Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1052 Blood Rose

Qin An turned to look at Qiu Jinse again.

This... This clever and stupid woman, since she has found something, why didn't she run away? Does she really think she can deal with upgraded people again and again by means of own?

If the other party is not careful, it is still possible, but Chen Xiong and others are obviously careful enough, and they should also understand Qiu Jinse's ability. Under this circumstance, Qiu Jinse didn't have any chance at all, and the final outcome of staying and fighting could only be death! Is she living enough?

Qiu Jinse naturally didn't know that she had been described as a stupid woman. She was still stubbornly arranging the organs, hurried but not panicked, but the sweat on her forehead was getting more and more flowing.

Qin An sighed softly, and then he muttered and said, "Rongrong, if a dumb girl encounters a danger, go out and help her solve it. Then he said that you saved her the first few times! Also, you just Saying that own identity is a victim, your parents were killed by the people in black organization before the end of the world, so you have been tracking the whereabouts of the Eleven Shadows these years, the purpose is to kill them all and give revenge to the own parents I want you to use this reason to make friends with Qiu Jinse, and then ask her the truth about the case five years ago and all the things she had experienced before!"

After saying this, Qin An quickly told Rong Rong about the people in black organization and Tian Yue'e. Rong Rong was dumbfounded. After a long time, he said:

"Well, this poor chick should indeed have someone to talk to, wrap it around me!"

Qin An nodded, then suddenly turned his head to look at Qu Xiaoman's tent, he heard the sound of the bullet being loaded!

Qu Xiaoman was opening the curtain of the tent and walking outside. She took a circle in the nearby woods and finally found a good position to stand.

It’s almost three hundred meters away from Qiu Jinse. Although there are many trees blocking it, Qu Xiaoman can occasionally see Qiu Jinse showing her head. Although she can’t really see what she is doing, the eagle eye is enough to make her. With the gun in his hand, through a little space in the gap between the trees, he shot Qiu Jinse to death!

Exhaling a breath, Qu Xiaoman raised the gun in his hand and began to find the best shooting point.

Qin An was really stunned when he saw this situation. He didn't expect that it was not Chen Xiong and Zhang Hailiang who did it first, but Qu Xiaoman!

It seems that Xu Jun’s five-member Upgrader team should all be killers!

The corner of Qin An's mouth raised a slight curve, and he closed his eyes slightly and stopped looking at Qu Xiaoman.

Three minutes later, Qu Xiaoman finally seized the opportunity, and a bullet flew with a gunshot!

The bullet's speed has reached the extreme, it passed through dozens of big trees, avoided all the branches and leaves, and was about to shoot into the back of Qiu Jinse's head!

Qin An's heart moved slightly, and the airborne transmission ability was activated. The bullet disappeared in an instant, and then appeared in front of Qiu Jinse, shooting into a big tree and exploding.

Qu Xiaoman opened his eyes wide, and couldn't believe that his own shot turned out to be...Is it missed?

With the sound of her gunshots, Chen Xiong and Zhang Hailiang moved quickly, and the blood sacrificed their respective parasitic beasts and rushed in the direction where the bullet went. That is to say, Qu Xiaoman's shot was not only a signal to start an attack, but also a quick attack. Find the guide signs for the location of Qiu Jinse.

At this moment, Qiu Jinse could finally be sure that these people really came to kill her!

Biting his lip vigorously, Qiu Jinse quickly put the pig-killing knife on his waist, and then climbed up a big tree with a height of fifteen meters.

When she climbed to the top of the tree, Chen Xiong and his upgraded wolf beast had arrived.

The giant wolf is five meters tall and eight or nine meters long. The muscles on the body are very strong. When running, some thin trees were directly knocked down!

Rongrong shook her head sadly, and said to Qin An in her heart: "This girl is so pitiful, how can an ordinary person compete with an upgraded person who sacrificed a parasitic beast in blood? Even if you see her kill two fifths with your own eyes. -Level Upgrader, it was just an accident! The strength gap is too big, after all, it is impossible to pull down a level to fight, am I going to make a move?"

Qin An frowned and nodded, then shook his head again.

"Let's take a look, since the dumb girl has been busy for most of the day, she can't let all her institutions go to waste, right?"

Rong Rong glanced at Qin An in surprise, then whispered:

"Although you are an easy-going person who tends to be soft-hearted to women, it's really rare to pet a woman like this at the moment."

"I'm petting a dumb girl? Why do you say that?"

Qin An was very depressed to defend, but Rong Rong stopped paying attention to him, but watched the battle intently.

Below, Qiu Jinse understood the situation he was facing.

Against the fast-moving Chen Xiong and the upgraded wolf with super defensive power, her marksmanship is temporarily useless.

Then the first bomb!

When Qiu Jinse thought of it, he had touched the remote control button, and Chen Xiong's feet immediately made a loud noise.

"Fuck, there is a bomb!"

Chen Xiong moved quickly to avoid him, Zhang Hailiang rushed over from behind, and the palm of his hand evolved into a half-meter-long square tortoise shield, blocking Chen Xiong's side. The two-meter-long upgraded turtle stood behind them.

"This girl unexpectedly discovered that we were going to kill her? Why is there a bomb here?" Chen Xiong asked depressedly.

"In short, be careful, she has killed many of our superpower killers before going to jail, and her strength is definitely not fake!"

"Damn! I really don't know why the adults let us deal with her! I have left it for five years, how can I suddenly think of her?"

Chen Xiong's tone was a bit irritable, and Zhang Hailiang did not act rashly, because the bomb was covered with a lot of broken grass and soil, so after the explosion, the surrounding space became very turbid, and it was difficult to see things for a while.

While the two upgraded people below hesitated, Qiu Jinse had already started to move.

The kind of apocalyptic tree that is covered with rattans is called the ancient blue cherry tree. It is actually an upgraded species of the cherry tree. It grows very huge and can produce huge blue cherry blossoms full of trees in autumn.

As for the rattans, which are like tentacles, they will move back and forth by themselves in autumn to pollinate the flowers so that they can produce blue fruits called cherry blossoms in winter.

Qiu Jinse grabbed a cane, and with the help of the shaking force, he moved seven or eight meters to the side to another ancient blue cherry tree, and then grabbed the cane again and continued to move.

Her movements are as agile as a monkey, and every time she goes to a tree, there are canes nearby that she can use for her use, as if these paths had already been chosen by her.

Rong Rong was a little surprised. Qiu Jinse was now moving away from the organ area she arranged, but returned to the tent in a small circle.

"She...what is she going to do? Those institutions are no longer needed? Is she going to run away?"

Qin An shook his head and smiled:

"If she wanted to escape, she would have escaped. This woman is a goddess of war!

Some women are beautiful when they are sitting, some women are beautiful when they are asleep, and some women are beautiful when they are smiling, and this woman...she is the most beautiful when she kills, like a blooming flower with piercing blood Rose!

Look, although she may not be able to win this battle, but I bet that the other party will not already take much advantage! "

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