In the basement, He Tianyu was crying in Shangguan Yeying's arms.

"Big Sister, it's all my fault, it's me who caused you... and the second sister!"

"Silly girl, don't worry, don't worry, Qin An will come to save us."


He Tianyu was taken aback for a moment, and then cried more fiercely.

Now she only has one chance to kill Qin An. If she was saved by him once, wouldn't it be worth it?

As he was thinking, the door of the basement was opened from outside, and Qin An's figure appeared like a ghost.

He first looked at Shangguan Yeying, and his heart trembled quickly.

This look has been haunting him for many years.

Damn Li Ying, let Shangguan Feiyan grow into such a face, why does this make him feel so embarrassed, how will he face her in the future?

Looking away from that face, Qin An focused his attention on He Tianyu, pretending to be relaxed and teased:

"Are you thinking that if you are saved by me once, you won't have a chance to kill me?"

He Tianyu is completely stupid, how can I say that Cao Cao is here? Moreover, this Cao Cao was very cunning, and she could see through her thoughts at a glance.

Qin An ignored He Tianyu, and turned his gaze to the pale green clothes:

"Queen of the Tree Elves, this is Qin An. Although we haven't seen it formally before, it shouldn't be unfamiliar? The full moon wine from our family's Wenxin seems to have you participated in it. Here is an apology for you."

"Qin An?" These two words finally awakened the over-stimulated green clothes. Of course she knows Qin An, because the tree elves of God Tree City are now in Xuanjian City.

"Well, my appearance has changed a bit, so you may not recognize it. Green clothes, don't mind, that infant fire is like a mentally retarded person, and what he said is completely nonsense."

"But he is right. The tree elves are too inferior, too selfless, and too dependent on humans. We are actually little pets raised in human yards."

"You are just too young, why are you little pets? How come I have never seen such a beautiful and cute pet like your tree elves? If there are any, please tell me. I will also get some to keep in my yard. ."

Qin An's words were of course to adjust the atmosphere.

The effect was good. The Elf Queen's green dress was stunned for a moment, and she blushed.

No matter how bizarre her existence is to the earth, she is actually just a young woman raised by humans and just over twenty years old.

Shangguan Yeying frowned slightly when she looked at Qin An's smiling face.

She suddenly remembered what happened when she first met Qin An as Li Ying.

In fact, he was quite good at joking at that time. Although he was very honest in front of outsiders, he was not at all dull and rigid in front of Big sis Weng Lan and his double.

Yes, he was originally a man who would please women. He and Weng Lan were so happy together. It was after he appeared as a stand-in that he obliterated the optimistic and cheerful Qin An.

They had been a fake husband and wife for three years. Qin An had never been happy in the three years, and Shangguan Yeying naturally knew.

Hey...Why did she be so cruel to Qin An in the first place? After gaining the power, he must want to kill him. Is it because of jealousy? Jealous of his happiness with Li Ying.

Or maybe it was because Shangguan Yeying slowly closed her eyes, and a drop of tears unexpectedly hung in the corners of her eyes.

Or maybe it was because of the mistake of that night and the child who shouldn't be born in this world!

This is a past that no one knows anymore except her!

At that time, Weng Lan had just found a malignant tumor, so she asked her twin Little Sister to replace Big Sis to be Qin An's wife.

Qin An didn't know that Weng Lan had become Li Ying, so naturally he was as good as his own "wife" every day.

In order not to let Qin An see the clues, Li Ying tried her best to cooperate.

So in fact, they had a pretty good time when Li Ying and Qin An first met.

Li Ying felt at home for the first time.

Although her boyfriend was Wang Yi at that time, Wang Yi was also a desolate human being. Two people with lonely souls were bound together to make them lonely.

But Qin An is different, Qin An is a little man at home.

He would prepare all kinds of delicacies that Weng Lan likes for Li Ying, maybe because of the relationship between twins, Li Ying actually likes the food made by Qin An, and likes it very much.

During the meal, Qin An would talk about his own small ideas and small plans for the future.

The future planned by Qin An is not divorced from reality, and Li Ying feels comfortable and yearning every time she hears it.

A kind of comfortable and stable little happiness, isn't it what she lacked most in those years? In this sense, her yearning is actually the same as that of Weng Lan, that is, to have a very stable family belonging to her own.

It's a pity that all that is actually out of reach for her, because everything she has experienced does not belong to her, but to Weng Lan!

One day, Qin An might think that he and his wife were not getting along well, and always felt that there was some gap in communication, so he prepared a romantic candlelight dinner.

He took great pains. Li Ying at the time just found it ridiculous. Qin An’s wife, Weng Lan, has been replaced by who she is now. No matter how she and Weng Lan look like, how does she deliberately imitate Big sis, between the two. There will always be some differences.

Then Qin An felt that the communication with her was different from the past, and some sense of estrangement was naturally very normal.

That night, Li Ying was lost. She didn't know why she had to exist in this family as Weng Lan's shadow, facing a man who was not her husband.

She drank a lot of wine, Qin An thought she was in a bad mood, so he drank a lot of wine with her.

So the two drank too much and slept in a room.

Li Ying didn’t know if she was in the same state as Big sis. It might be because she had drunk a lot of alcohol. Qin An didn’t notice anything. The next day she was extremely happy. Obviously he ate his own food in bed last night. It's full, and the food is delicious!

Li Ying is actually panicking and blaming herself, she doesn't know how to face Big sis!

One month later, Big sis's condition deteriorated and chemotherapy was started to prepare for surgery.

When she went to the hospital to see Big sis, she fainted because of anemia. She went to the obstetrics and gynecology department alone to buy some medicine, but unexpectedly found out that she was pregnant.

It's almost like a dream!

She actually knew that Weng Lan and Qin An had not been able to give birth to a child after four years of marriage, so how could she and Qin An ate once, and they would become pregnant?

Is this a joke made by fate with her?

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