With the addition of the Dulong fighter plane, the situation of the barbed wire fortifications was stabilized.

Nan Yulin's palms were sweating, and now he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Captain Louis XVIII has been licking some chapped lips with his tongue, staring at Lu Ya's huge body in a daze. How the hell is this long, isn't it a hundred meters tall?

And Qin Le finally returned to the camp with tassels, and naturally greeted him with a roar of Louis XVIII.

But Louis XVIII was also surprised at the same time. The energy of the storm just now shattered the hard stones. How did these two people survive?

The soldiers nearby were all raising their hands and cheering, but some veterans were extremely depressed.

"What's so happy? It was originally said to be hand-to-hand, but now that fighters are used to create such a big movement, it will definitely attract a lot of zombies, even if there are awakened people behind the zombies, but once the zombies are attracted by external forces, the same is true. It will get out of control. This means that large-scale battles will start ahead of schedule, and the defensive offensive we are building today is not even one piece, and the strategic positions are too scattered. Once it starts, it won’t be a good sign!"

"You veterans are really true! Can't you cheer after you win the battle? What do you do when you lose? Look at the big bugs, haha, there is no way to move forward because of the poisonous dragon fighter!"

"Oh, today I have gained some knowledge. The first time I went to the battlefield, I fought so fiercely. That sword goddess guard is too handsome, right? The kid who wants to come to Qin An must be very comfortable on weekdays. Let’s do it, will there be a NP super pleasure experience, haha!"

"You fucking keep quiet, don't you want to die? That's the guardian of the sword goddess, if an accident happens, we will still rely on others!"

"You are all too exaggerated, aren't they the guardians of the Sword Goddess? As far as I know, they are nothing terrible. Once the enemy's supernatural power appears, it will not be so easy for them to want to kill!"

"Does the enemy also have abilities?"

"Of course, and even if there are no superpowers, today's high-level zombies are very smart. They know how to make tactics to fight us!"

"Since the abilities are so awesome, you say you want us to participate in any battles, it's all fucking cannon fodder!"

"You know what a shit, now it's just a partial contact battle. When the city is fighting fortified battles, the ability of the ability is not so useful. At that time, both sides will use many methods to silence the ability of the ability. You think it is in the apocalypse What is the most human composition? Of course it is ordinary people. In order to limit the supernatural beings, ordinary humans naturally have to study various weapons to deal with them!"

Every soldier on the high platform was talking enthusiastically, but they were frightened just now. Of course, when the crisis is over, they have to express their feelings.

Suddenly, a small soldier who looked very ordinary and looked very ordinary said:

"Dage, can I ask a question?"

This little soldier is often bullied in the army on weekdays, so he has a little courage.

Maybe it’s just going through a crisis, so everyone around is in a good mood. An veteran smiled and said:

"Speak up kid, what's your question? Let daddy answer it for you!"

The little soldier turned red, and slowly said:

"I'm thinking... if these bugs will go underground, why do they voluntarily run to the ground to let the plane bomb them? If... I mean if the bugs go directly from If we dive into our camp underground, wouldn’t we die miserably? And the planes can’t use their firepower to support us. They can’t blow up with their own people, right? So I wonder if there’s a possibility. The big bugs just now are just to attract our attention. Actually, under our feet, they are already ready to go?"

The little soldier's words made the surrounding quickly quiet, and the soldiers' faces became a little pale. .

Ten seconds later, a soldier squeezed out a smile and said: "Haha, how is this possible, Crow's Mouth

However, when he was only halfway through his words, he realized that everyone around him was not smiling, so he couldn't speak anymore.

Finally, a group leader who was sitting nearby smoking a cigarette stood up and said: "Quick! Report the question that this kid just said to the group leader, and at the same time ask someone to set up a ground iron net, which is used every ten meters. Squeeze the iron plate! Hurry up, let's all act!"

The soldiers listened to the instructions and acted quickly. No one paid any attention to the soldier who first thought of this level.

Louis XVIII's brigade was only a few hundred meters away from them. He frowned slightly when he saw the soldiers laying the ground net. After that, he quickly figured out the story, and couldn't help being shocked in a cold sweat.

He no longer had the mind to reprimand Qin Le, and he didn’t care about how he survived the storm. Instead, he let the soldiers on his side start laying ground nets, and at the same time let the messengers spread the news to other defenses. Platform, let them be careful of attacks from the underground.

When Nan Yulin received the news, he actually thought of this question, so even if his order was given!

All the people in the whole group started to move. It was a race against time. It took seven minutes to lay the ground nets woven from stainless steel. These so-called ground nets are much heavier than the body wire nets on the side, and they are very It is tough and not easy to break.

Lu Ya and Gong Xue noticed the changes in the camp, and immediately understood what the anxiety in their hearts was!

Yes, since earth dragons can enter the ground, of course they can directly raid directly into the barracks position directly from the underground, so how to deal with the attack from the underground? Both are worried!

Gong Xue controlled all the clones to enter the camp, while Lu Ya hovered over the camp, ready to fight, as did all the soldiers.

At this time, the six poisonous dragons had also returned to the voyage, the large insects that could be seen on the ground were almost dead, and the group of fifty thousand corpses were also wiped out by the fire snake's attack.

The battle is temporarily over, but everyone's nerves are beginning to be highly nervous, I don't know if they will experience a more tragic fight next time.

Suddenly, a bright light appeared at a height of 100 meters above the ground, and then a light ball with a diameter of ten meters suddenly appeared.

When it appeared, Lu Ya was beside it, so she was taken aback.

Is this the gate of time and space?

Lu Ya reacted quickly, and Gong Xue on the ground was also dumbfounded.

what's the situation? It is still uncertain whether there is any danger in the underground, and the Space-Time Gate has also come out to make trouble? What kind of plane!

After the shock of the two men and all the soldiers, the space-time gate slowly disappeared. This time, the space-time gate was a bit special, because it did not run out of the monster like the blood bone clan, but after the time-space gate disappeared, it was in its original state. A silver-white metal block appeared at the position of, which looked like an Ouchi guard waist card played in a TV series, except that it was filled with some strange text symbols.

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