Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1088 The Call of Blood

But... how did Da Bai's fighting style change? Isn't he a mad dog? Doesn't he just bite? Why do you use your fists now? And the power of his fist is too big, right? Can you smash the zombie's head with a single punch?

Liu Tian asked herself if she could do it with a fixed wall behind the head of the zombie, but if the zombie just stood there, she shouldn't be able to do it, because with a punch, the zombie would only be knocked down. How much power can it take? Smash it at once? It's like knocking on a watermelon!

At this time, a few flying zombie beasts in the sky fell and attacked Dabai.

Liu Tian almost subconsciously shouted out: "Be careful!"

And after she just yelled this sentence, Da Bai had already raised his hand and grabbed the leg of a flying zombie, and then used it as a weapon to beat several other flying zombie beasts into the air, and then swept away a number of nearby flying zombies. Ten ordinary zombies!

What a brave and sturdy Dabai!

Liu Tian was shocked, but unfortunately, she didn’t have time to think about it. Da Bai’s performance was unstable, and although he knew to protect the four small children and Weng Lan, he didn’t have much wisdom, so what he could do was limited. You have to leave here soon!

In this way, under the protection of Da Bai, several people actually rushed out of the small circle of zombies, and then hid in a stronger house in the town.

Now the town is surrounded by zombies, and all the zombies flying in the sky, it is unrealistic to escape completely, you can only hide and wait for rescue!

Da Bai did not come back. Although he is brave, there are really too many zombies nearby! They all pounced together and eventually swallowed Dabai.

After the zombies threw Da Bai down, they suddenly discovered that this old man who was just bluffing had no smell of human flesh.

When Da Bai was lying on the ground and motionless, he was like earth and air, without any human breath.

The zombies are dumbfounded. They lose their target of attack. Since Da Bai has no power to resist, it is equivalent to lying on the ground and turned into mud. Although the zombies will eat the mud, they are surrounded by the smell of human flesh at this moment. , They will naturally be attracted by sweeter foods.

So, after crowding around Dabai for a while, the zombies slowly dispersed. Although Dabai's body was bitten, he soon healed by himself. He was still the old man with white beard wearing a white coat and spotless.

Because of Da Bai’s super-level performance, he attracted all the nearby zombies, which reduced the pressure on the house where Weng Lan was located, and reduced the number of zombies around, and Liu Tian and others managed to hide within about 200 meters from Weng Lan. In the sturdy house, although there are still some zombies wandering around the house, the crisis is finally resolved temporarily!

A thunderstorm tore through the rain curtain, and Qin An suddenly sat up from the floor, sweat on his forehead!

What a real dream. In the end, he was surrounded by so many zombies, and he couldn't resist.

In the dream, was he eaten by zombies?

Sitting there for a while, Qin An shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Actually, I haven't had this kind of dream for many days. Qin An originally thought he wouldn't be doing it, but now it seems that he still can't get rid of it!

This should be Heart's Demon, right?

It was as if he could not forget Weng Lan, and the child in the dream, could it be his subconscious expectation for Weng Lan and Siniang?

I hope she is still alive and has flesh and blood with herself! Missing that woman, that's why I have this kind of expectation?

Maybe the time of the dream is the beginning of the end of the world, right? He and Weng Lan didn't separate. They lived together in the apocalypse with their children. Because they had just encountered the scene of being swallowed by zombies, Qin An felt a little sick. For a while, he didn't want to know each other again, but began to think about it.

Subconsciously turning on Super Hearing, Qin An frowned slightly, then turned his head to the side and opened the perspective eyes to look out.

In the rain curtain, Qiu Jinse was standing under a big tree, not knowing how long he had been in the rain.

She wears very little. The lower body is just a pair of black tights, and the upper body is a black tight-fitting tank top, and inside the tank top, there is even a dumb girl without a bra and a bra. Are you still drunk crazy?

Qin An got up, took out the clothes from the Interspatial Ring and put them on by himself, and then took out a large umbrella, and then teleported to Qiu Jinse's back and set up the umbrella for her to block the rain.

"It's almost three o'clock, why don't you run out of the shower without sleeping?"

While speaking, Qin An used the ability to transfer objects to transfer all the moisture on Qiu Jinse's body surface and clothes, as if she had dried her all at once.

Qiu Jinse was startled by Qin An's sudden appearance, and when she turned her head, she was startled by what happened to her again.

Did it? She had just obviously gotten herself wet, why did she dry out? There were no drops of water on her hair or body, even the tight shorts and the waistcoat were dry. "Who are you?" After a long time, Qiu Jinse uttered a faint voice with a faint bitterness.

In fact, Qiu Jinse is very lonely, both physically and mentally!

She had been accustomed to being alone for five years in prison alone, but she finally found out that she might not be able to return to the past five years when she came out and contacted people again. If she was put in prison again, she might be crazy Fall or die!

Especially when she was playing games with everyone last night, for a while, she almost forgot the identity of herself and the other ten people, and she was completely immersed in that kind of happiness.

And when she finally calmed down and remembered her identity, she drank too much and went drunk. "Say, who are you? Why are you called An Xiaoqin? Why are you called this name? Why? You feel so familiar to me? Why can you guess my mind easily like Qin Xiaoan? Why can you guess the answer to the question when we play the game? Why is my body suddenly completely dry? Why did Rongrong appear? Even if she had a holiday with the man in black, why would she protect me over and over again? Why? Why do you want to appear in my world?"

Qiu Jinse asked a series of why, waiting for Qin An's answer.

Qin An was taken aback for a moment. She actually mentioned the name Qin Xiaoan and Rongrong in front of her. Did she see anything?

Impossible, his current appearance has completely changed. After looking at Qiu Jinse for a while, Qin An suddenly realized it, his eyes were!

Although he has completely changed, even the size and shape of his eyes are different from before, but the gaze cannot be completely erased.

Perhaps Qiu Jinse felt the similarities between An Xiaoqin and Qin Xiaoan through his own eyes?

"Why don't you speak?" Qiu Jinse suddenly raised his own hand and shook it before Qin An's eyes. Her hand was wearing the bracelet of Zhenhaizhu.

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