounter any danger. Although your sisters are powerful, there are too many unknowns in the last days. The believers of the nine main gods have gradually begun to walk in the last days. The gate of time and space does not know when it will appear again. In short, if you meet them Don't try to do it, just turn on the ability of Tongtian Road and return to Tianju!"

The three of them heard Qin An say that they had regarded them as their own, and Le's eyes were full of little stars. As for other words Qin An said, they didn't listen to them at all.

From here, Qin An went to Liu Yuanchao and Vajra.

The two guys hadn't even got up yet. Liu Yuanchao hugged Wu Yan on the bed and talked about love. Qin An turned on the super listening and listened to a few words, and felt that the hairs were erected, the back was cold, and the roots of the teeth were itchy, wishing to kill.

"Xiao Yanyan, if you go back to the past, I will meet a woman like you, I will definitely take out all the food stamps at home and give it to you!"

"Look at your virtue! By the way, I remember when you were in the Twin Towers, you told me that when you were young, you were a great love sage or a landlord. Have you ever said that the big girls and little wives in your village are almost all the same? Have you ever been in bed?"

"Baby... I never said it!"

"You just said! Do you think I forgot? Ah! What are you doing... This early morning, do you want to divert my attention? Don't touch me! Qin An will be back soon!"

"Why is he coming back? That dead horse, four wives can't hold his heart, I heard Rongrong said that he hooked up with a female soldier outside, really not wanting face!"

"Qin An is also true. You are better than him in this regard. No matter how many women you used to have, I am the only one now!"

"That's not it! It's your husband and me!"

"Okay, okay, don't touch it, do you really want to come? Didn't feel comfortable last night?"

"Hey, this day, the air in the home is good, and the environment is beautiful! It is the so-called food and clothing. The old saying is good, my dear, when it rains, hitting a child is idle, come on!"

"Ah! I hate it, then you lighten up, don't collapse the bed!" Qin An just wanted to say a word now, these two dogs!

Compared with Liu Yuanchao's and Wu Yan's passion, Vajra's side is very quiet. The black man is indeed still asleep, snoring like thunderous ears.

Wu Zhen and Liu Wenjuan lay left and right in Vajra's arms, but they did not sleep, they were talking quietly about their children.

Qin An shook his head and moved his attention away from Vajra's bedroom. After that, he was taken aback for a moment, then turned around and saw Wang Hui walking towards him.

She was wearing a pink short skirt, a small sky blue vest on her upper body, and only a pair of slippers on her feet. She looked casual and fit.

With a sincere smile on his face, Qin An asked, "Where are the five women?"

"Lu Ya and Gong Xue flew out early in the morning. Didn't you ask them to go out to investigate the situation? Rongrong went to see the children. Later, I will make some breakfast for everyone, and I will also play with Xiao Wenxin. Wang Yunzhi, the two Hongluan went to take a bath in the river! The river is so long, as if there is no end, it seems to be a long way out, but as long as you turn around, you can return to the shore in a short while. It’s amazing. place."

Qin An naturally knew that although this Tianju world looked huge, its space was wrinkled, just a form of energy. So it’s normal to go far away and come back quickly.

"Why didn't you go? So did the two of them. Wake up in the morning to swim. Are you reminiscing about the fitness life before the end of the world?"

Wang Hui didn't speak, but a strange and charming smile appeared on her face suddenly.

She walked slowly to Qin An's side, and when Qin An was looking at her in a daze, she suddenly raised her feet and kissed Qin An's mouth heavily.

Qin An was stunned for a second, and then quickly dodged. He was actually kissed by Wang Hui?

"You, Qin An, don't know what to say.

When she looked at Wang Hui's face, she found that the glamorous smile just disappeared, and her face turned red at this time, and she seemed a little timid.

"Qin An...Don't mind. I...Do you still remember my old problems?"

"What's wrong?" Qin An didn't think of it for a while.

"I have schizophrenia. The one who kissed you just now was another me, and now I am the same me again!"

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