Dangerous City In The Last Days

Chapter 1104 Pear Flower Garden Yuhua Divine Sword

"After the boss heard the news, he went to their dignitaries to reason, but he was also killed!

What can we do? They are upgraded, and ordinary people like us can't beat it! In this small city, the upgraded person is Wang Fa, and we have no place to complain!

So kid, go quickly, forget about this small town and go to the east to see it.

I heard that there is a good gathering place called Tangdu in the Jiulong Mountains. If you can wander there, you may still have a chance! "

After listening to this security guard, Gu Changqing would naturally not leave. He is different from other tree elves. He has been a violent temper since he was a child. How can he survive the world if he does not report his mother-killing hatred?

So he went to the enemy's house alone, and when he was almost killed by others, he received the blessing of the fourth sword god Lingdi, and obtained the sword soul to become a powerful superpower.

The following story is actually a little simpler, a tyrannical child killed all the people in that household, and then disappeared in the twilight of the last days.

Perhaps because of Gu Changqing's growing up experience, he likes to hang around in the fireworks and willow alley all year round.

As long as there is a woman who is forced to enter that kind of place, he will often help him when he sees it.

Gradually, Gu Changqing became a prodigal son who was drunk and dreaming. There was nothing in his world except alcohol and prostitutes.

After walking for many years, he didn't even have a fixed name, because he didn't actually need a name, and he didn't have any friends until Qin An appeared.

Qin An and Gu Changqing were able to become friends not only because Qin An gave him a literary name and told him a lot of truth in life, but also because Qin An helped him establish a peaceful residence on the side of the commoner county king Sixi. So, a big harem named Lihuayuan.

Gu Changqing has grown very strong since he was twelve years old. Walking among the fireworks and willow alleys these years, he will feel softened when he sees those poor women, so his women can be said to be countless.

This kid always didn't know what to do after he had molested him in sleep, which made many women who had had relations with him returned to Fireworks Lane for various reasons after he left.

Gu Changqing is naturally a headache for this kind of thing.

Then Qin An's appearance helped him solve the big problem, and Gu Changqing would take some women back to live in Lihuayuan whenever he saved them.

However, Gu Changqing is not idle and still likes to walk around.

Those women who stayed alone for a long time will naturally be less honest. Gu Changqing doesn’t mind it at all. His only bottom line is that women are not allowed to steal. He doesn’t want to bring a lot of green hats to himself. He deliberately established an organization committee in Lihuayuan.

For example, if a woman falls in love with other men, she must report to the organizing committee, and then the committee members will inform all the women living in Lihuayuan, and then the woman who applied can leave the harem of Gu Changqing and be embraced by others. Since then, she has no relationship or involvement with Lihuayuan and Gu Changqing.

Over the years, the women in Lihuayuan have changed batch after batch, but so far there are still 138 permanent residents...I have to say that Gu Changqing is a strange flower.

And this weird thing is also a super strong.

In fact, when Qin An first crossed and entered Gu Changqing's body, he had already realized the first sword god ability, named Rainstorm Lihua!

Gu Changqing’s Excalibur was bestowed by the Lord God, and it was similar to Qin An’s situation. He named the Excalibur Yu Huajian after he understood the skills of Rainstorm Lihua.

In fact, Gu Changqing had mentioned these things with Qin An before, but Qin An was very ignorant at the time and didn't believe that there was a god in this world.

He was originally an atheist, and the only thing that felt a little efficacious after the end of the world was the Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Now after thinking about everything in a coherent way, Qin An understood completely.

My little brother, who has been in contact for many years, is actually a true spiritual sword repairer!

That is to say, he has entered the realm of strong body, has a sword god skill called Rainstorm Lihua, it should be a stronger existence than Li Guisan! If you let him face Ying Huo alone, he might not be that guy's opponent!

It’s great to meet Gu Changqing...Qin An breathed out softly. It was actually quite exhausting during this period. Although there were many people around, they were all women, and the crisis was getting worse. In fact, Qin An really hopes that there will be a few tough brothers around him to help.

People like Vajra and Liu Yuanchao can naturally help him share some, but if there are more powerful people like Yinghuo in the future, they will not be able to play any role, but they will become a burden.

Maybe I should prepare a team of sword repairers? To deal with the upcoming dangers?

So Gu Changqing is naturally the preferred player, and his own younger brother Qin Le, who now has the Tiger Crazy Hammer as a sword training tool, should become stronger in the future. And who should I give the sword-practicing tool in the shape of a pig-killing knife in Interspatial Ring?

Killing a pig knife? Qiu Jinse?

Qin An suddenly thought of the best match.

So if you want Qiu Jinse to become a sword repairer, you must let her condense the soul of the sword. There are two pieces of the soul of the sword in the own Interspatial Ring. If you collect more in the future, you should be able to merge the soul of the sword into the city, right?

Thinking of this, Qin An began to wonder if there were also sword soul fragments in Yinghuo's body?

When many thoughts arose in Qin An's heart, Gu Changqing's battle had ended silently.

In the Green Sea Bar, there were blood-colored petals on a floor at this time. A Bin, Sister Xiang, Han Dong, and dozens of upgraders were all killed by these suddenly appearing petals and turned into pieces of meat on the floor.

The power of Rainstorm Ewha is actually very similar to Ewhayu of Tianju Sword God.

The Pear Flower Rain shown by Wuma Siqi pays more attention to area attacks. It can reach a wide range, and its lethality is naturally good.

And the range of Rainstorm Ewha is much smaller than that of Ewha Rain's skills, but it is actually a bit more tyrannical, not inferior to Ewhayu's skills in terms of power, on the contrary, it is even stronger.

Of course, if the Heavenly Sword God was resurrected, the effect of the Pear Flower Rain skill he displayed would be very different from the skill effect of Wu Ma Siqi.

The power of the Forty-Nine Sword God was originally weakened after reaching the end of the earth. After the Sword Gods parasitic into the human body, the Sword God ability released through the host became much weaker.

Gu Changqing, the bearded scumbag, held Jia Xiaojia sideways in his arms. Although there was a slight smile on his face, he would not be seen because his beard was so long.

"Sour Xiucai, it's done here, what else is there?"

"Out of the main entrance 800 meters, there is a public bath, where the steward is a person in black, and the previous upgraded person is from there. Go and kill all the guys inside. Oh, right, start. Don't be too cruel, leave one or two to live, someone will always report your situation!"

"Fuck, you asked daddy to dig a hole and jump into it?"

"Well, don't forget to bury it again after you jump down. Then I will set up the tombstone for you, and write that the prodigal son Gu Changqing died because of the hero's salvation of the United States?"

"Add a few words, at the age of twenty-three!"

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