Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 109 Unexpected Rescue

Qin An paced back and forth by the wall.

He was actually very depressed. He had always felt his own bad luck before.

But now, facing Liu Xia, this underage girl, he can only sigh inferior!

This girl is too unlucky.

It seems that something that has nothing to do with her can even involve her.

It is possible that Lan Yue did say bad things about Liu Xia in Wu Zhen's face.

The two are beautiful girls, and their personalities are not similar at all, so even if it is not because of themselves, it is normal for them to have small contradictions because of their different views on things.

Qin An heard what Wu Zhen said just now.

He didn't feel that the two women had a bad relationship because of him.

Lan Yue had always been deliberately alienating him some time ago. Is this liking his performance?

And Liu Xia is a stinky little girl at all. Although she is very mature and hot, she is indeed very wise and smart, but she is not yet 18 years old! Does she know what love is?

When I was eighteen years old, I was lying on my desk reading novels every day!

Therefore, Qin An didn't think there was any real contradiction between Lan Yue and Liu Xia, and it was understandable that Lan Yue said something bad about Liu Xia to Wu Zhen!

The crux of the problem is that Wu Zhen turns out to be Liu Xia's pro Big sis!

And this pro Big sis is not very normal at this time!

Looking up at the tense situation on the 35th floor balcony opposite, Qin An really wanted to grow a pair of wings and fly over.

At this time, Vajra and others in the other two rooms also came out and stood on the balcony.

Wu Zhen was very emotional at this time. She shouted to both sides: "You all go back to your room! If I see you again, I will shoot her immediately!"

Everyone was yelled by her, worried about Liu Xia's safety, and hurriedly returned from the balcony to the living room, never daring to come out again.

As for Xu Tianjiao and the four of them, they also saw Wu Zhen's figure on the balcony through the window in the room. They were very excited, but although they had weapons in their hands, they had no bullets! Otherwise, they will kill that woman with their own hands!

Wu Zhen was obviously so excited that he had forgotten the existence of Xu Tianjiao and others on the opposite side.

She dragged Liu Xia to look at Qin An on the opposite side, and shouted: "Qin An! No matter how great you are, you can't return to heaven! When the helicopter comes to pick you up, you must return to Western Tibet with Lan Yue and Wu Tian. My father will be very grateful to you, then you will be very good at Life in Western Tibet!"

Then she said softly to Liu Xia: "Let’s jump down from here! Below are all zombies, let them eat us up, I don’t even have the face to go to see my father, thank you for being with you anyway. I!"

After speaking, Wu Zhen wanted to throw Liu Xia who was tied up from the stairs.

In the room, Lan Yue saw the situation and hurriedly shouted: "Big sis! If you are really my biological Big sis, don't do this! If she dies because of me, I will be guilty for the rest of my life!"

Wu Zhen helped Liu Xia turn around, turned her back to the balcony, and faced Lan Yue in the bedroom through the window and said, "I am so glad there is a Little Sister! Thank you for calling me Big sis! But I still To die, or to kill her! I have already decided! And what I decide will never look back. This is how I insisted on living to the present in these last days!"

Upstairs opposite, Qin An's eyes became blood red!

Are they going to jump off the building? Then can I jump down and grab Liu Xia's body when they jumped off the building?

Too far! It's completely different from the day before! They jumped down from the same building that day, with the same falling trajectory, and because of their weight, they fell faster than Liu Xia. This allowed him to catch Liu Xia and save her.

But now, they are upstairs, and Qin An cannot grasp the best timing! The risk is too great! In the end how to do? How can we relieve Liu Xia's dangerous situation in the past?

Listening attentively, Lan Yue is praying to Wu Zhen, and Wu Zhen is crying with Lan Yue, occasionally she will be gentle, but it is more decisive, just a word, we must bring Liu Xia and die with her!

Qin An knew that he didn't have much time left, and he had to make a plan to save people at the last moment.

And so far, it seems that there is only one way left to go, that is, when they jumped off the building, they also jumped down!

At this moment, a gust of evil wind suddenly blew behind him!

Qin An's attention was on the thirty-five-story balcony in front of him, and he didn't pay attention to his back at all.

It was too late when he noticed. A pair of huge iron claws appeared on his shoulders and grabbed him, and then flew forward.

Qin An was shocked, raised his head and found that holding own turned out to be a big bird with red feathers!

Is that red feather bird again?

Qin An was a little nervous, raised his hands and grabbed Red Feather's legs, just about to resist.

However, he found that Red Feather Bird's flight trajectory at this time was raising, and the direction was the balcony where Wu Zhen and Liu Xia were standing!

He was taken aback for a moment, then he was overjoyed, and secretly said: Is this God's will? Little girl, you may be rescued by me again!

On the balcony, Wu Zhen's mood became more and more unstable. She had begun to yell to Lan Yue: "Little Sister! Don't be talking! You can't stop me, I will jump right now! If it's a hundred, just be it. I have never been a human!"

But Liu Xia in her arms was very relaxed at this time, saying in her heart: Jump! Should have died anyway! Grandpa, you must take care of yourself after I'm gone! For so long in the last days, I took you to flee, but it was actually really hard! I'm really tired too, so I want to find a safe place to have a good rest! And dead, maybe it's a good choice, right?

At this moment, one person fell on top of the two of them! He is Qin An!

