Naturally, Qin Le is not a handsome one, but it is definitely not ugly.

In fact, Liu Su really underestimated Qin Le, knowing that he is just fourteen years old this year, and there is still a lot of room for growth.

He wasn't what Tassel had thought before. He was a dumb silly boy. He was just too young and didn't show much interest in women. He was just a good place to be developed.

Because of begging all the year round, Qin Le's behavior looks a bit weak, and he is always honest on weekdays. But how can a person who eats and drinks on the street all the year round is really old? Therefore, the real Qin Le is much more active than it looks.

Facing a crisis at this moment, all of Qin Le's potential has been fully stimulated.

He used his mind to control the tiger obsessed copper hammer from his body and his hands, and then used the other hand to hold the tassel's waist.

In fact, he could have let go of the tassel, but because he was too nervous, he completely ignored the tassel, which gave him a little manly heroism invisibly. It seems that what I want to express is that it is dangerous outside, come and hide in the arms of Big Brother...Of course, Qin Le is actually one year younger than Tassel.

At this time, the young boy's eyes were exceptionally bright, and the expression on his face was very serious. He was looking around to see if there was a gap that could escape.

No matter what you think, it is better to leave this encirclement quickly, because it will not take long for more big bugs to come here.

So what Tassel raised his head to see was this Qin Le with a focused face, piercing eyes, a slightly open mouth, and a gentle breath.

Tassel has lived for so many years, and I have never felt this way.

Qin Le's hand seemed to touch her waist directly through her clothes, making her part so hot and even sweating.

But Tassel didn't care about this, as if all other voices suddenly disappeared, leaving only her own heartbeat and the little monkey's breathing in her world.

I was saved by him again, and when he got serious, he was actually so interesting to make people's heart excited. Looking at those bright eyes, Qin Le's heart sank after watching the whole circle. It seems to be Some can't run away!

Suddenly, several large iron stones with a diameter of five meters flew straight over, and Qin Le's golden light flickered slightly, moving quickly to avoid the attack.

The tassel's nerves were finally pulled back, and only then realized that there was still a crisis here.

Look at the ground that was hit by a few iron stones, there have been a few big pits, if you hit the body, it will probably be broken into bones!

what can we do about it? Tassel was flustered. When she felt that she should do something, since Qin Le could run out to chase her, she should find a way to let the two of them go back alive, so that there would be a future and various possibilities.

What would a smart beggar do in a crisis? Face a strong enemy and stand up to fight? This is definitely not the case.

Qin Le knew what he had to do, and that was to escape, and flee to a safe place with tassels!

" let me down, I can fight!" Tassel's voice was so gentle that she couldn't believe it, she might not have used such a gentle voice to talk to other people in her life. This also includes Big sis Qin Xiaoyan. She treated Liu Yuanchao even more rudely.

Moreover, Liu Su was obviously not a woman who had no power to bind a chicken, but she was in Qin Le's arms at this time, but she had no strength at all.

The little girl Tassel is the kind of person who knows everything when she looks at it, but she has never experienced it.

If she is a thorough second generation of the last days, but she has been mixed with Liu Yuanchao these years, and she has been affected by the pre-apocalyptic thinking. She knows the shyness of girls and the reservedness when she first met a lover. In short, her appearance is a young girl, but her heart is a small antique poisoned by the thoughts of the pre-apocalyptic era.

Qin Le didn't have time to bother with tassels, he still thought about how to escape.

Can't fight, absolutely can't fight.

The worms have already started attacking. He can only dodge from left to right. Fortunately, their bodies are huge. Although Qin Le has no way to escape from each other, they will not be bitten for a while, but they can move. The space is getting smaller and smaller, if it continues like this suddenly, what Qin Le thinks of!

Seeing a little gap between the two worms in front of him, Qin Le quickly retracted the Tiger Crazy Copper Hammer, then held the tassel upright in his arms, and rushed forward.

At this time, Tassel finally saw the form in front of him. When Qin Le flashed to avoid the attack just now, he made Tassel realize how dangerous the environment the two of them were in was!

I blame myself, if she hadn't ran out of the position at will, she wouldn't have hurt Qin Le!

And Lu Ya Big sis didn't seem to notice her existence. If she and Qin Le used the power of the storm against the ground again, wouldn't she and Qin Le dare not think about it anymore, tears flowed out, she felt that she had no hope of escaping, She is not afraid of death, but she is a bit unwilling to be harmful!

Is Qin Le still insisting? There are huge worms all around, no longer able to escape, why is he still insisting? It's better to flee at this moment than desperately!

Is he afraid of death? No, if this were the case, he would not rush out of the battlefield to save himself.

Could it be that he was afraid of his own death? Does he like himself? It shouldn't be, she came to see him in the morning, his attitude is very cold!

The little girl who is in love with her is very confused, and she doesn't know what she is thinking.

Finally, Qin Le took her out from the gap between the bodies of the two worms, but unfortunately they did not escape the encirclement, and they seemed to ran in the wrong direction.

Tassel saw how many worms were crawling from the front, and their appearance was even more terrifying at a close distance, and it was also disgusting.

That's it! She is dead here today. Maybe she shouldn't look down on Qin Le in the morning. Could this be retribution?

Tassel, who was thinking about it, suddenly felt that he and Qin Le's body were falling quickly, and then it became pitch black in front of him. This is...what is going on?

After entering the tunnel smoothly according to his own idea, Qin Le continued to run forward for five or six meters without looking behind him. He took a bomb and threw it back.


With a loud noise, the entrance of the cave was blown up and then blocked.

Qin Le stopped then, listening for a while short of breath, and then said:

"The sword god Lu Ya should still be able to release the storm power. She was only interrupted just now, so she flew to the sky.

Don't be afraid, this is the tunnel left by a worm just after burrowing into the ground! "

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