Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 107 Wu Zhen's Secret

Xu Tianjiao continued:

"After that, I followed Wu Zhen and left Wangyou City to a more terrifying place! World City!

There is a gathering place established by a group of foreigners who stayed in the country before the end. You can hardly imagine the horror there. They have lost any faith. It can also be said that they only believe in the killing and destruction of the end times. They have no humanity. Zombies and any upgraded beasts are terrible, they can do everything!

And Wu Zhen is the wife of one of the nine big bosses in the city!

She is a beast, a traitor, a devil more evil than those foreigners!

After I got there, I watched everything happening in front of me every day. It was better to die. I really wanted to die like this, but I just couldn’t die. I was humiliated and beaten by Wu Zhen every day. One of the most humble slaves at her feet!

In fact, the central government knows about the World City!

The government has established a large gathering place in western Tibet. As far as I know, Wu Zhen used to be a gathering place in western Tibet. But when she was participating in a reconnaissance mission, their plane was shot down by Universal City and she was also caught. After that, she became the wife of one of the nine chiefs from the lowest level slave there. She was a scheming and vicious woman!

Although the government is unable to solve the problem of zombies, they can't tolerate such foreign forces doing things in our country.

Because there are still a large number of Chinese people in Universal City who are treated as slaves by them, the government has no way to send planes to bomb it. It can only send an elite combat team of 100 people to destroy them.

However, the team sent is not their opponent, because their nine leaders are all upgraded!

In the end, the team sacrificed more than half, and the only result was that it rescued some slaves and captured Wu Zhen!

And I am one of the slaves rescued by them!

After we escaped from Universal City, we went to the meeting point designated by the government. The people in the combat team said that there would be a plane to pick it up.

But when we arrived at the meeting point, we were attacked by the forces of the World City, and they wanted to rescue Wu Zhen.

The attack caused heavy casualties. The members of the combat team survived only eight people, and the rescued slaves only survived four people. The corresponding plane was also blown up, and we were unable to return to western Tibet!

Finally, we decided to walk back to West Tibet and take Wu Zhen back.

The reason why she didn't kill her halfway is because Wu Zhen's father was an important leader of Tibet, and his order was to take Wu Zhen back alive!

We began to flee everywhere, encountering danger everywhere. We helped and supported each other, and finally got through many difficulties.

But the west of Tibet is too far away. It is almost impossible to walk across the land. We become confused and confused!

A few days ago, we arrived nearby and entered this building to look for food. We planned to spend some time repairing here and on our way.

However, what we didn't expect was that one of our soldiers turned out to betray!

Wu Zhen didn't know how to make him abandon us. He was drugged during our dinner and we all fainted!

When we woke up, everyone was dead, except for our four slaves and a member of the combat team.

He was already injured at the time, and he was in a gunfight with the traitor in a bedroom covering us.

We hurried over to help and eventually killed the traitor, but Wu Zhen had long since disappeared!

The only combat team member was already seriously injured at that time. He said that because of his special constitution and not sensitive to drugs, he woke up first, and when he woke up, the traitor was killing several other combat team members.

He secretly picked up a weapon on the ground and fought the traitor! In the end, a few of us were saved.

After saying these things, he died! Let us live on.

We were so sad that we lost our way and didn't know what to do, so we slumped in the building in a daze.

You showed up the next day. We saw your performance of killing zombies downstairs, and we knew that you were upgraded. We think that you should be the people sent by IWC to rescue Wu Zhen, because there are many upgraded people there!

On the first night of your stay, we heard the sound of fighting, and we thought that you must have done something bad to the survivors in the building, because the people in IWC are all bad guys!

We do not monitor you every day. We are not professional soldiers. We are four slaves rescued by the combat team. We only occasionally see what you are doing. Thinking of so many zombies downstairs, everyone can't escape anyway, so when the food is eaten, we will all die, so we actually don't bother to take care of your affairs.

Until we accidentally discovered from the telescope that Wu Zhen actually appeared in your team!

Others don't care, but only this woman, we can't let her go anyway!

So, we started to develop a plan to attack you!

During the period of fleeing with the clan squad, we have become very proficient in the use of firearms.

Therefore, we launched an attack on you this morning to kill Wu Zhen.

Unfortunately, our plan failed. In fact, if we have some more ammunition, we may still have a chance, but our few bullets and grenades have been used up. This is why we did not continue shooting at you later. reason!

However, the sound of the explosion shocked the zombies and made you completely separate from the thirty-fifth floor. This made us very happy.

Because you can't have too much food in a small space, that is to say, Death is waiting for you! And it shouldn't take a few days!

Unexpectedly, you are so powerful, you can reach our side from twenty meters away.

So now you have captured us all.

