
The tassel, who thinks he is extremely clever, is difficult to commit. How do you make a gesture?

"Quick, quick, one-minute time limit!" Qin Le was actually very competitive, and he hurriedly urged when he saw Tassels thinking in a daze.

"Well... the three words refer to an animal! Its neck is stretched with such a tassel.

"Long-necked monkey?"

"no no!"

"Second-level upgraded Grand Bear?"

"Oh! No, it's not a post-apocalyptic creature, it's a pre-apocalyptic creature?"

"Before the end of the world?"

Qin Le is stupid. He is a little beggar who has never gone to school. He has never received any education about pre-apocalyptic knowledge. In his impression, the only pre-apocalyptic animals that he knows are chickens, ducks, rabbits, dogs, cats, and mice. Six kinds, even the birds flying in the sky did not see the birds clearly. A minute passed quickly. Guo Sihai laughed and announced that this group had failed. The angry tassel was flushed with a smiling face, and Qin Le was at a loss. Jin said that he didn't know what a giraffe was.

It was the turn of the second group of Wuma Tienan and Hongluan.

Red Luan is a little older, born before the end of the world, and Wuma Ironman has read a lot of books with Big sis these years, so they are very calm, at least two of them know the giraffe as a pre-apocalyptic animal.

Guo Sihai delivered the written note to Wuma Tie-nan, which means that the two women chose Wuma Tie-nan to sign and let Hong Luan guess.

Opening the note written by Guo Sihai and looking at it, Wuma Tienan frowned and his face became a little blush.

This damn it, what's hard to guess, you got this kind of thing!

Glancing hard at Guo Sihai, Wuma Tienan looked at Hongluan. She did not speak immediately, but gently placed her hand between her own legs.

Her movements are actually very subtle and hidden, except for Qin An with super vision and Qiu Jinse with wide-angle three-dimensional vision, no one should have noticed.

However, Hong Luan, with a cold face, only guessed after Wuma Tienan made such a move: "Sanitary napkins?"

Wuma Tie Nan was taken aback for a moment, looked at Hong Luan in disbelief, and then nodded slightly.

Guo Sihai opened his eyes wide, and said in shock: "Oh my God! How did you guess it? Let's say yes first, no cheating!"

The cheating Guo Sihai said is naturally the use of abilities.

Hong Luan showed a faint smile, and there was such a little luck in his smile.

Qin An looked at Hongluan, this woman is naturally beautiful, but she is actually very inconspicuous, because her temperament is too quiet, if there are a lot of people in the room, maybe there will not be too much attention on her. .

Qin An actually didn't know the second person of the Wrangler, the lord of one of the seven cities of the Qin League, and had never tried to understand her.

Is it lucky to be able to guess the answer so quickly? Qin An didn't know, but decided to observe Hongluan in the future to see if she had anything special.

The game continued. With the easy clearance of Wuma Tienan and Hongluan, Cheng Gang and Gong Xue were confident.

Because of Qin An and Qin Xiaoyan, these two people have been familiar with each other in Western Tibet over the years, and they have met each other a few times when they occasionally attended their friends' gatherings.

Cheng Gang thought he was more handsome, so he actively asked him to make gestures.

Guo Sihai felt that the difficulty of owning the question might not be enough, so after more than ten seconds of thinking, he wrote a note to Cheng Gang.

Cheng Gang took it and opened it, grabbing his hair depressed.

"Um... three words! They will be poured into the pot before cooking, and the dishes will be placed after they are hot!"

"Salad oil?"


"Soybean oil?"


"Peanut oil!"

"The last word is right, but the first two words

"olive oil?"

"Gong Xue, this kind of oil was only available before the end of the world, and it was often exposed on TV for a period of time. They are all made of harmful substances, very dirty, and harmful to the human body after eating!"

"Could it be...waste oil?"

"YES! Haha, it's waste oil!"

Cheng Gang laughed, and Gong Xue was also happy because she had guessed the answer. She secretly glanced at Qin An. When Qin An found out, she could only smile at her and praised her.

Guo Sihai was speechless, and for a long time he said, "Can you guess this?"

Concubine Gu Lan and Concubine Ye Siya on one side were a little upset. Concubine Gu Lan said: "Guo Sihai, don't you always say something that was only available before the end of the world to let us guess whether it is good? Ye Siya and I are both good. Born before the end of the world, but when they were very young, they don’t know much about the things before the end of the world!"

"That is, Qin Le asked me secretly just now, what is a giraffe! I have never seen you tell him how to guess?" Liu Su finally found the Allied army and immediately protested.

Guo Sihai smiled and said, "Okay, okay, don't worry! My question is very random, and everything is possible! Then the fourth group, two beautiful adults, are you ready?"

Concubine Gu Lan nodded and said: "If you ask a question, I'll make a gesture!"

"Well, let me guess!" Ye Siya spoke in a very small voice.

Guo Sihai thought slightly for a while, then wrote the title on a slip of paper and handed it to Gu Lanfei.

Concubine Gu Lan smiled slightly after taking a look, this is simply too simple!

"Um... two words.

It's what men and women do together.

That's... what they will do after seeing the right eye. "

Ye Siya frowned, glanced at Concubine Gu Lan, and saw that her expression was normal.

After thinking about it for a short while, Ye Siya said unsurely: "Get married?"

Concubine Gu Lan immediately shook her head and said: "Almost, but not right! It is something to do after marriage!...No, it's not right, I don't describe it that way, it can also be done before marriage! Just live together, man Live with a woman!"

Concubine Gu Lan was a little anxious, sisters own didn't seem to understand the meaning of own.

But Ye Siya's face turned red!

what is this? What can both men and women do before they get married and after they get married? And you have to live together to do it...?

Could it be that Ye Siya's body trembled slightly, and then after a lot of effort, she finally spit out two words softly: "Go to bed?"

Oh my God, she is going to die of shame, although she has been married to Li Ziyuan for several years, but she and Concubine Gu Lan are still young girls, Li Ziyuan has never touched them from start to finish!

Concubine Gu Lan is really anxious now, why did sister own think of going to bed? Oh my god, the time is almost here, what should she say?

Qin An couldn't help laughing.

He turned on the perspective ability and read the words on the note. It was nothing, but it was obvious that Ye Siya wanted to get it crooked!

This smile didn't matter, Gu Lanfei stared at her angrily, thinking that this kid was very rascal, and she must have thought of something bad in her heart.

Ye Siya's face turned redder, and she glanced at Qin An quietly, and felt that Qin An must have thought of those two words!

"No, right! It's close! But it's not going to bed!"

Oh my God, Ye Siya feels like she's finished, is it really those two words? Seeing the sisters look anxious, Ye Siya decided to fight, so she tried to say it in a smaller voice.


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