"My lord, my name is Cheng Gang, I'm here to join the Qiu Jinse Squadron!"

Cheng Gang directly reported his own name. The name of the Tianyi King is indeed very famous in Western Tibet, but Cheng Gang's real name is rarely known.

And when he was on TV before, Cheng Gang was wearing a golden armor with heavy makeup. It is estimated that Cheng Gang's wife could not recognize who it was when she watched the TV, so she was not afraid of revealing her identity.

In fact, Tibet West has done a good job. It not only needs to pack the heroes of the king, but also protect their security and privacy.

Yuchi Yahoo's face turned gloomy at this time.

Although he could not see through the identities of these four people later, he was 100% sure that they were definitely not simple.

All four of them smelled of human flesh, and they couldn't be seen as upgraded if they were irradiated with the multi-colored stone ring.

But this doesn't explain much. Today's upgraded and awakened people have many ways to hide their identities. That is to say, unless genetic testing is done, the effect of the multicolor stone ring is not so great.

Looking at Qiu Jinse again, this woman opened her small mouth slightly, still looking dumbfounded. Could it be that she didn't even know?

After pondering in his heart for a while, the corners of Yuchi Yahoo's mouth finally curled up a little.

"Since the six are specially transferred from the military, please sit down! Come here, add chairs!"

After Yahoo's voice fell, a group of soldiers walked in from outside, with ten small benches in their hands!

They quickly put the small bench around the edge of the tent, then turned and left.

Cheng Gang frowned at first sight.

Is this bench too short? It is estimated that there is not even a height of ten centimeters, how can I sit here?

In the end, it was Qin Le who really felt that since the officer had given up his seat, he would go and sit down.

With Qin Le taking the lead, the others were helpless, so they could only find a small bench to sit on.

The eyes of the three brigade captains of Yuchi Yahoo's subordinates all let out the brilliance of a hungry wolf.

The three men Cheng Gang, Guo Sihai, and Qin Le didn't have much to watch, but the three women Wuma Tienan, Hongluan, and Ling'er were just as interesting.

In fact, it is mainly Wuma Tienan and Hongluan. Both women are slender and 1.7 meters tall. The so-called body is shameful as having breasts and buttocks. Although they are not fat, they are definitely plump enough.

So they sit in such a short place, their legs can't be curled up at all, they can only stretch out straight.

This allows people to see their high and crisp chests that stand up after sitting down, and the dynamic curves formed by the bends between the hips and thighs.

Hey, Captain Yahoo is really capable. It turns out that letting a tall beauty sit on a small bench can actually see so many scenery!

In fact, the three captains really wronged Yahoo.

Yahoo’s original intention is simple, letting them sit in a short place makes them look inferior, which is a kind of distraction.

There is only one meaning Yuchi Yahoo wants to express, that is, no matter what mysterious hidden identities you have, you must be obedient when you get here. He is the team captain and he is the boss!

Therefore, he never thought that after the women sat down, they would show a better and more seductive part of the body between the swaying bodies. This was really a complete accident.

After the six people sat down, the door curtain was suddenly opened again, and then two beautiful women walked in, looking silly at Yuchi Yahoo and the three captains.

The two little guys, Qin Le and Liusu, who had the first feelings, were the bricks who made a fortune!

Why are there two more pieces of uncut jade here? Oh my God, look at this look, look at this figure, what the military is doing? Yuchi Yahoo had just recovered some cool heads, and now he was in a coma again, unable to understand the military's intentions.

The two women were also wearing military uniforms at this time. One of them, a beautiful snake-body woman with a crisp chest and a full 36D, scanned the room once a week, and then lowered her head shyly.

Why are there so many people here, it's really not embarrassing to talk, she was originally an introvert, and her damn husband always said that she was the type of Mengsao.

The other woman's facial features should be slightly more delicate and handsome. She has been with big breasted female sisters for many years, naturally knowing her temperament, so she directly said:

"It's so lively here! Hello, everyone, my name is Concubine Gu Lan, this is my good sister Ye Siya, we are all here to join the Qiu Jinse Squadron!"

Everyone in the tent felt very strange when they heard these two names, which meant that they were equally unfamiliar.

No one knows that these two women are actually one of the top ten golden kings in Western Tibet. They are now the wife of Li Ziyuan, commander of the Allied Crusade Army.

And their bodies have now been parasitized with the ancient formation and the seven swords, which are the newly-appearing sword gods, and they also have a special sixth-level upgraded system.

The two women were not arranged by Dong Junwei, but were dispatched by the old chairman.

The existence of the black-clothed people has actually been known to Tibet, but they have not been caught.

After listening to Qin An’s report, they took it very seriously, so the old chairman personally ordered Ye Siya and Gu Lanfei to come here to protect Qiu Jinse’s safety, and at the same time, to use Qiu Jinse as a clue to find this hidden place. The underground organizations in West Tibet and Jiulong Mountain were then wiped out in one fell swoop!

In fact, Ye Siya and Gu Lan Fei didn't like this kind of work. Now there are two Little Sisters beside her husband Li Ziyuan, but they can't disobey the military orders.

Now that the Sword God is parasitic into their bodies, they will also have stronger strength and naturally have to share more responsibilities.

Ye Siya and Gu Lan Fei actually set off two days ago. They looked at the scenery all the way to this side, as if the tourists traveling by car before the end of the world were not in a hurry, so they arrived so late.

Guo Sihai was a busy person. After seeing the two women, he immediately stood up and welcomed him warmly, without feeling that he was actually a guest himself.

"Come, come, two beautiful women, both come to join the Qiu Jinse team, then they will also sit on the small bench like us. This is the seat that Master Yuchi Yahoo arranged for us! Hey, I don’t know what it is from. Since then, the word “adult” has become so popular. Is this a retro trend in the end times? I remember watching some costume movies shot before the end times. It seems that ancient officials like Bao Qingtian are called adults, right? Forget it, don’t worry about these things, come, come beauties, come and sit down!"

Facing Guo Sihai’s babbling, Ye Siya and Gu Lanfei didn’t mind. They had heard that ten people would come to join the Qiu Jinse Squadron this time, so in other words, besides the two of them, The other six people should be future teammates?

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