This is the whole process! "

Xu Tianjiao sighed long after speaking.

Qin An's shocked heart stopped beating.

This story is really incredible.

After a long time, Qin An said: "What you said is really unbelievable! Wu Zhen is a Big sis of a member of our team, and I also know another member of mine. I didn't even see that she was a big sis. Bad guy!"

Xu Tianjiao's face sank. Just about to refute, Qin An said again: "Don't worry, so let me go back and bring Wu Zhen over and let her confront you face to face! See who you lie! Don’t mind, it’s in the last days after all. I can’t believe what a person I met for the first time said. I hope you can understand it! But facts are facts. After verification and investigation, there will always be a correct answer!"

After Qin An finished speaking, he stood up and completely loosened Xu Tianjiao, and then said, "I will let you go first. Anyway, I'm not afraid of you running away. Then I will go back now. Go and let all three of your partners go! Don't! What tricks, I can deal with you easily!"

After that, Qin An ignored Xu Tianjiao, walked out of the bedroom and jumped onto the rooftop. There was some anxiety in his heart. If Xu Tianjiao's statement was true, then he would be in danger without any precautions.

After Qin An left, Xu Tianjiao, who was lying on the bed, hurriedly got out of bed and put on her clothes.

Her body was a little weak. Although she was calm just now, she was actually really scared!

She is afraid that she will return to Life in The Underworld, and she is even more afraid that after she goes back, she will be treated ten thousand times more cruelly than before!

It seemed that Qin An was really not with Wu Zhen, otherwise he would never let go of her so easily! He already has control of the whole situation, isn't he?

Thinking of the kiss that suffocated her just now, Xu Tianjiao's face was reddened, and she said to herself: This man shouldn't be a good person either, no matter what, he can't be controlled by him! At least she has to let herself have the chance to kill herself! Thinking of this, Xu Tianjiao hid a dagger in his own underwear, and decided not to go naked again. Sleep!

After Qin An reached the rooftop, his eyes straightened, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead, because he found that the fire hose connected between the two buildings was disconnected from the opposite building!

who is it? Wu Zhen? !

Qin An's heart trembled. If Wu Zhen really did it, then what would she do?

Suddenly, Qin An remembered that he let Wu Zhen live with the underage girl Liu Xia, and his heart fell to the bottom of the valley!

He stared at the 35-story rooftop on the opposite side. At this time, the horizontal distance was 20 meters and the vertical distance was more than eight meters. He wanted to jump from the 32-story rooftop to the opposite side, Qin An Knowing that I can't do it.

He still has a certain understanding of the Falling Leaf Movement Technique.

This kind of Movement Technique only works occasionally when leveling or jumping from top to bottom, so that you can release the gravity of the earth in an instant, thereby increasing your speed or reducing the force of collision when you land. It's like falling leaves.

So if you are jumping upwards, you must rely entirely on the strength of your muscles.

Qin An started experimenting on the rooftop, jumping back and forth, but after experimenting many times, he found that he really couldn't do it!

He is not a very reckless person, and he will not easily try things that are absolutely impossible to see. So what should he do?

At this time, the three rooms on the thirty-fifth floor were exceptionally quiet, and everyone seemed to be sleeping soundly.

Wu Zhen is standing in the living room. It was she who climbed the roof and cut off the fire hose connecting Qin An between the two buildings.

Luckily, there is a strong iron pipe protruding from the top wall of the roof. Wu Zhen can put the rope on it. Otherwise, at a distance of two meters, she would not be able to get up and down freely!

Wu Zhen put the knife in her hand on the table in the living room, then found a rope, returned to the bedroom where she lived, and tied up Liu Xia who was sleeping there.

He slapped Liu Xia in the mouth, but Liu Xia was still asleep.

Wu Zhen smiled slightly, the effect of this drug is really good! While eating, she quietly put the drug into the kettle without being noticed. It seems that she has successfully turned defeat into victory again!

Fortunately, when the World City was about to be captured, she took a pack of drugs and stuffed it into own's body and escaped the search by the Tibetan West Fighting Squad.

This pack of medicine saved her twice!

Wu Zhen feels that she is a person abandoned by fate, but even so, she has to live! And she succeeded, didn't she? Although she wiped out her own humanity, she survived, which is the most important thing.

She walked to another bedroom, where her Little Brother Wu Tian and Lan Yue lived.

Lan Yue slept on the bed alone, while Wu Tian slept on the ground.

Wu Zhen tied Blue Moon first, then hesitated and tied Wu Tian again.

Finally, she kissed Wu Tian gently on the cheek, tears in her eyes and whispered: "Little Brother! Big sis has sold his soul to the devil, and can't look back. You can live in place of Big sis. !"

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