Qin An seized the opportunity. When the Red Feather Bird flew over the balcony, his arms tried hard to break the Red Feather Bird's legs!

But these legs were very hard, and they were not broken by him.

Even so, his immense strength made the Red Feather Bird feel intense pain, it neighed, and then loosened its claws, releasing Qin An.

At this time, Qin An was seven or eight meters high from the balcony below, and he fell straight down, and finally happened to hit the emotionally excited Wu Zhen on the top of the head!

This smash smashed Wu Zhen directly, and his body also threw Liu Xia in Wu Zhen's arms down, pressing her under her body!

Liu Xia opened her eyes wide, looking at Qin An who fell from the sky and lay on her body, she was completely stupid!

This man! The bad guy! Isn't he unable to jump? Isn't he trapped on the roof of the 32-story building opposite? Obviously a few seconds ago, she still used her peripheral vision to see him pacing back and forth over there, she was going crazy in a hurry!

Why at this moment, he suddenly fell from the sky and saved own's life again?

What exactly is going on?

Qin Anke didn't have as many thoughts as Liu Xia. After landing, he hurriedly stood up to check Wu Zhen's condition.

This pocket-sized little witch has been smashed unconscious by his huge body! At this time, he was lying on the ground, rolling his eyes, foaming in his mouth, it was very miserable, and he was hit hard!

On both sides of the balcony, the other people rushed out when they heard the noise. When they saw Qin An was standing on the balcony and had subdued Wu Zhen, they all grew their mouths and couldn't speak.

Vajra knows the identity of Qin An's supernatural power, but he still doesn't know that the boss has this ability. He was still on the roof of the 32nd floor opposite just a few seconds ago. He actually returned to the third at the most critical moment. The balcony on the fifteenth floor!

How do you think this is a super power! It turned out that Qin An wasn't unable to jump, he only shot at the most critical moment! Really fucking awesome!

Vajra's admiration for Qin An at this time was like a continuous river.

No one noticed that Qin An was brought by Red Feather Bird!

Qin An fell to the ground with tears on her face and helped Liu Xia up, and then untied her body and asked, "Why don't you use abilities?"

Liu Xia looked at Qin An's face with straight eyes, and said stupidly: "I can't make it out!"

Qin An understands that Wu Zhen must have used the drug again, and the so-called drug is not known for what it is. It can make the ability disappear for a few days. He also encountered this in the supermarket when he killed Wang Cheng. Situation.

The rope that was unwound from Liu Xia was trapped in Wu Zhen's body. Qin An was in trouble. What should I do with this woman?Entering the living room, letting Lan Yue and Wu Tian go, their expressions were a little silly at this time, their eyes were fixed on Wu Zhen, and they didn't know what they were thinking!

Finally escaped temporarily!

Qin An let out a long breath.

At this time, Vajra, Wu Yan, and Wang Hui hugged everyone from the other rooms to this room through the path of the balcony.

Qin An told everyone about his experience last night, and everyone sighed.

No one thought that Wu Zhen would deceive everyone!

Seeing Wu Tian and Lan Yue sitting on the sofa without saying a word, everyone sighed for them. After such a thing, it might take a while for the two of them to calm down!

So how should Wu Zhen deal with it? Like Qin An, everyone thought about it repeatedly in their hearts.

Vajra suddenly said: "Dage! I heard it all a while ago. Didn’t Wu Zhen say that there will be a helicopter? Then let’s wait and send Wu Zhen back to Tibet together when the helicopter arrives, and then let the government decide. Her sin, although she has done a lot of wrong things, she is actually not bad in nature. It is not easy for everyone to survive in the last days."

Vajra seemed to be in a bad mood. Qin An knew that they had known each other before, so he could understand his feelings at this time.

Yes, now I know that Wu Zhen is not only Wu Tian’s pro-Big sis, but also Lanyue’s Big sis, so even if she made a big mistake, how can she be killed directly?

Qin An directly ordered Vajra to lock Wu Zhen in a room alone, and then said to Wu Tian and Lan Yue: "Well, no one can change some things that happen! If you can't control your own emotions, don't do it during this time. I'm going to see Wu Zhen. When the helicopter arrives, you will go back to West Tibet with her. Let's talk about seeing your father then!"

The silent Lan Yue suddenly stood up and cried: "I will not go to Tibet! There is no my father there! My father is dead, and my mother is now trapped in Wangyou City, that's it!"

Seeing Lan Yue's sad look, Qin An stepped forward gently to support her shoulder.

But Lan Yue fell into Qin An's arms and cried louder.

Wu Tian just sat stupidly and said nothing! His pass is much larger than that of Lan Yue, he has a Little Sister invisibly, and he still has a girlfriend!

Vajra sent Wu Zhen to the next room to find a room and locked it up. After returning, he saw everyone in silence and said: "Okay, okay! We have to live anyway, don't we? You see how dangerous this last days is! Being trapped for a few days, you will die every day! So don’t think too much, hurry up and eat! Especially you, Little Sister, Liu Xia, you should be the one who has the most experience, right?"

His words were originally meant to ease the emotions of everyone.

In fact, it worked, but that was not the case for Liu Xia.

Liu Xia, who had been standing there in a daze, was asked by Vajra, she burst into tears, then ran back to the bedroom and closed the door fiercely.

And the crying from the bedroom lasted for a long time.

Disturbed everyone else and the zombies in the corridor outside the door!

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