This kind of fusion is not the initiative of Baoyan Liuxiang, it is a passive phenomenon, and it is the result of genetic factors in our blood.

What I call closer to her is actually no distance.

Yan Liuxiang disappeared within two hundred kilometers in the first year, and they all merged with her.

Yan Liuxiang disappeared within 500 kilometers in the second year,

The third year is within a thousand kilometers,

Twenty years later, there is no other Yan Liuxiang in Fang Yuan's millions of miles, only Baby Yan Liuxiang is left!

At that time, the sword god Yan Liuxiang had become a god. After she discovered this situation, she ran to find the baby Yan Liuxiang. Because of her strength, the sword god Yan Liuxiang did not lose herself, nor did she merge into the baby Yanliu. In Xiang's body, she just killed the baby Yan Liuxiang's baby, and then all the crises were resolved.

In other words, people in our race cannot use viviparous methods to produce offspring. Once they appear, all other Yanliuxiang will gradually perish, leaving only the mother.

How can this be explained? Just like a basin of clean water, you keep pour clean water into it, it will always be clean water, as long as you mix a trace of blood into it, then it can never be clean water anymore! Therefore, the Yanliuxiang of our race can only reproduce and reproduce. Once one of them accepts other genes to create a descendant of Yanliuxiang, then all other Yanliuxiang will be affected!

Hey, something happened on the Sword Spirit Star during this time. This is actually the reason why Master Yan Liuxiang brought us together to transport magic through space!

Since the 49 sword gods disappeared, our race has experienced another crisis. Many swords will disappear inexplicably, and they will turn into Hun and Po as they walk and disperse in the world.

This is the same as the baby Yan Liuxiang incident that year, so we wondered if Yan Liuxiang gave birth to a baby unruly, so we started looking around.

But after searching for so long, we found nothing!

Now that Yan Liuxiang is almost dead, since we are the same person, we naturally have some special ways to understand each other and communicate with each other!

So I know that before we crossed into this plane world, all the Yan Liuxiang together will only have a few fifty! Isn't this terrible, we want to exterminate the race!

No, no, of course it won’t be annihilated! We couldn't find the reason before! Now that we have come to this planet, we will understand that the sword god Yan Liuxiang is here! And she gave birth to a baby!

Although we were originally not on the same plane, as a genius girl of the Xiangying ancient tribe, we are actually immune to the so-called plane space energy, which means that even if we don’t know how far apart, she gave birth to a baby. It still has an impact on us, making us die gradually. In fact, the body turns into energy to travel through time and space to merge with her!

Now, only by killing the baby of Sword God Yan Liuxiang can we continue to live!

But this is very tangled again. Imagine that I am also Yan Liuxiang, so I will feel happy when I see the baby of the sword god Yan Liuxiang, because that is also my child!

Hey... But if I don't kill her, I will disappear in the future. To be precise, the soul merges with the sword god Yan Liuxiang, and eventually all Yan Liuxiang will become a person! Then our memories, knowledge, abilities and so on will all merge into one! How terrible is this? Lose yourself!

Dumb Qin An, you are the first life form I have seen when I came to this plane world. What do you think I should do?

Oh, yes, there is actually another way I can keep my own independent soul without killing the baby, even if the body is fused with it, it doesn't matter, that is, I can get the gene of the father of Sword God Yan Liuxiang's child!

This kind of thing has happened in our history.

Another Yan Liuxiang married the leader of the orc tribe and gave birth to a baby Yan Liuxiang. Some nearby Yan Liuxiang wanted to kill the baby when they knew it, but they were defeated by the leader of the orc... After the defeat, I forced a relationship with them. Later, these Yan Liuxiang merged with the baby Yan Liuxiang. Unexpectedly, the result is that there are many souls in the baby Yan Liuxiang's body. Everyone is autonomous, of course. It can also be fused together. Anyway, it means being able to be one person or many people! If you can clone for a period of time when you have plenty of power, it just can't be long, because the clone will consume Spirit Power very much after being combined!

Hey, in the end it was the sword god Yan Liuxiang who appeared. She was a noble sword god. How could she willingly merge into the body of other Yan Liuxiang, so that baby was killed by her again!

Hmph, I didn't expect that after this damn sword god Yan Liuxiang came to your plane, he would give birth to a baby in an unruly manner!

What should I do? Am I going to find a way to kill the baby, or do I find a way to get the baby's father's genes? "

Qin Anmu is dead, completely dead!

What do you mean, the 18th-ranked sword god Xiangying actually gave birth to other men on earth?

How is this possible? Is she resurrected? Didn't find the host? Like Linger?

That's not right! Ling'er is now a human being on Earth, she just has her own original soul in the synthetic body, and parasitizes the divine sword into the body, just like other sword divine body hosts!

Seeing Qin An's silly look, the fool Yan Liuxiang frowned, and then suddenly approached Qin An and sniffed him.

" have a familiar smell on your body! You haven't been in contact with Sword God Yan Liuxiang, have you?"


Qin An raised his hand and smelled it. He smelt a fart. He ran for an entire afternoon to find the stagnation area of ​​the earth dragon, and then contacted Dong Junwei to send someone to garrison. He was so busy that he was slowly sweating. Taste, dull melon is really dull melon, and it still feels savory!

In fact, Ling'er's sense of smell is different from that of people on earth. Many people on earth find things colorless and tasteless, but she can actually smell things. This is not to say how good her sense of smell is, just because of her sense of smell, the brain The reaction center is different from Qin An, so she can do what Qin An can't smell.

"I've seen a lot of Sword God Hosts, but the real Sword God has only seen the wise and smart. As for the Sword God of Xiangying, you have never seen it before."

Qin An answered from the teacher, because the other party was sincere to him, so he didn't need to hide it.

Divine Machine Sword God? Ranked twenty-ninth on the Sword God List, a genius girl of the Shenji clan?

Oh my god, it seems that the Forty-Nine Sword God is here? "

Qin An's heart jumped suddenly, and then his face flushed. This was all because of excitement!

The idiot in front of me is a real person from the Star of Sword Spirit. Can she tell herself some secrets among the Forty-Nine Gods of the Star of Sword Spirit?

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