"Okay, okay, come and eat. You see Jingyi made such a table for breakfast. Many of these ingredients are grown by myself. You all come to eat and see if there is any taste of inorganic food from the 1980s. !"

Qin Xiaoyan's posture as the lord of the harem urged everyone to come to the table quickly.

Liu Xia was the first to rush to the table. She just had an affair with Qin An, which made her feel good.

Although Lan Yue and Liu Xia have reconciled now, they always compare them together. As the saying goes, seeing Liu Xia happy makes Lan Yue feel a little unhappy. Needless to say, it must be. It was Qin An who secretly gave her sweet jujube to eat. Seeing that she was smiling, she was so cheap!

Hmph, Lan Yue had all the sordid scorn of the two in her heart. When she walked to the table and sat down, Qin An had already teleported to her and sat down, then secretly stretched out his hand and touched Lan Yue's thigh under the table. At the root, Lan Yue's face was flushed, and she was not thinking about laughing at Liu Xia. The expression on her face was very unnatural. In order to hide her embarrassment, she gave Qin Xiaoyan a smirk. The smile was even lower than Liu Xia. Woolen cloth.

Li Na hugged the daughter who had just taken over from Qin An, walked slowly to the table, and at the same time wiped her daughter's sweat with a towel.

"Fool, it's really fine. I accompany her to fool around early in the morning, look at the sweat on my head, what should I do if I catch a cold?"

After speaking, Li Na laughed first herself, how could she catch a cold? People in the last days are as strong as calves, and there is also a senior therapist Qin An.

On one side of the table, Jingyi and Cian stood in maid costumes.

Jingyi is a little bit shy about this outfit on her body. Rong Rong got it for them. The lower thighs are all exposed, and the upper body is also tight. These two chests are protruding. Isn't it necessary to be seen? Light?

However, Qin An's wives are all dressed like this, and she is not easy to refuse.

Ci'an is not so relaxed anymore, she is mainly exhausted.

The former Queen Mother of the East Palace was reduced to the point of serving as a servant for others. How could she be willing? Unfortunately, she has no dignity here, she is no longer herself.

Rongrong took the initiative to sit down on the table, and said with a smile:

"I have breakfast at your house, and today we have Wang Hui making breakfast...Her craftsmanship is not flattering.

Ci Jingyi, come and sit down too.

People in this place are equal. You are just taking care of everyone's life, but no one treats you as slaves! "

Jingyi was so happy when she heard that she hurriedly pulled the awkward Ci'an to the table, settled her and sat down, and then Yingying bowed down:

"Masters, you can eat it. I have eaten it when I was cooking just now, so I won't serve it anymore."

Jingyi is already very satisfied now. Just now Ci'an was standing with her, which really made her feel uncomfortable. Now that the queen mother has the opportunity to sit on an equal footing with others, then she can feel at ease!

Qin An glanced at Jingyi secretly, only to see that the little girl exhaled deeply.

Of course Qin An understood Jingyi's feelings and thoughts, and couldn't help laughing.

This girl is really tired.

In the Qing palace before, there were many servants serving one master, but now it is Jingyi alone serving many masters.

It seems that I want to find a time to chat with Jingyi, tell her what kind of era it is now, tell her what has happened since the Qing Dynasty, and tell her alone... how to realize her own value, Instead of bowing down for others.

In my mind, Qin An has taken the lead in eating, and breakfast like this has become the norm in Qin An’s life today.

At the dinner table, Qin An would tease Liu Xia, recall the past with Li Na, secretly have an affair with Lan Yue under the table, and then convey the meaning of "We are our own" with Qin Xiaoyan's eyes.

For Rongrong, Qin An usually treats her as her own only when she is in bed, and Rongrong doesn’t mind at all. Qin An’s bed skills are not bad for her anyway, at least it can make her content and happy. As for things like love, Rong Rong doesn’t mind. Rong doesn't need it at all. She is an old guy who has experienced the ups and downs of the eunuch, even if her body is full of vitality, but if she wants to play love with her heart, she is somewhat powerless.

After eating a meal for more than 30 minutes, the walls of the dining room flashed brightly, after which Wuma Siqi walked out of it.

Everyone was taken aback by her, but Qin Xiaoyan reacted first and said, "What's the matter with the third sister? Have you eaten yet?"

Wu Ma Siqi smiled politely at Qin Xiaoyan, and then directly said to Qin An: "The Yahoo team is going to the northwest, saying that it is going to support a regiment in General Dong Junwei's army that is fighting against zombies. The situation seems very critical. ! Qiao Feng is looking for a grandfather, are you going out? Oh, right, I just used the super walkie-talkie watch that Ling'er equipped us with Hongxue and Lu Ya, they have already flown over there, first Look at the situation!"

Everyone in the restaurant was taken aback.

How could an emergency happen?

The guard army moved forward a little bit, didn't it rush into the zombies group, and there doesn't seem to be an excessive number of corpse groups nearby? Need Li Ziyuan's crusaders to support the defensive army? Is this an order from the coalition headquarters behind Li Ziyuan?

After Wu Ma Siqi explained the situation, he directly turned on a projection on the wall.

That was the outside scene, and I saw that Yuchi Yahoo was wearing a close-fitting biological armor on his body.

This kind of biological armor was developed by the West Tibet itself. It is very strong, but its defense is good. It is currently in the experimental stage and has not been distributed by the whole army. It is just a test product by an upgraded person with stronger survivability to test it. Whether the effect can meet the needs of combat.

"Load all the equipment in the car! Listen, the order Daddy received is to stand on the spot after approaching 25 kilometers northwest. Hurry up and move faster. If you are procrastinating, be careful that Daddy will screw your heads. Come down but when the ball kicks!"

Yahoo was originally an arrogant and domineering personality, and he was naturally not polite.

The soldiers didn't even bother to pay attention to his attitude. Soldiers had the qualities of a soldier, so they would naturally execute them with the fastest speed after receiving orders, and their vision would not be delayed.

Qin An immediately stood up when he saw this situation.

"Don't worry about it, and don't go out. If Lu Ya and Gong Xue are there first, they should be able to understand the progress of the matter.

Siqi, move Tianju to find a place to put it there, and then look at the situation and move randomly. I guess it must have encountered a huge crisis, otherwise General Dong Junwei will not be able to request support from Li Ziyuan, and our team will not. Will receive such an order! "

The girls nodded one after another, and they would naturally listen to Qin An's words.

Qin An quickly left Tianju, and soon found Qiao Feng after appearing in the camp.

At this time, Google, Meng Kaixuan, and Qiu Jinse have all assembled.

After seeing Qin An, Qiu Feng said depressed: "Where did your kid ran to sleep, I didn't find you! Okay, hurry up, all ten teams in charge of investigation have been dispatched on missions, we have to be one step ahead. Arrive at the destination to understand the situation!"

After that, Qiufeng didn't pay attention to Qin An, but took the four people directly into a mountain off-road vehicle, then started the car and drove directly out of the camp.

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