Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1075 Zhenhai Pearl

Because there are so many doubts in his heart, the arrogant Yahoo didn't make everyone too embarrassed in the end.

Of course, later Qin An and Gong Xueliang also sat on the bench. This is the bottom line of Yahoo's dignity, and that is to let all ten people sit on the coldly bench.

After that, Yahoo ordered Qiu Jinse to take ten people away. Since they all came to join the Qiu Jinse squadron, it is natural for Qiu Jinse to have in-depth communication and exchanges with them.

Yahoo, who originally wanted to get angry at Qiu Jinse, immediately sent the photos of the ten introduction letters to his own friends after everyone left. A few minutes later, the shocking news came back to Yahoo.

The friend who was guarding Dong Junwei said that one of the men was actually the Golden King of Sky Wings!

How can this make Yahoo not Meng Cheng Gang, the golden king of Tianyi? Gong Xue, the master of the gravel king sword, the divine body ability? How did such a god-tier get into his team?

So, who are the other eight people?

Yahoo deeply feels that there are many secrets hidden in this matter. Even if he is a proud character, he is not a fool. Therefore, Yahoo did not talk to other people, but continued to contact his friends and asked him to inquire about the other eight people. identity of.

At this time, the evening had passed, and Qiu Jinse took the ten people of Qin An to the edge of the camp.

She doesn't even have a tent to rest now. Hasn't she been locked in a cage for the past two days?

Looking at the ten people lined up in a row according to their size, Qiu Jinse was in trouble and didn't say a word.

With a casual smile on Qin An's face, he secretly said in his heart: "I want to see what this chick wants to do. She can speak but pretends to be dumb. Now she has become the captain of the squadron. Can't she still not speak?"

Qin An was thinking, Guo Sihai, who looked like a beating, had rushed to Qiu Jinse's side, and saw that he smiled and took out a string of light blue pearl bracelets from the backpack behind him, and delivered it to Qiu Jinse.

"Haha, Captain Autumn! This is a specialty of Hong Kong today. You see, this small pearl is invaluable! It is called Zhenhaizhu, which is taken from a marine upgraded shellfish organism. I will give you a seat to meet you, but you must accept it!"

Everyone, including Qiu Jinse, was speechlessly dumbfounded, what is this kid doing? Blatantly bribing the captain? This is too flattering, right?

Qin An raised his eyebrows slightly, because he had seen the so-called Zhenhaizhu.

The whole body of this little thing is pale blue and translucent, with a diameter of less than five millimeters. Forty-eight pieces are connected together to make a bracelet. It is indeed invaluable! To be precise, it is actually a priceless treasure. This is definitely not an exaggeration. If people know the usefulness of this small bead, they will probably be obsessed with it!

The Qiu Jinse over there took Zhenhaizhu's bracelet in his hand, obviously in an undesirable appearance.

Qin An quickly stepped forward, grabbed Qiu Jinse's hand before she wanted to return the bracelet to Guo Sihai, and then smiled:

"Captain, why don't people give you something? If you don't, you will suffer a lot!"

While speaking, Qin An moved quickly and took the bracelet from Qiu Jinse's hand and put it on her wrist.

Guo Sihai looked at Qin An in surprise, then smiled slightly, no longer caring about Qiu Jinse but reached out his hand to Qin An, the ruffled face on his face had disappeared without a trace.

"I'm Guo Sihai, have your brother ever heard of me?"

Qin An nodded slightly, and then also stretched out his hand to firmly grasp Guo Sihai.

"I heard that Mr. Dong mentioned that I was fortunate enough to meet your father when I was in Tibet. That's a real spirit!"

Qin An knows that the old chairman's purpose in arranging Guo Sihai here is nothing more than to get closer to himself. Qin An does not have the heart to fight for hegemony, so if he can get along with the future leaders of the country, it will naturally be a good thing for him. .

In front of the dumb girl, Qin An didn't think that there would be too much concealment. Anyway, if the black organization sent someone to assassinate the dumb girl, the strength of these people would soon be exposed.

Therefore, letting the dumb girl know that their background is actually extraordinary, but it can make her feel more at ease.

Otherwise, she might really have to sleep well all night. It would be really weird if people like herself behave like ordinary soldiers after they come!

"Haha, you really are Brother Qin! Brother Qin knows the beauty of this bracelet?"

Qin An turned his head to look at the surprised look in the dumb girl's eyes, smiled and explained to her: "Diligent, hardworking! Captain, don't understand my name as An Xiaoqin, wouldn't it be a female name? ?"

After speaking, Qin An turned his head and said to Guo Sihai: "Sihai, you don’t need to be polite to me. Many of us here know your identity. It’s enough to describe it as dignified. I will invite you to my house if I have a chance. As a guest in China, there are many good wines that Cheng Gang gave me! Don’t be drunk or go home then!"

"Haha, I didn't expect you to be a bold person! I was afraid that you were too dull and boring. Now it seems that we still have some fate, and we might not be able to become good brothers in the future!"

At this time, Cheng Gang came up, patted Guo Sihai on the shoulder with a smile, and said, "Relax, this kid is very easy to get along with! As long as you treat him sincerely, he won't treat you humbly! Back then I almost put his wife to sleep. Now we are also brothers? Ah!

Qin An raised a kick and kicked Cheng Gang directly. This damn kid is really familiar with him, dare to say anything!

Gu Lanfei and Ye Siya shook their heads boringly when they saw the trio talking and laughing.

What? It seems that these people are powerful people from Tibet, and they are so familiar with Cheng Gang, and their status must not be low.

Since they didn't want to hide anything from Qiu Jinse, Concubine Gu Lan felt that she didn't need to pretend.

She left alone and walked more than 50 meters to the vehicle parking area. She took two huge packages from her car and returned to the clearing where everyone in Qin'an was. The parcel weighing more than one hundred catties was thrown at Qin Le.

Qin Le was taken aback, and hurriedly stretched out his hand to catch it firmly.

Concubine Gu Lan felt even more boring, and it seemed that this thin and dry-haired child was indeed not easy.

"This is a tent, young boy, here you are the youngest, so please work hard. Can you set up a tent for the Big sis? We should sleep here for a few more days. We must make a tent. If you leak a gap and let mosquitoes get in, that would be terrible! Those mosquitoes that have sucked the blood of Big sis are likely to become upgraded mosquitoes. At that time, their bodies will suddenly become bigger and come directly to eat people! Hey, set up a tent. Later, I will get some quilt tables and chairs from the quarters of the team. There is nothing here. Big sis looks so sad!"

Concubine Gu Lan naturally made up her mind, but Qin Le didn't know, can a mosquito grow bigger after sucking the blood of the upgraded person? This is terrible!

As a result, Qin Le's face became a little pale, and he nodded hurriedly, and then went to set up a tent.

On one side, Tassel rolled her eyes angrily, but in the end she followed Qin Le in a hurry. She was so horrible that that fool was sweating so hard that she could not leave a gap in the tent.

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