Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1050: Ignored Eyes

"what's up?"

Rong Rong was very puzzled by Qiu Jinse's behavior at this time, so she hoped Qin An could help him.

"I joined Qiao Feng's team after leaving from Xuanjian City. I have always felt that there is something wrong with Qiao Feng. I believe that the dumb girl feels the same as me. But now from the behavior of the dumb girl, it seems that she has discovered something Things that made her have to make some arrangements here

After a little pondering, Qin An continued:

"We met Xu Jun's team in the morning. At that time, Chen Xiong stopped our car, and after we got down, he said some faulty things. Qiao Feng retorted casually, and Chen Xiong slapped him in the face? Do you remember? Is Qiao Feng's expression at that time?"

"You don't need to test me, you know I can remember me, he was shocked at the time

"Yes! Just shocked, not angry or humiliated! Why should he be shocked? A big man was beaten for no reason, shouldn't he show some resentment? But at that time Qiao Feng was just shocked from beginning to end! After that, Qiao Feng offered to leave, but Chen Xiong said that other people could leave, only the dumb girl would stay! What did you think at that time?"

"What else can I think? Thinking of him as a pervert, wanting to molest the little girl!"

"Hey, I think so too. After saying that, Chen Xiong stretched out his hand to touch the face of the dumb girl. I felt very angry, so I ignored one little thing here. That was Chen at the time. Xiong looked at the dumb girl's eyes, there was not much lust in them, at least compared with the Meng Kaixuan in the team, his eyes were too upright! How could there be no desire in his eyes for a man who wants to molest a woman? What? I think there is a possibility in this, Chen Xiong actually has another purpose for Qiu Jinse, and it is not that he wants to molest her!

If I did not find the Daughter of Sin at that time, and the dark ones were not encircling and attacking, maybe things would develop on another path. ,

If I didn't ask you to inject them with TC virus inhibitors after that, if they didn't have the ability to die, I always feel that things are not that suspicious, but when you think about it, there are puzzles everywhere!

I have been with Qiao Feng for a few days. He is considered a qualified squad leader. I don't think how weak he is. Why is he not bloody today? There was no response after being beaten, and now that I am near the Yahoo team camp and not going to meet up, is it really just that I am afraid of violating the regulations and afraid of offending the five members of Xu Jun? Could it be that he deliberately didn't want to go back?

And Chen Xiong, the slap that slapped Qiao Feng in the morning, was so unreasonable, so sudden, as if he hated Qiao Feng very much! But it happened that they had been together for the whole night, but Chen Xiong never had any intersection with Qiao Feng. Instead, he kept walking around the dumb girl. He was such a brazen person? If you don't have any good or evil preferences for Qiao Feng, would you go to beat him for no reason?

Hey, still that sentence, think over and over again, these so-called doubts are actually not very good... But why is the reaction of the dumb girl so intense? She was assassinated when she was a teenager, and she should have experienced something like this afterwards, so she developed a sensitivity to danger!

Then she must feel that she is very dangerous to do such a thing at this time, she is creating a retreat for herself! What did she find? "

Even Qin An couldn't understand it now, let alone Qiu Jinse.

"Okay, okay! Don’t guess, the head hurts, just watch! Anyway, let’s watch a night show if you’re here, no one else can hurt your dumb girl! If you’re tired, you can sleep for a while, I'm calling you when it comes to climax!"

Qin An stretched his brows and smiled slightly: "I'm not tired. I ran a lot of places in a rapid state in the afternoon. The power of the sword god did consume a bit, but sitting here now is equivalent to resting. As you said, since I want to If you don’t understand, let’s watch. I don’t know what scene the dumb girl will perform in this small forest tonight! Also, she is her and I am me. What is my dumb girl? I have nothing to do with her!"

Rong Rong curled her lips and was not talking. She focused her attention completely on Qiu Jinse. At this time, she had dug three more traps and was about to dug the fifth one.

very tired! really tired!

When people's muscles are tense, they will get tired faster, and Qiu Jinse is in the most tense state at this time.

But no matter how tired Qiu Jinse was, she didn't dare to stop, because she found two things that she couldn't understand!

In the morning, Qiao Feng was beaten by Chen Xiong, his face was clearly swollen, but by two o'clock in the afternoon, his face was swollen, as if he had never been injured!

Qiao Feng is not an upgrader, how can he recover so fast?

Qiu Jinse concluded that either Qiao Feng had hidden his strength, or Chen Xiong had a problem with his hand!

Qiu Jinse has been thinking about this matter, but still can't understand it.

So after dinner in the evening, Qiu Jinse saw the second strange thing that shocked her, that was when Qiao Feng and Chen Xiong passed by, Qiao Feng touched the back of Chen Xiong's hand with his palm! After that... the back of Chen Xiong's hand swelled up!

How can an upgrader's hand be swollen after being touched? Does the upgraded person also have skin allergies?

After thinking quickly, Qiu Jinse remembered a strange apocalyptic medicinal material, which is called "Ningfucao"!

It is very common to use skincare. It is one of the main raw materials of cosmetics after the end of the world. After applying these cosmetics containing skincare to the skin, the skin will become a little red and swollen, usually within one or two hours. The inside will subside, and then the skin will become very good, white and fat.

If the skin is applied directly to the skin, the skin can also be improved, but because the concentration of the drug is too high, the skin will be swollen, even if the skin of the upgraded person encounters the skin of the skin, it will also swell It's up, because Ningfu grass is an upgraded plant in the end times, which also contains T virus derivatives.

Then during the day Chen Xiong beat Qiao Feng, Qiao Feng's face was swollen, and two hours later, he recovered as well as before.

That is to say, if Chen Xiong's hand spits on the skin grass juice at that time, it can indeed make Qiao Feng's face change like this before and after.

At night, Qiao Feng used the same method to make Chen Xiong's hand swollen!

why is that?

What Qiu Jinse can think of is that these two people originally knew each other! They are using a secret way to communicate certain information!

Why is it so? Why do they know each other?

Qiu Jinse remembered the look in Chen Xiong's own eyes during the day! He wanted to reach out his hand and touch Own's face, his tone was full of molesting, but in his eyes... there seemed to be a trace of killing intent! Not erotic?

OMG! She didn't even notice it at the time?

Could it be that the woman's men didn't want to let her go? Their masters have been dead for five years, and they have also been in prison for five years! Why would they still want to attack themselves?

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